Jan Shepherd McKee

Office Location: Spencer Engineering Building, Room 2097
Telephone: 661-2130

Canada's only Artist-in-Residence in a Faculty of Engineering Science, Jan Shepherd McKee joined the Faculty in 1988. Ms. Shepherd McKee is available to consult with students, faculty and staff in matters related to culture and the arts. Shepherd McKee is a printmaker and papermaker; her research interests include studies of indigenous plants for hand papermaking and the incorporation of new materials & technologies into artworks. Since 1993, Shepherd McKee has been a member of the teaching faculty where she serves as course coordinator for ES 211F/G, Engineering Communications and ES 498F/G, Engineering Ethics, Sustainable Development & the Law.  In 2001, Professor Shepherd McKee was appointed Manager of Undergraduate Services.

Special Projects:

Faculty of Engineering Award of Recognition for an exceptional contribution to the Faculty of Engineering.

Co-recipient with Dr. C. Dunning, June 2005

"Go Eng Girls":  Co-Chair with Dr. C. Dunning in the inaugural province-wide event to encourage girls in grades 7 to 10 to think about careers in Engineering, October 2005

"Celebrating 50 years of Engineering Excellence", organized an exhibition in the McIntosh Gallery to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of Engineering at Western, September to November 2004

Published text "Technical Communication" co-authored with Rebecca Burnett, Thomson Nelson Publishers, December 2003

Artistic Activities:

"Live Paper version 1.0":  exhibition at the McIntosh Gallery.  This exhibition was the result of continued collaboration between the Artist and Engineers at the National Research Council of Canada.  The installation was handmade paper using indigenous fibres while incorporating new materials (shape memory wire: nickel titanium alloy) and technologies into the art work in order to create subtle movement of the paper, 2004

Papermaker: Pyramid Atlantic, Maryland, 1994
Instructor and Technical Director: Faculty of Arts, Department of Visual Arts,1988-92
Guest Curator: McIntosh Gallery, The University of Western Ontario, 1990-92
Conservator of Historical Printing Presses: Fanshawe Pioneer Village, London and Middlesex Heritage Museum, 1991


Consulting Activities:

Jan Shepherd McKee, consultant to Engineers in technical communications, 2002 to the present

Associate: Atkinson Associates, consultants to engineering and medicine in communications, ethics, academic assessment, curriculum management,1997-2001
Inwood and Associates (Toronto): Consultant to the London Board of Education, 1992-93


Community Activities:

Advisory Committee on the Arts, City of London: Committee member 2001-2002
2001 Canada Summer Games:  Co-Chairperson of Opening and Closing Ceremonies 1997-2001
London Arts Council: Past President 1999-2001
London Arts Council: President 1997 to 1999
London Arts Council: Deputy Chairperson 1996
Hyperlinks: Advisory Board Member, 1996-1999
John Gordon Home: Board of Directors, Director 1994-95
London Spring Art Auction for AIDS : Acquisitions Committee Chairperson, 1995