Graduate Students
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Thompson Engineering Building,
Room 477
Western University
Tel: 519-661-2131
Fax: 519-661-3498
Fall Term Courses
Compulsory Research Course
MEng Course for non-engineering backgrounds
CBE 9112 - Design & Analysis Principles
This graduate level course is a comprehensive review of fundamentals of chemical engineering principles as well as unit operations, which are tailored to large scale applications considering different raw materials and processes. Basics of chemical process development considering environmental protection are covered. New technologies and their applications in chemical industry are presented. The course also covers design of different units exclusive to chemical engineering processes. Modeling and simulation of major units such as distillation and absorption towers, dryers, etc., using soft wares such as VMGSim and Aspen Hysis as well as their optimization are reviewed. Safety considerations and their impact on design calculations are presented in detail. Case studies are reviewed to enhance the students understanding of vision to chemical engineering.
Fall 2023 Courses
CBE 9160 - Transport Processes
This is a graduate-level course comprising momentum, energy, and mass transport. Principles of momentum transport (viscous flow), energy transport (heat conduction and convection) and mass transport (diffusion) will be covered. A variety of engineering examples will be provided to give students a feel for how momentum, heat and mass transport is applied in engineering practice and to develop an intuitive understanding by emphasizing the physics and physical arguments.
CBE 9132 - Energy and Fuel Production
This course introduces students to different process schemes for production of clean fuels from processing of petroleum and natural gas feedstock and their integration with green fuels. Main conversion strategies are described and their evolution are discussed in view of environmental and economic considerations. Integration of drop-in bio-fuels and co-processing of green crude oil/bio-oil in existing petroleum refineries is analyzed. Current trends and future of the industry are addressed.
CBE 9260 - Bioengineering & Biotechnology
This course will introduce graduate students to advanced topics in biochemical engineering. Students will be provided with an understanding of the underlying molecular biology of industrially relevant processes and will be introduced to modern techniques and practices in biotechnology and bioengineering.
CBE 9334 - Green Fuels and Chemicals
This course describes what are green fuels and chemicals and the main current or potential processes used to produce green fuels and chemicals and the main current or potential processes used to produce green fuels and chemicals. The student should be aware of the issues associated with the production of fuels and chemicals from fossil resources, be aware of the current processes that are used on a commercial scale to produce green fuels and chemicals, their advantages and drawbacks.
CBE 9170 - Mathematical Methods in Engineering
Cannot be taken with CBE 9190 as two (2) core coures (MESc & PhD)
The objective of this course is to introduce model formulation for various engineering processes, and to learn the fundamentals behind both analytical and numerical techniques in solving the associated algebraic as well as differential equations. Students also learn sensitivity and data analysis, and experimental design essential for modern engineers. The module introduces formulation of process models and necessary analytical and numerical techniques for solving the model equations arising in thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, heat and mass transfer, reaction engineering, transport phenomena, and process systems engineering.
CBE 9190 - Statistical Process Analysis
Cannot be taken with CBE 9170 as two (2) core courses (MESc & PhD)
This course is for engineers involved with experimental investigation and interpretation of data. Basic, applied statistical concepts are reviewed. Regression analysis techniques for fitting and discrimination of theoretical models are discussed. Methods for design and analysis of experiments are examined, with emphasis on factorial designs, and response surfaces.
CBE 9424 - Advanced Process Control
Course description TBA.
CBE 9361 - Biological Wastewater Treatment
This course introduces the students to the principles of wastewater treatment and pollution control, with particular emphasis on municipal wastewater treatment. At the end of the course, students should have a thorough understanding of both liquid wastewater treatment processes as well as biosolids handling, treatment and disposal. That understanding should enable students to undertake process design activities as well as pursue and explore further research areas in the field.
CBE 9561 - Advanced Fluidization Theory and Applications
This course is intended to provide graduate students with advanced knowledge on fluidization theory and technology, and fluidized bed reactor design and applications.