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Christopher Oreskovic
Journal Articles
bullet Orf, L., Oreskovic, C., and Savory, E., Kantor, E. (2014). Circumferential analysis of a simulated three-dimensional downburst-producing thunderstorm outflow. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics EACWE Special Edition

Conference Papers
bullet Orf, L., Oreskovic, C., and Savory, E. (2012). Circumferential Analysis of Simulated Three- Dimensional Downburst-Producing Thunderstorm Outflows. Presented at the European-African Conference on Wind Engineering, Cambridge UK, July, 2013

Academic work

© 2004 launch, afm/c.dybenko; 2004-2005 maintenance, j.dybenko; 2006-2010 maintenance, w.lin; 2010-2012 maintenance, k.elliott; 2012 - webmaster, s.ali; updated July 2014