About Us
The Wind Engineering, Energy and Environment Research Institute (WindEEE RI) was established in 2011 as a clear recognition of novel opportunities in wind research at Western related to the emergence of the world first three-dimensional testing chamber, the WindEEE Research Facility, and the potential to promote innovative research and extensive collaborations nationally and internationally.
Our areas of research target the three EEE's: wind Engineering, Energy and Environment. Main topics relate to: impact of non-synoptic wind systems (such as tornadoes and downbursts) on buildings and structures, optimization of wind farms and wind turbines, physical modelling of flow over rough surfaces, urban canopies, complex topography and forestry, outdoor and indoor air quality, and wind driven rain and snow. Also, ancillary research is conducted on risk analysis and models, power grid operations, policy, economics and decision making models.

The Institute acts as an enabler of wind-related research and industry-academic partnership opportunities stemming from the wide range of unique capabilities at the WindEEE Research Facility. From complementing user expertise to matching commercial and academic funding, the institute aims to multiply the initial infrastructure investment and continuously expand the user group, both nationally and globally.
Collaborations focus on, but are not limited to insurance, wind and solar energy, electric transmission/distribution, and construction materials industries. With an extensive national membership with more than 40 researchers from 18 universities across Canada, we also collaborate internationally with more than 30 institutions.