Western is committed to raising $1.05 million in support of its Powder Technology Research Centre (PTRC).
The Centre consolidates and builds upon Western’s research strength in chemical engineering, specifically powder technology, nanoparticles and fluidization. The Centre’s researchers, under the leadership of Dr. Jesse Zhu, are creating revolutionary ultrafine powders that hold great promise for a variety of industrial, environmental and medical applications. Practical research outcomes for the PTRC include developing powder technology for direction application in:
powder coating (for painting cars in the automotive industry)
pulmonary drug delivery
biological wastewater treatment
gasification of municipal wastes
All private contributions to the PTRC are eligible to leverage 4:1 government matching funds. Therefore, the $1.05 million Western is raising will provide a total impact of $5.25 million in support of leading powder technology and fluidization research.
For more information about the PTRC, please contact Virginia Daugharty, Alumni and Development Officer, Engineering, at vdaughar@uwo.ca or (519) 661-2111 ext. 84209.