Smart Cities Courses

  • This course focuses on emerging topics and issues related to the impact of technology on sustainable transportation. The course also addresses the main engineering challenges to realizing efficient and green transit solutions in urban areas. The technological advances and limitations of intelligent transportation systems in active mobility are also examined. [CEE 9411 Course Outline]
  • This course is intended to introduce students to different technologies used in Smart Mobility. Special emphasis is given to how these relate to traffic operations, active mobility and road safety. We will explore issues related to impact of technologies on mobility and transportation infrastructure. The course is self contained with preliminary concepts explained in advance during the lectures. Students will learn basic Python Programming skills as they will interact, collaborate and work on topics relevant to the smart mobility and infrastructure. They will be exposed to the latest relevant research through papers readings, projects and presentations. Guest lecturers will be invited to present expert related materials, to bring practical experience to the classroom, and to promote interactive discussions on the subject. [CEE 9412 Course Outline]
  • Development of transportation networks and emerging technologies are growing rapidly for sustainable and efficient travels and mobility. This course will introduce students to the concepts and methods in this domain including basic concepts in transportation networks and minimization problems; equilibrium analysis of transportation networks; formulations of assignment problems; review of optimization algorithms; solving for user equilibrium; variable travel demand; trip distribution and traffic assignment models. [CEE 9413 Course Outline]
  • The objective of the course is for students to develop a hands-on understanding of the field of data science, with a focus on opportunities and more importantly limitations pertaining to applications in geotechnical engineering. Students will work in groups on two projects over the course of the term, which will be scoped with guidance from the course instructor. The projects will be peer-assessed by other groups. [CEE 9730 Course Outline]