N, Moss W D M & Savory E (1983)
“Wind tunnel studies on a dome in turbulent boundary layers”, J Wind
Engineering, 11, 107-119. Savory E & Toy N (1984) “A
technique for visualising the flow field associated with surface-mounted models
in a wind tunnel”, Experiments in Fluids J, 2, 165-167. Savory E & Toy N (1984) “A
simple circuit for voltage level indication”, Electronic Engineering J, 56,
41. Savory E & Toy N (1984)
“Microcomputer control of wind tunnel instrumentation with on-line data
acquisition and analysis”, Software and Microsystems J, 3, 93-97. Savory E & Toy N (1986) “The
flow regime in the turbulent near wake of a hemisphere”, Experiments in Fluids
J, 4, 181-188. Savory E & Toy N (1986)
“Hemispheres and hemisphere-cylinders in turbulent boundary layers”, J Wind
Engineering, 23, 345-364. Savory E & Toy N (1988) “A
microcomputer-controlled probe traversing mechanism and data acquisition system
for wind tunnel studies”, Microcomputers in Civil Eng J, 3, 181-190. Savory E & Toy N (1988) “The
separated shear layers associated with hemispherical bodies in turbulent
boundary layers”, J Wind Engineering, 28, 291-300. Tahouri
B, Toy N & Savory E (1990)
“Surface pressures and wake flows associated with highly curved agricultural
buildings”, J Wind Engineering, 36, 319-327. Savory E & Toy N (1991)
“Real-time video analysis of twin jets in a crossflow”, ASME J of Fluids
Engineering, 113, 68-72. Savory E, Toy N, Dalley S &
Trussler J (1991) “Wind loading on a portal frame agricultural building”, J
Wind Engineering, 38, 335-345. Savory E, Toy N, Tahouri B &
Dalley S (1992) “The flow regimes in the cove regions between a slat and wing
and wing and flap of a multi-element aerofoil”, Experimental Thermal &
Fluid Science J, 5, 307-316. Savory E, Dalley S & Toy N
(1992) “The effects of eaves geometry, model scale and approach flow
conditions on portal frame building wind loads”, J Wind Engineering, 41-44,
1665-1676. Savory E, Toy N, Disimile P J &
DiMicco R G (1993) “The drag of three-dimensional rectangular cavities”, J
Applied Scientific Research, 50, 325-346. Disimile
P J, Savory E & Toy N (1995)
“Mixing characteristics of twin impinging circular jets”, AIAA J of
Propulsion and Power, 11, 1118-1124. Savory
Toy N & Ahmed S (1996) “Experimental study of a plume in a crossflow”, J
Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 60, 196-209. Savory
Parke G A R, Disney P, Toy N & Zeinoddini M (1998) “Field measurements of
wind-induced transmission tower foundation loads”, Wind and Structures, 1,
183-198. Disimile
P J, Toy N & Savory E (1998)
“Pressure oscillation in a subsonic cavity at yaw”, AIAA J, 36, 1141-1148l. Parke
G A R, Toy N, Savory E, Abedi K &
Chenaghlou R (1998) “Appraisal of deployable dome structures under wind
loading”, Wind and Structures, 1, 317-336. Toy
N, Disimile P J & Savory E (1999)
“Local shear stress measurements within a rectangular yawed cavity using
liquid crystals”, Optical Diagnostics in Engineering, 3, 91-101. Gayev
Y A & Savory E (1999)
“Influence of street obstructions on flow processes within urban canyons”, J
Wind Eng and Industrial Aerodynamics, 82, 89-103. Savory
& Toy N (2000) “Estimation of total circulation within a plume in a
crosswind”, Atmospheric Environment, 34, 1655-1658. Gayev
Y A, Savory E & Toy N (2000)
“Investigation of a non-homogeneous penetrable roughness in a wind tunnel”,
Applied Hydromechanics, 2, 10-19 (in Russian), ISSN 1561-9087 Disimile
P J, Toy N & Savory E (2000)
“Effect of planform aspect ratio on flow oscillations in rectangular
cavities”, ASME J of Fluids Engineering, 122, 32-38. Full
paper Savory E, Sykes D M & Toy N (2000) “Visualisation of transition on an axisymmetric body using shear sensitive liquid crystals”, Optical Diagnostics in Engineering, 4, 1, 16-25. Savory
& Abdelqari A (2000) “The effect of large-scale turbulent structures on a
simple two-dimensional canyon type flow”, Environmental Monitoring and
Assessment, 65, 397-405. Toy
N, Disimile P J & Savory E (2000)
“Liquid crystal visualisation of the vortex flow field within a rectangular
yawed cavity at Mach 2”, J of Flow Visualization and Image Processing, 7, 3,
269-279. Savory
Toy N, Okamoto S & Yamanishi Y (2000) “The internal flow field associated
with yawed three-dimensional rectangular cavities”, J of Flow Visualization
and Image Processing, 7, 3, 217-229. Kolar
V, Savory E & Toy N (2000)
“Centerline vorticity transport within a jet in crossflow”, AIAA Journal,
38,9 1763-1765. Savory
Parke G A R, Zeinoddini M, Toy N & Disney P (2001) “Modelling of tornado
and microburst-induced wind loading and failure of a lattice transmission
tower”, Engineering Structures, 23, 365-375. Czech
M, Savory E, Toy N & Mavrides T (2001) “Flow regimes associated
with yawed rectangular cavities”, Aeronautical Journal, 105, 125-134. Gayev Ye A, Savory
E and Toy N (2001) “Wind tunnel investigation of a complex canopy shear
flow”, Int J of Fluid Mechanics Research, 28, 4, 484 – 495. Kovar-Panskus A, Louka P, Sini J-F,
Savory E, Czech M, Abdelqari A, Mestayer P G & Toy N (2002) “Influence of geometry
on the flow and turbulence characteristics within urban street canyons –
comparison of wind tunnel experiments and numerical simulations”, J of Water, Air and Soil Pollution:
Focus, 2, 365-380. Robins A, Savory E, Scaperdas A & Grigoriadis D (2002), “Spatial variability and source-receptor relations at a street intersection”, J of Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus, 2, 381-393. Full paper
Kovar-Panskus A, Moulinneuf L, Savory
E, Abdelquari A, Sini J-F, Rosant J-M, Robins A & Toy (2002) “A wind tunnel
investigation of the influence of solar-induced wall-heating on the flow regime
within a simulated urban street canyon”, J of Water, Air and Soil
Pollution: Focus, 2, 555-571.
Kolar V, Takao H, Todoroki T, Savory E, Okamoto S & Toy N (2003) “Vorticity transport associated within twin jets in crossflow”, Experimental Thermal Fluid Sciences Journal, 27, 563-571.
Gayev Ye & Savory E (2003) “Canopy vorticity derived from spectra measurements”, Int J of Fluid Mechanics Res, 29, 3-4, 481- 486. Shehata
A Y, El Damatty A A & Savory E (2005) “Finite element
modeling of transmission line under downburst wind loading”, J
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 42, 71-89. Kolář V, Savory E, Takao H, Todoroki T, Okamoto S & Toy N (2006) “Vorticity and circulation aspects of twin jets in crossflow for an oblique ground arrangement”, IMechE J Aerospace Engineering, 220, 247-252 Lin W E & Savory E (2006) “Large-scale quasi-steady modeling of a downburst outflow using a slot jet”, Wind and Structures, 9, 419-440. Blackett G, Savory E, Toy N, Parke G A R, Clark M & Rabjohns B (2007) “An evaluation of the environmental burdens of present and alternative materials used for electricity transmission”, Building and Environment (in press, available on-line). Savory
E, Parke G, Disney P & Toy N (2007) “Wind induced transmission tower
loads: A field study – design code comparison”, J Wind
Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics (in press, available on-line). Kolář V & Savory E (2007) “Dominant flow features of twin jets and plumes in crossflow”, J Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 95, 1199-1215. AbuOmar M, Martinuzzi R J & Savory E (2007) "Scaling of the wall pressure field around surface-mounted pyramids and other bluff bodies", ASME J Fluids Engineering, 129, 1147-1156. Dybenko J & Savory E (2007) "An experimental investigation of turbulent boundary layer flow over surface-mounted circular cavities", IMechE J Aerospace Engineering, 222, 109-125. Lin W E, Savory E, Novacco C & Orf L G (2007) "Large-scale modeling of the transient features of a downburst outflow", Wind and Structures, 10, 315-346. Full paper Hering T & Savory E (2007) "Flow regimes and drag characteristics of yawed elliptical cavities with varying depth", ASME J Fluids Engineering, 129, 1577-1583
N, Moss W D M & Savory E (1982)
"Wind tunnel studies on a dome in turbulent boundary layers", Proc 5th
Coll on Ind Aero, Part 1, pp 151-162, Aachen, West Germany, June. Toy
N & Savory E (1982)
"Investigation of the near wake region behind a dome in a turbulent
boundary layer", Abstracts of Euromech 163, pp 70-77, Lisbon, Portugal,
November. Toy
N & Savory E (1983)
"Turbulent shear flow in the near wake of a hemisphere", Proc 8th
Biennial Symp on Turbulence, 16.1-16.12, Univ of Missouri-Rolla, USA, September. Toy
N & Savory E (1983)
"Turbulent shear flow around a hemisphere", Open Forum of 4th Symp on
Turbulent Shear Flows, 4 pp, Karlsruhe, West Germany, September. Savory E & Toy N (1984)
"Investigation of wind loading on domes in turbulent boundary layers",
Proc 3rd Int Conf on Space Structures, pp 277-282, Univ of Surrey, September. Savory E & Toy N (1984)
"The flow regime in the turbulent near wake of a hemisphere", 9th
Biennial Symp on Turbulence, 30.1-30.11, Univ of Missouri-Rolla, USA, October. Savory E (1985) "An example of
microcomputer controlled wind tunnel instrumentation with on-line data
acquisition and analysis", Lecture Series 7, Von Karman Institute for Fluid
Dynamics, pp 77-79, Brussels, Belgium, May. Savory E & Toy N (1985)
"Investigation of the three-dimensional flow behind a hemisphere and a
hemisphere-cylinder combination", Proc 6th Col on Ind Aero, Part 2, pp
77-91, Aachen, West Germany, June. Savory E & Toy N (1986) "A
versatile microcompter-based system for wind tunnel investigations", Proc
2nd Int Conf on Microcomputers in Eng Development and Application of Software,
pp 415-426, Univ College of Swansea, April. Savory E, Toy N & Tahouri B
(1986) "Investigation of the wind flow around domes and barrel vault
structures", Shells, Membranes and Space Frames, Vol 1, pp 105-112, Elsvier
Pub (Proc Int Symp on Membrane Struc. and Space Frames, Osaka, Japan,
September). Savory E & Toy N (1987)
"The separated shear layers associated with hemispherical bodies in
turbulent boundary layers", Proc 7th Int Conf on Wind Eng, Vol 4, pp
119-128, Aachen, West Germany, July. Savory E & Toy N (1988)
"The wind flow around dome structures", Proc IASS - MSU Conf on Domes
from Antiquity to the Present, pp 397-406, Istanbul, Turkey, May. Savory E, Toy N & Hossain N
(1988) "An experimental study of the potential flow parameters associated
with a jet in a crossflow", Proc 1st National Fluid Dynamics Congress, pp
932-939, Cincinnati, USA July, AIAA Paper No 88-3590-CP. Tahouri
B, Toy N & Savory E (1989)
"Surface pressures and wake flows associated with highly curved
agricultural buildings", Proc 6th Nat Conf on Wind Eng, B2.31-B2.39, Univ
of Houston, Texas, USA, March. Savory E, Toy N & Wisby C
(1989) "Visualisation of the wakes of LEBU manipulators", Proc of
Forum on Turbulent Flows, 3rd Joint ASCE/ASME Fluids Eng Conf, pp 8, San Diego,
California, USA, July. Savory E, Toy N & Odell S
(1989) "Wind effects on a building of complex geometry - the Palm House at
Kew Gardens", Proc 8th Coll on Wind Eng, Part 2, pp 297-308, Aachen, West
Germany, September. Savory E, Toy N, Dalley S &
Trussler J (1989) "Wind loading on a portal frame agricultural
building", Proc 8th Coll on Wind Eng, Part 2, pp 145-156, Aachen, West
Germany, September. Savory E & Toy N (1990)
"An experimental study of twin jets in a crossflow using a real-time video
digitisation system", Proc ASME Int Symp on Nonsteady Fluid Dynamics, pp 8,
Toronto, Canada. Savory E, Toy N, Tahouri B &
Dalley S (1990) "The flow regimes in the cove regions between a slat and
wing and wing and flap of a multi-element aerofoil", Proc Int Symp on
Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, pp 355-364, Dubrovnic,
Yugoslavia, September. Savory E, Toy N, McGuirk J J &
Sakellariou N (1990) "An experimental and numerical study of the velocity
field associated with a jet in a crossflow", Proc Int Symp on Engineering
Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, pp 165-174, Dubrovnic, Yugoslavia,
September. DiMicco
R G, Disimile P J, Leuders K, Toy N & Savory
E (1990) "Three-dimensional flow in a rectangular cavity", Proc
12th Biennial Symp on Turbulence, A 13.1-13.8, Univ of Missouri-Rolla, USA,
September. Toy
N, Savory E & Paskin S (1990)
"The development of a system for real-time, full-field surface shear stress
measurements using liquid crystals", Proc 12th Biennial Symp on Turbulence,
B 15.1-15.8, Univ of Missouri-Rolla, USA, September. Disimile
P J, DiMicco R G, Toy N & Savory E
(1990) "The development of twin jets issuing into a cross flow", Proc
12th Biennial Symp on Turbulence, B 2.1-2.7, Univ of Missouri-Rolla, USA,
September. Savory E, Toy N & Tahouri B
(1990) "Visualisation of the flow regime around tandem LEBU
manipulators", Proc 2nd Int Symp on Performance Enhancement for Marine
Applications, pp 211-218, Newport, Rhode Island, October. Savory E & Toy N (1990)
"The drag forces and flow regimes associated with circular cavities",
Proc 2nd Int Symp on Performance Enhancement for Marine Applications, pp
245-253, Newport, Rhode Island, October. Disimile
P J, DiMicco R G, Lueders K, Savory E
& Toy N (1990) "Unsteady flow in a three-dimensional rectangular cavity
immersed in a subsonic crossflow", ASME Conf- Forum on Unsteady Flow, Vol
102, pp 45-50, Atlanta, USA, November. Toy
N, Savory E & Disimile P J (1991)
"Surface temperature and shear stress measurement using liquid
crystals", SPIE Symp on Optical Engineering and Photonics in Aerospace
Sensing, Vol 1489, No. 16, pp 8, Orlando, USA, April. Disimile
P J, Shoe B, Toy N, Savory E &
Tahouri B (1991) "Development of image processing techniques for
applications in flow visualisation and analysis", SPIE Symp on Optical
Engineering and Photonics in Aerospace Sensing, Vol 1489, No. 08, pp 8, Orlando,
USA, April. Toy
N, Savory E & Disimile P J (1991)
"Determination of surface temperature and surface shear stress using liquid
crystals", Proc 1st ASME-JSME Fluids Eng Conf, pp 6, Portland, Oregon, USA,
June. Savory E, Dalley S & Toy N
(1991) "The effects of eaves geometry, model scale and approach flow
conditions on portal frame building wind loads", Proc 8th Int Conf on Wind
Engineering, pp 175-186, London, Ontario, Canada, July. Toy
N, Savory E & Ahmed S (1991)
"Twin circular jets in a crossflow - A comparison of experimental
techniques", 22nd Midwestern Mechanics Conf., University of Missouri-Rolla,
pp 4, USA, October. Savory E & Toy N (1991)
"The flow regimes associated with three-dimensional rectangular and
circular holes", Euromech 276, Dynamics of the Urban Environment, pp 2,
Nantes, France, October. Toy
N & Savory E (1991) "The
drag of regularly shaped three-dimensional cavities", 6th European Drag
Reduction Working Meeting, pp 4, Eindhoven, Netherlands, November. Toy
N & Savory E (1992)
"Quantitative assessment of surface temperatures using liquid crystals and
digital imaging", Proc IMechE Conf on Optical methods and data processing
in heat and fluid flow, pp 141-144, City University, April. Savory E & Toy N (1992)
"An experimental study of the flows associated with circular
cavities", Proc 13th Biennial Symp on Turbulence, pp A23.1-23.10, Univ of
Missouri-Rolla, September. Savory E, Toy N, Disimile P J &
McCusker S (1992) "The development of the interface region between twin
circular jets and a normal crossflow", 13th Biennial Symp on Turbulence, pp
B10.1-10.10, Univ of Missouri-Rolla, September. Savory E, Toy N & Gaudet L
(1992) "Effect of lip configuration on the drag of a circular cavity",
Abstracts of 7th European Drag Reduction Working Meeting, pp 4, Berlin,
September. Toy
N, Disimile P J, Savory E &
McCusker S (1992) "The structure of the interface between twin jets and a
normal crossflow", IUTAM Symp on Eddy Structure Identification in Free
Turbulent Shear Flows, Poitiers, October, AP.6.1-6.8. Gaudet
L, Toy N & Savory E (1992)
"The assessment of surface flow structures using temperature and shear
stress sensitive liquid crystals and digital imaging", IUTAM Symp on Eddy
Structure Identification in Free Turbulent Shear Flows, Poitiers, October,
VII.9.1-9.5. Toy
N, Savory E, McCusker S &
Disimile P J (1993) "The interaction region associated with twin jets and a
normal crossflow", Proc 72nd AGARD Fluid Dynamics Panel Symposium on
Computational and Experimental Assessment of Jets in Crossflow, 7.1-7.10,
Winchester, April. Toy
N, Savory E, McCusker S &
Disimile P J (1993) "The mixing region between twin circular jets and a
normal crossflow", Forum on Turbulent Flows, ASME Fluids Engng Conf,
Washington, June, FED Vol 155, pp 163-167. Savory E & Toy N (1993)
"The flows associated with elliptical cavities", Symp on Separated
Flows, ASME Fluids Engng Conf, Washington, June, FED Vol 149, 95-103. Toy
N, Savory E, Shoe B & Disimile P
J (1993) "Digital image analysis of two impinging circular jets", Proc
2nd Int Conf on Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Florence, Italy, June, pp
425-434. Savory E & Toy N (1993) "Vorticity
field associated with a single circular jet in a normal crossflow - an
experimental test case", EUROMECH 305 / ERCOFTAC Workshop, Cortona, Italy,
June, pp 88-89. Toy
N, Savory E, Hoang Q H & Gaudet L
(1993) "Calibration and use of shear sensitive liquid crystals in
aerodynamic testing", 15th Int Cong on Instrumentation in Aerospace
Simulation Facilities, 49.1-49.6, St-Louis, France, September. Gaudet
L, Savory E & Toy N (1993)
"Roughness and riblets revisited", 8th European Drag Reduction Working
Meeting, pp 4, Lausanne, Switzerland, September. Toy
N, Savory E & McCusker S (1993)
"The penetration of twin turbulent jets in a crossflow", Proc Forum on
Turbulent Mixing Flows, ASME Winter Meeting, New Orleans, USA, November, FED-Vol
174, pp 71-76. Gaudet
L, Savory E & Toy N (1994)
"A three dimensional yawmeter for measuring skin friction and surface
streamline direction in turbulent boundary layers", Proc Forum on Fluid
Measurements and Instrumentation, ASME Fluids Engng Conf, Lake Tahoe, USA, June,
FED-Vol 183, pp 75-80. Toy
N, Savory E & Ahmed S (1994)
"An experimental study of a supersonic jet in a subsonic crossflow",
Forum on Turbulent Flows, ASME Fluids Engng Conf, Lake Tahoe, USA, June, FED-Vol
188, pp 19-24. Disimile
P J, Savory E & Toy N (1994)
"Mixing characteristics of twin impinging circular jets", Proc AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE
Joint Propulsion Conf, Indianapolis, USA, June, AIAA Paper No 94-2976. Gaudet
L, Savory E & Toy N (1994)
"Comparison of hot-wire and hot-film surface gauges for shear stress
measurement and examination of near-wall flow structure", Proc 2nd Int Conf
on Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Torino, Italy, July, pp 425-432. Gaudet
L, Savory E & Toy N (1994)
"Calibration and use of a triangular yawmeter for surface shear stress and
flow direction measurement", Proc 2nd Int Conf on Experimental Fluid
Mechanics, Torino, Italy, July, pp 433-440. Savory E, Toy N & Ahmed S
(1994) "Experimental study of a non-buoyant plume in a crossflow",
Proc 2nd UK Wind Engineering Society Conference, pp 6, University of Warwick,
September. Savory E (1994) "Report on
Workshop on: Databases for evaluating numerical simulations of dispersion behind
buildings", IMA Bulletin, 30, No 11/12, December, pp 172-175. Savory E (1994) "Report on
Workshop on: Databases for evaluating numerical simulations of dispersion behind
buildings", ERCOFTAC Bulletin 22, pp 47-49, September. Savory E (1994) "Databases for
evaluating numerical simulations of dispersion behind buildings", EURASAP
Newsletter 22, October, pp 12-19. Savory E, Gaudet L & Toy N
(1995) "Comparison of surface hot-wire and film gauges for transition
detection", Proc EUROMECH 330, Laminar/Turbulent Transition of Boundary
Layer Influenced by Free-Stream Disturbance, pp 4, Prague, Czech Republic,
April. Gaudet
L, Savory E & Toy N (1995)
"Examination of surface hot-wire and film gauges for skin friction
measurement", Proc EUROMECH 332, 9th Eurpean Drag Reduction Meeting, pp 4,
Ravello, Italy, April. Savory E, Toy N & Hoang Q H
(1995) "Determination of surface shear stress distributions using liquid
crystals and image analysis", Proc EUROMECH 335, pp 4, Image Techniques and
Analysis in Fluid Dynamics, Rome, Italy, June. Gaudet
L, Savory E & Toy N (1995)
"Laminar and turbulent shear stress measurement using surface hot-wire and
film gauges", 16th Int Cong on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation
Facilities, IEEE Publication 95CH3482-7, pp 5.1-5.6, Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base, Dayton, Ohio, USA, July. Disimile
P J, Toy N & Savory E (1995)
"The evaluation of shear sensitive liquid crystals at Mach 3", 16th
Int Cong on Instrumentation in Aerospace Simulation Facilities, IEEE Publication
95CH3482-7, pp 8.1-8.6, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton, Ohio, USA,
July. Disimile
P J, Toy N & Savory E (1995)
"Assessment of shear stress sensitive liquid crystals for high-speed
aerodynamics", Proc 2nd Symp on Transitional and Turbulent Compressible
Flows, Joint ASME/JSME Fluids Engng Conf, pp 20-30, Hilton Head, South Carolina,
USA, August. Gaudet
L, Savory E & Toy N (1995)
"Investigation of near-wall flow structure using surface hot-wire and film
gauges", Proc Symp on Separated and Complex Flows", Joint ASME/JSME
Fluids Engng Conf, pp 63-71, Hilton Head, South Carolina, USA, August. Savory E (1995) "A database
for evaluating numerical simulations of dispersion behind buildings", Proc
EUROMECH 338, Atmospheric Turbulence and Dispersion in Complex Terrain, Bologna,
pp 2, Italy, September. Toy
N, Savory E & Hoang Q H (1995)
"Liquid crystals for surface shear stress measurements", Proc 7th Int
Symposium on Flow Visualisation, pp 552-557, Seattle, Washington, USA,
September. Savory E, Hoang Q H, Toy N, Sykes D
M & Mohan S R (1996) “Boundary layer transition and skin friction
measurements in high-speed flows using shear sensitive liquid crystals”, Proc
I MechE Int Seminar on Optical Methods and Data Processing in Heat and Fluid
Flow, London, April, pp 91-100 (Paper No C516/034/96). McCusker
S, Savory E & Toy N (1996) “A digital image processing analogy to
hot-wire anemometry”, Proc I MechE Int Seminar on Optical Methods and Data
Processing in Heat and Fluid Flow, London, April, pp 469-478 (Paper No
C516/035/96). Savory E, Hoang Q H, Toy N, Sykes D
M & Mohan S R (1996) “Calibration and application of liquid crystals for
transition detection and skin friction measurements in high speed flows”, 3rd
Int Symp on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, Heraklion, Crete,
Greece, May, pub Elsevier, pp
401-410. Savory E & Toy N (1996) “Reynolds number effects on wind loads on low rise buildings”, Proc 3rd Int Coll on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, July, pp A VI 5 - A VI 8. Toy
N, Savory E & Akintaro S O (1996)
“Wind loads on perforated flat plate temporary road signs”, Proc 3rd Int
Coll on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, Blacksburg, Virginia, USA,
July, pp A V 5 - A V 8. Parke
G A R, Disney P, Savory E & Toy N
(1996) “Full-scale investigation of the wind-induced loads on transmission
towers”, Proc 3rd Int Coll on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications,
Blacksburg, Virginia, USA, July, pp BXI1 - BXI4. Disney
P, Savory E, Parke G A R & Toy N
(1996) “Wind induced loads on a full-scale transmission tower”, Proc 3rd UK
Wind Engineering Society Conference, Oxford, September, pp 167-170. Toy
N & Savory E (1996) “On the use
of liquid crystals for wind tunnel and full-scale investigation of the surface
flows over vehicles”, Proc MIRA Int Conf on Vehicle Aerodynamics, pp 8,
Birmingham, UK, October. McCusker
S, Toy N & Savory E (1996)
“Full-field analysis of vehicle wakes using quantitative flow visualisation
techniques”, Proc MIRA Int Conf on Vehicle Aerodynamics, pp 8, Birmingham, UK,
October. Savory E, Toy N & Hoang Q H
(1997) “Investigation of complex surface flow fields using shear sensitive
liquid crystal coatings”, Proc 1st Pacific Symp on Flow Visualisation and
Image Processing, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, February, pp 91-96. Savory E, Yamanishi Y, Okamoto S
& Toy N (1997) “The internal flows and wakes of 3-D surface cavities”,
Proc 3rd Int Symp on Performance Enhancement for Marine Applications, Newport,
Rhode Island, USA, May, pp 123-128. Savory E, Yamanishi Y, Okamoto S
& Toy N (1997) “Experimental investigation of the wakes of
three-dimensional rectangular cavities”, Proc 3rd Int Conf on Experimental
Fluid Mechanics, Kaliningrad, Russia, June, pp 11-15. Gayev
Y A & Savory E (1997)
“Influence of street obstructions on dispersion processes within urban
canyons”, Proc 3rd Int Conf on Experimental Fluid Mechanics, Kaliningrad,
Russia, June, pp 16-22. Savory E, Abdelquari A, Mestayer P
G & Sini J-F (1997) “The interaction between large-scale turbulent
structures and a simulated street canyon flow”, Proc 2nd European and African
Conf on Wind Engineering, Genova, Italy, June, Vol 1,
pp. 759-766. Disney
P, Savory E, Parke G A R & Toy N
(1997) “Field monitoring and anlysis of wind loads on a transmission tower”,
Proc 2nd European and African Conf on Wind Engineering, Genova, Italy, June, Vol
2, pp 1391-1398. McCusker
S, Toy N & Savory E (1998) “An
image processing approach to the study of turbulent structures associated with a
jet in a crossflow”, Proc 9th Int Symp on Applications of Laser Techniques to
Fluid Mechanics, July, Lisbon, Portugal, pp 38.2.1-38.2.8 Disimile
P J, Toy N & Savory E (1998)
“Liquid crystal shear stress measurements within a yawed cavity at Mach
2", Proc 8th Int Symp on Flow Visualisation, September, Sorrento, Italy (on
CD-ROM). Toy
N, McCusker S & Savory E (1998)
“The use of image processing for studying large-scale turbulent motion”,
Proc 8th Int Symp on Flow Visualisation, September, Sorrento, Italy (on CD-ROM). Savory
Czech M & Toy N (1999) “Influence of incident large-scale turbulent
structures on the flow associated with a 2-D canyon flow”, Proc 2nd Int Conf
on Urban Air Quality Measurement, Modelling and Management, Madrid, March, pp
83-85. Okamoto
S, Savory E, Toy N & Yamanishi Y
(1999) “The internal flow field associated with yawed three-dimensional
rectangular cavities”, Proc 2nd Pacific Symp on Flow Visualisation and Image
Processing, February, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, February (on CD-ROM). Toy
N, Disimile P J & Savory E (1999)
“Liquid crystal visualisation of the vortex flow field within a rectangular
yawed cavity at Mach 2”, Proc 2nd Pacific Symp on Flow Visualisation and Image
Processing, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, February (on CD-ROM). Gayev
Ye & Savory E (1999) “Wind
tunnel investigations of the flow associated with a complex canopy”, Proc 10th
Int Conf on Wind Engineering, Denmark, June, in Wind Engineering into the 21st
Century, Vol 1, pp 191-198, Eds: Larsen, A, Larose G L, Livesey F M, Pub:
Balkema A A, Rotterdam. Czech
M , Savory E & Toy N (1999)
“The unsteady flow and drag associated with 3-D yawed rectangular cavities”,
11th European Drag Reduction Meeting, pp 62-64, Prague, September. Savory
& Abdelqari A (1999) “The effects of perturbation on a simple 2-D canyon
flow”, EUROMECH Colloquium 391 on Wind Tunnel Modelling of Dispersion in
Environmental Flows, pp 2, Prague, September. Kolar
V, Savory E & Toy N (1999)
“Vorticity transport and circulation decay of a jet in crossflow”, Proc 8th
Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics, pp 247-250, Shenzhen, China, December. Czech
M, Savory E, Toy N & Mavrides T
(2000) “Flow regimes associated with yawed rectangular cavities”, presented
at Aerodynamics Research Conference, RAeS, London, April. Kolar
V, Savory E & Toy N (2000)
“Vorticity dynamics of a jet in a crossflow”, Proc
Engineering Mechanics 2000, pp 123-128, Svratka, Czech Republic, May. Czech
M, Savory E, Toy N & Mavrides T
(2000) “Aeroacoustic phenomena associated with rectangular cavities”,
presented at 6th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustic Conference, Hawaii, June. Savory
Toy N, Okamoto S, Mizutani Y & Czech M (2000) “Vortex dominated subsonic
flows within three-dimensional cavities”, presented at 9th Int Conf
on Flow Visualization, Edinburgh, August (on CD-ROM). Toy
N, Disimile P J & Savory E (2000)
“The flow regime in 3-D rectangular cavities within a supersonic boundary
layer using liquid crystals”, presented
at 9th Int Conf on Flow Visualization, Edinburgh, August (on CD-ROM). Czech
M, Disimile P J, Savory E and Toy N
(2000) “Aerodynamic phenomena associated with yawed rectangular cavities”,
presented at 18th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Denver,
Colorado, August. Kovar-Panskus
A, Louka P, Mestayer P G, Savory
E, Sini J-F
& Toy N (2001) “Influence of geometry on the flow and turbulence
characteristics within urban street canyons – intercomparison of wind tunnel
experiments and numerical simulations”, Proc 3rd Int Conf on Urban
Air Quality, Loutraki, Greece, March (on CD-ROM). Kovar-Panskus
A, Moulinneuf L, Robins A, Savory
E & Toy N
(2001) “The influence of solar-induced wall heating on the flow regime within
urban street canyons”, Proc 3rd Int Conf on Urban Air Quality,
Loutraki, Greece, March (on CD-ROM). Kolar V, Takao H, Todoroki T, Savory E, Okamoto S & Toy N (2001), “Vorticity transport associated with the dominant vortical structure of twin jets in crossflow”, Proc 14th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, 741 – 744 (on CD-ROM) Univ of Adelaide, S Australia, December. Full paper Gayev
Y & Savory E (2002) “Canopy vorticity derived from spectra
measurements”, Proc 3rd Eastern European Conference
on Wind Engineering, pp 27-32, Kiev, Ukraine, May. Keshmiri F, Parke G A R, Disney P, Savory E & Toy N (2002) “Numerical simulation of a transmission tower failure due to microburst wind loads”, Proc Int IASS Symposium on Lightweight Structures in Civil Engineering, June, Warsaw. Savory
Hangan H, Ma L, Roberts D & Xu Z (2002) “Microbursts: Their importance to
wind loading and their large-scale simulation” CMHC / ICLR / UWO Workshop
on Mitigating Housing Losses in Extreme Natural Events, Toronto, December. Savory
& Sini J-F (2003) “Solar-induced thermal effects on the flow in a street
canyon”, 7th Annual George Mason University Transport and Dispersion Modeling
Workshop, June, Fairfax, VA, USA. Inculet
D & Savory E (2003) “The importance of moisture penetration in
mould-in-housing research- A proposed full-scale test house”, ICLR / CMHC
Workshop on Floods In Housing: Preventing The Growth Of Mould, Toronto, June. Macdonald
R W, Kim S B, Savory E, Horie M & Okamoto S (2004) “Physical
modelling of concentration fluctuations in simple obstacle arrays”, Presented
at NATO Advanced Study Institute, Kiev, May. Naqavi I Z, Savory E, Martinuzzi R J Proc (2004) “A numerical investigation of laser heating including the phase change process in relation to laser drilling”, Proc CSME Conference, June, London, Ontario (on CD ROM). Duan Z, Savory E, Macdonld R W, Kim S B (2004) “Experimental study of a buoyant plume in a cross flow using PLIF measurements”, Proc CSME Conference, June, London, Ontario (on CD ROM). Kolář V, Takao H, Todoroki T, Savory E, Okamoto S & Toy N (2004) “Vorticity and circulation aspects of twin jets in crossflow for an oblique ground arrangement”, Proc HEFAT2004, 3rd International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, June, Cape Town, South Africa (on CD ROM). Kim S B, Slawson P, Macdonald R W & Savory E (2004) “Water flume measurements of pollutant dispersion in simulated street canyons with Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence”, Proc 8th Annual George Mason University Transport and Dispersion Modeling Workshop, July, Fairfax, VA, USA (on CD ROM) Savory E, Parke G A R, Disney P & Toy N (2004) “Wind-induced transmission tower foundation loads: A field study - design code comparison” Proc 5th Int Coll on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, Ottawa, July Savory E (2005) “Rain, moisture and mould”, ICLR/UWO Woskshop on Mitigating Housing Losses in Extreme Natural Events, Toronto, Canada, February. Kopp G A, St Pierre L M, Bartlett F M, Galsworthy J, Hong H P, Inculet D R, Savory E & Surry D (2005) “Recent developments at the “Three Little Pigs” full-scale testing facility”, 10th Americas Conference on Wind Engineering, Baton Rouge, USA, June. Kolář
V & Savory E (2005) “Dominant flow features of twin jets in a
crossflow” to be presented at 4th European-African Conference on
Wind Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic, July. Duan Z & Savory E (2005) “Water flume measurements of buoyant plume rise and dispersion from multiple stacks”, PHYSMOD 2005, Univ Western Ontario, London, Canada, August. Kim S B, Macdonald R W (dec), Johnson D & Savory E (2005) "Analysis of concentration fluctuations in a simple simulated building array using Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF)", PHYSMOD 2005, August, London, Ontario, Canada. Lin W, Novacco C, Savory E (2005) "Large-scale experimental simulation of a downburst", PHYSMOD 2005, August, London, Ontario, Canada. Hunt A G, Savory E & Martinuzzi R J (2006) "Stator performance for automotive cooling fans with unsteady inlet conditions", SAE World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA, April. SAE Paper 06HX-24. Li Z, Ryval J, Savory E, Martinuzzi R J & Blissit M (2006) "Effect of fan hub configuration on the cooling airflow through electric motors in engine cooling fan systems", SAE World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA, April. SAE Paper 06HX-23. Patel R, Savory E & Martinuzzi R J (2006) "Experimental investigation of impeller-diffuser interaction in a centrifugal compressor", CSME Forum 2006, Kananaskis, Calgary, Canada, May. Naqavi I Z, Savory E & Martinuzzi R J (2006) "Flow characterization of inclined jet in cross flow for thin film cooling via Large Eddy Simulation", CSME Forum 2006, Kananaskis, Calgary, Canada, May. Lin W E, Novacco C & Savory E "Transient simulation of a microburst outflow: Review and proposed new approach", CSME Forum 2006, Kananaskis, Calgary, Canada, May. Dybenko J & Savory E (2006) "An experimental investigation of turbulent boundary layer flow over surface-mounted cavities", CSME Forum 2006, Kananaskis, Calgary, May. Hering T, Dybenko J & Savory E (2006) "Experimental verification of CFD modeling of turbulent flow over circular cavities", CSME Forum 2006, Kananaskis, Calgary, Canada, May. Gifford N L, Hunt A G, Savory E & Martinuzzi R J (2006) "Experimental study of low-pressure automotive cooling fan aerodynamics under blocked conditions", accepted for CSME Forum 2006, Kananaskis, Calgary, Canada, May. Morrison M J, Martinuzzi R J, Savory E & Kopp G A "Vortex shedding from slender surface mounted pyramids", CSME Forum 2006, Kananaskis, Calgary, Canada, May. Kopp G A, Bartlett F M, Galsworthy J, Henderson D, Hong H P, Inculet D R, Savory E, St. Pierre L M, Surry D (2006) "The "Three Little Pigs" Full-Scale Testing Facility", 1st Specialty Conference on Disaster Mitigation, Calgary, Canada, May. Dybenko J, Hering T & Savory E (2006) "Turbulent flow over circular cylindrical cavities with varying depth to diameter ratio" International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences Congress, ICAS 2006, Hamburg, Germany, September. Dekaban M, Fotia M, Kriznic P & Savory E (2006) "Low cost, flexible UAV platform for in-situ remote sensing" International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences Congress, ICAS 2006, Hamburg, Germany, September. Savory E & Duan Z (2006) “LIF measurements of multiple stack buoyant plume rise and dispersion”, Proc 12th Int Symp on Flow Vis, Göttingen, Germany, September (CD-ROM). Gifford N L, Savory E & Martinuzzi R J (2007) “Experimental study of automotive cooling fan aerodynamics”, SAE World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA, April, Paper 07HX-56. Ryval J, Savory E, Martinuzzi R J & Blissitt M (2007) “Automotive fan electric motor cooling: A numerical and experimental analysis”, SAE World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA, April, Paper 07HX-46. E Abu-Ramadan, Dybenko J, Savory E, Hunt A G & Martinuzzi RJ (2007) “Stator and support arm aerodynamic performance for automotive engine cooling fans with realistic inlet conditions”, SAE World Congress, Detroit, Michigan, USA, April, Paper 07HX-59 Bourgeois J A, Savory E, Martinuzzi R J (2007) “Numerical analysis of an aero-engine centrifugal compressor stage”, 21st Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM), Toronto, Canada, June. Patel R, Savory E, Martinuzzi R J (2007) “Numerical and experimental analysis of a facility modeling an impeller flow field”, 21st Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM), Toronto, Canada, June. Bartlett F M, Galsworthy J K, Henderson D, Hong H P, Iizumi E, Inculet D R, Kopp G A, Morrison M, Savory E, Sabarinathan J, Sauer A, Scott J, St Pierre L M & Surry D (2007) “The Three Little Pigs Project: A new test facility for full-scale small buildings”, Proc 12th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Cairns, Australia, July. Lin W E & Savory E (2007) “A slot jet approach to large-scale simulation of convective downdraft outflows”, Proc 12th International Conference on Wind Engineering, Cairns, Australia, July. Savory E, Restorick M & Duan Z (2007) "Comparison of near-field behaviour of jets and plumes in a crosswind", Proc PHYSMOD 2007, Orleans, France, August.
Savory E, Hangan H, Damatty A E, Galsworthy J & Miller C (2008) "Modeling and prediction of failure of transmission lines due to high intensity winds", Invited Paper presented to Special Session on Network Infrastructure Performance for Extreme Winds, Structures Congress 2008, Vancouver, Canada, April.
Abu-Ramadan E, Savory E & Martinuzzi R J (2008) "Evaluation of RANS models for flow normal to a flat plate", to be presented at CSME Forum 2008, Ottawa, June.
B, Sadeghy K & Savory E (2008) "Analytical study of a
non-Newtonian free surface impinging jet", to be presented at CSME Forum
2008, Ottawa, June. Khadivi,
T & Savory E (2008) "CFD modeling of flow over elliptical
cavities with varying depths", to be presented at CSME Forum 2008, Ottawa,
June. Lin
W E & Savory E (2008) "A comparative study of plane and radial
turbulent wall jets", to be presented at CSME Forum 2008, Ottawa, June. Naqavi
I Z, Savory E & Martinuzzi R J (2008) "Direct numerical
simulation of a rectangular surface jet - Validation of results", to be
presented at CSME Forum 2008, Ottawa, June. Sauer
A, Scott J, Savory E & Sabarinathan J (2008) "The design and
evaluation of a photoelectronic mould sensor", to be presented at CSME
Forum 2008, Ottawa, June. Vratonjic
M, Savory E, Gholamreza-Kashi S, Kempston J, Horie M & Rogers K
(2008) "Experimental investigation of flow-induced shear stress on
endothelial integrity", to be presented at CSME Forum 2008, Ottawa, June.
in Books
Savory E & Toy N (1988)
"The separated shear layers associated with hemispherical bodies in
turbulent boundary layers", in Advances
in Wind Engineering, Elsevier, ed Kramer C and Gerhardt H J, Part 1, pp
291-300. Savory E, Dalley S & Toy N
(1992) "The effects on eaves geometry, model scale and approach flow
conditions on portal frame building wind loads", in Progress in Wind Engineering, Elsevier, ed Davenport A G et al, Part
3, pp 1665-1676. Savory E, Toy N, Disimile P J &
DiMicco R G (1993) "The drag of three-dimensional rectangular
cavities", in Further Developments in
Turbulence Management, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands, ed Prasad K
K, pp 325-346. Savory E, Toy N & Gaudet L
(1996) "Effect of lip configuration on the drag of a circular cavity",
in Emerging Techniques in Drag Reduction,
Mechanical Engineering Publications Ltd, 317-335.