Purchasing Process


The purchasing process for MME simulates purchasing procedures in industry.

This provides students with ‘real-world’ experience when requesting to use company funds to make acquisitions.

MME’s purchasing process is designed differently than any other program in Engineering.

The purchasing process in MME has been implemented to:

Confirm legitimacy of purchases.
Eliminate students using their own funds up front.
Preserve the integrity of purchasing procedures in relation to Western University policies and to ensure appropriate disbursement of funds. 

All students are required to follow the process for purchasing materials as prescribed by MME and as indicated on the Team Agreement.

No exceptions.

Budgets & Funding

Team Budget Amount

Every team receives a budget of $800 from the department to use for prototype expenses.

The fee that industry partners pay for projects is not available to teams for prototype expenses.

Mega Project Teams

Mega Project teams also receive $800 from the department.

Additional expenses for these teams must be paid for by the Mega-Project account and approved by their official account holder (FSAE, Aero, etc.).

Services by Donation or "In-Kind"

Teams may receive services by donation or “in-kind”.

These items are not counted towards team budgets, provided there is no cost to acquire these materials or services.

Tracking Budgets 

Teams are responsible for keeping track of their budgets.

MME Undergraduate Assistant can provide available balances & notify teams if nearing their budget limit.

Use of University Funds

Fiscally Responsible Purchases

The department grants teams a budget of $800. Students must agree to make fair, reasonable, and fiscally responsible purchases when using these university funds.

When requesting to purchase items using these funds, teams must always consider the best value for money and choose the most economical option available.

By prioritizing cost-effective solutions, we can maximize our resources and contribute to the overall efficiency of our operations.

Purchase Denials

Purchase requests can be denied.

Approvers and the department have the right to enforce restrictions due to budgetary constraints and to ensure best practices are followed.

This approach not only helps teams stay within budget but also ensures that they are making smart financial choices that benefit the organization as a whole.

Purchasing Process Basics

All items acquired using department funds must be approved in advance using the MME 4499 Capstone - Request to Purchase (RTP) Form in Kuali.

Students are not to pay for items using their own funds.

Western will use their purchasing processes and methods to obtain supplies and materials.

Reimbursements will not be issued for unauthorized out-of-pocket expenses.

Request to Purchase Form

The online Request to Purchase (RTP) Form is found on Kuali here: https://uwo.kualibuildca.com

The form is called “MME 4499 Capstone – Request to Purchase Form”.

Teams use this form to request to purchase the items needed for their project.


When ordering more than one item from the same vendor: on the RTP form under "Number of line items required for parts list", select the number corresponding to how many different items you are requesting to purchase from this vendor. This number will determine how many item lines open up on the form.

Under Description, describe the item in detail, including size (if applicable).

Under Web Link to Item, copy and paste the web hyperlink to item here. If weblinks are not provided, RTP forms will be returned to the team for modification causing delays in your orders.

Under Number of Quotes to Upload (PDF Files), the number of attachments you indicate here will determine the number of attachments you can upload within the RTP form.

Under Upload Quote, click 'Select a File' and upload your quote. Quotes are required. Where an official quote is not available, screenshots of the items and prices, or emails describing items and prices are acceptable attachments.

Placing of Actual Orders: RTP orders are placed and processed through the Engineering Finance and Stores (EFS) department after final approvals are received from the MME department. The whole process starts and finishes with the RTP form.

EFS Logistics Coordinators (Paul Sheller & Stephen Mallinson) will work with teams to ensure that they obtain the items they require.

Request to Purchase Form - Approvals Process

After a team submits a Request to Purchase (RTP) form in Kuali, the RTP form goes through several layers of approval. Any purchase that was not pre-approved in advance using the RTP will not be reimbursed. No exceptions.

Approval Process within the RTP form:

Faculty Supervisor: To approve the legitimacy of the purchase.

Technical Supervisor: To ensure that the item is being sourced from the most logical area or to suggest alternatives.

Administrative Officer: To approve the disbursement of budget funds.

Engineering Finance and Stores (EFS): To ensure item is available to order and EFS will order item(s). 

Returned Forms:

Forms can be returned electronically to the team for more information during any of the above approval points. Look out for email notifications to avoid delays. If returned to you, the team must read the reason the form was returned, revise the form, resubmit the form, and the approval process starts over. 

Team Notifications

Teams can track approvals within the RTP form. Teams will also receive email notification when the form has reached its final stage of approval and also when items are delivered and ready to be collected.

Materials & Supplies

Safety Ratings: Materials and supplies must have the correct safety ratings to be used in Canada (CSA, etc.). Engineering Finance and Stores (EFS) will not order items if they do not have the proper safety rating. 

Tools: If you need tools to complete your work, that are not part of your actual prototype, please speak to your Technical Supervisor to see if there are options to use University equipment, if available. Tools to complete tasks, like screwdrivers or hammers, should not be part of your prototype expenses. If in doubt, speak to your Technical Supervisor.

Delivery Fees: Every attempt should be made to source items locally, or from within Canada, to reduce delivery costs, and avoid import fees and exchange rates.

Returns/Exchanges: Contact Engineering Finance and Stores (EFS) to return items you don’t need & notify MME Undergraduate Assistant so the refunded item will be deleted from your expenses. Proof of return must be provided to Undergraduate Assistant.

Ineligible Expenses

The following items are not valid prototype expenses and will not be paid out of the team budget:

Transportation fees
Mileage (see exception)
Phone and data charges
Alcohol for the team
Expenses outside of your $800 team budget
Any purchase that was not pre-approved in advance using the RTP form process

Mileage Exception

Within the RTP form, you can apply for kilometer reimbursement ONLY if you need to travel to an Industry Sponsor visit outside of London, Ontario, and meet the criteria below.

The RTP form will follow the same multi-levels of approval.

If approved, the requestee will receive an email notification with the approval, and the AO will process the reimbursement of mileage funds.

Currently, the rate is 63 cents/km (effective Jan 1, 2025).

The following criteria must be met to receive your reimbursement:

Applicable only for travel to Sponsor visit(s) located outside of London, Ontario
Visit must be pre-approved by Faculty Advisor (email verification required)
Only ONE person per team can apply for kms reimbursement per trip
Starting address must be from Western University, 1151 Richmond St, London, ON N6A 3K7

Items to Consider

Give yourself plenty of time: The RTP process takes time!

Teams must prepare to ensure that there is enough time for all approvals to occur, the order to be placed, and for delivery.

Required materials should be discussed with faculty supervisors and technical supervisors during team meetings, to expedite approvals.

Operating Hours: RTPs are approved by the department during regular operating hours.

Orders are placed by Engineering Finance and Stores (EFS) during regular operating hours
Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 4:00pm
Closed on holidays and for University closures

Holiday Break: University will close for the holidays on December 25, 2024 until January 2, 2025. *No RTPs or orders will be processed during this time.*

Consultation - Fees: Consultations with production companies, tool shops, etc. may result in additional fees over and above initial quotes. If going back to a consultant for further design/manufacturing assistance, ask if this will increase the overall cost.

Quote Validity: Check the validity period on quotes to ensure that prices will remain the same when the order is placed (a minimum of 30 days).

Spend Wisely: Order only what is necessary and choose the most economical option available. Ask for donations and in-kind items, where possible.

Plan Ahead: It is best to compile a proposed materials list and calculate costs early on in your project to identify any budgetary concerns.

Final Thoughts

Be prepared. Plan ahead. Leaving things to the last minute will not work out.

Make fair, reasonable, and fiscally responsible purchases.

Make plans and have backup plans in case items are not available or delivery times are too long.

Communicate with your Faculty and Technical Supervisors.

Take advantage of progress meetings to get advice and direction.

Ask for help if you need it. 

Be considerate to those who are trying to help you through this process.

Some situations are unique, and some circumstances can be complicated, but most can be managed through this process.

At no time shall students deviate from this RTP process.
