Artificial Intelligence Systems Engineering

program informationNEW PROGRAM FALL 2022

Western’s Artificial Intelligence Systems Engineering (AISE) program is a five year concurrent degree program, that will train today’s engineers in the required modern tools to meet increasing employment demands and maximize opportunities for graduates.

Students will be educated in the fundamentals of AI, deep learning, online learning, algorithms, and data structure to solve engineering problems. Through project-based courses and case study methods, they will learn to apply AI to problems and challenges unique to their sectors.

Graduates of the program will understand the characteristic behaviour of AI models and will be capable of providing accountability in professional engineering environments. They will develop advanced skills to ensure their models are understood and deployed safely and responsibly, while also being able to evaluate the applicability of their model’s predictions.

AI is finding relevance in all disciplines of engineering. Recent years have seen a rapid evolution of technology and an explosion of new applications and devices that are seamlessly integrated into everyday activities, producing, collecting, and communicating data about people, places, and things.

We are awash in data and faced with the dual challenge of leveraging this data to gain valuable insight while at the same time recognizing and addressing the consequences of doing so.

After completing Western Engineering's Common First Year, you can enroll in the Artificial Intelligence Systems Engineering Program by choosing one of the following options:

Chemical Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Systems Engineering

As chemical engineering advances in the digital age, the modern chemical engineering graduate will require skills to understand the interfacing of remote sensing technologies, large and distributed data communication, and autonomous operations of the chemical engineering unit operations. Examples include developing machine learning (ML) models to predict plant performance, designing drones for chemical, biochemical and environmental sensing for safety, running autonomous chemical engineering equipment and designing optimized chemical, biochemical, and biopharmaceutical manufacturing systems. The broad nature of the chemical engineering discipline with its reach from nanoscale to the large scale, from traditional areas to addressing biotechnology and the environment, requires designing process control systems based on ML and AI.


Chemical Engineering and AISE Courses

Civil Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Systems Engineering- Smart Cities

The Smart Cities program will integrate Civil Infrastructures with sensing, communication, and management technologies to create urban environment that is connected, resilient, adaptable, and geared toward achieving sustainability and the wellbeing of its citizens. 


Civil Engineering and AISE-Smart Cities and Structural Engineering Courses

Civil Engineering and AISE-Smart Cities and Environmental Engineering Courses

Electrical Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Systems Engineering

Recent years have seen a rapid evolution of technology and an explosive growth of new applications and devices that are seamlessly integrated into everyday activities, producing, collecting, and communicating data about people, places, and things. For example, smartphones are used for a myriad of purposes including communicating, planning transportation, shopping, and health monitoring. Homes are equipped with online security systems, environmental control systems, and devices that monitor energy consumption. Advances in power systems include intelligent load forecasting, power generation, and transmission; optimized integration, reconfiguration, and control of smart grids; and automation of power system fault diagnosis, protection, restoration, and security. The combined EE and AISE option offers relevant specialized courses including the application of AI techniques to power systems, communication systems and networks, and Internet of Things (IoT) Systems.


Electrical Engineering and AISE Courses

Mechanical Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Systems Engineering

Mechanical engineers use AI techniques to create complex designs and create simulations for complex, dynamic systems. In addition to the courses that are common between various AISE streams, mechanical engineering students will take courses that are specific to Intelligent Manufacturing. The courses circumscribed to this area will cover advanced topics related to the implementation of AI in automated monitoring and optimization of manufacturing processes as well as material development targeting efficient transportation to be achieved via lightweight designs coupled with low carbon emission fabrication methods.


Mechanical Engineering and AISE Courses

Mechatronic Systems Engineering and Artificial Intelligence Systems Engineering

Mechatronics and AI systems engineering combines essential components of mechanical, electronics, and AI-focused software skills required for the development of modern robotic applications including smart manufacturing, collaborative robots, and autonomous vehicles. Student will not only learn how to create intelligent electromechanical systems but also how to put these systems into real practices of future using AI techniques.


Mechatronic Systems Engineering and AISE Courses