Climbing for a Cause - 2007 United Way Stair Climb
November 1, One London Place

Golf Retreat 2007
The WE Stair Climb team poses before they make the trek up 472 stairs

On Thursday, November 1, 2007, One London Place in downtown London was inundated with hundreds of people looking for a challenge: climb 472 stairs, or 25 flights, up the tallest building in the city and in the process raise money for Western’s United Way Campaign.

Western Engineering participated with its own team of climbers, who all made it to the top - understandably huffing and puffing - within about ten minutes. With the completion of the event, the team raised $566.00 towards the United Way.

Dean Franco Berruti, Chantal Gloor, Christine Ramsden, Paul Kurowski, Tomasz Kurowski, Maria Stachura, Jeremy Cepek, Michael Demaiter, and Brigitte Heddle made up the energetic engineering team.

After the event, team organizer Brigitte Heddle commented on its success, as well the enthusiasm of the participants.

“It very rewarding to put a team together for Engineering, because not only did we raise a nice sum of money for United Way, but it was really a bonding experience bringing faculty, students and staff together in a fun way.” she said.

This year was the 12th Annual Stair Climb, and over the course of the day 2,200 people made their way up the stairs. Teams from all over the city participated. The teams from Western started their climb at 5:30 p.m. Afterwards, they were treated to congratulations and pizza in the refreshment tent.

Western’s United Way Campaign goal this year is $500,000. For more information on the Western’s fund-raising efforts, please visit: 

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.: Becky Blue
Spencer Engineering Building, Room 2074
Telephone: 519 850-2917 Fax: 519 661-3808