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Eric Savory
Selected Journal Articles

Dybenko J & Savory E, 2008. An experimental investigation of turbulent boundary layer flow over
       surface-mounted circular cavities. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G:
       Journal of Aerospace Engineering 222(1):109-125.
Hering T & Savory E, 2007. Flow regimes and drag characteristics of yawed elliptical cavities with
        varying depth. Journal of Fluids Engineering 129(12):1577-1583.
Kolář V & Savory E, 2007.  Dominant flow features of twin jets and plumes in crossflow.
       Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 95(9-11):1199-1215. 
Lin WE, Orf LG, Savory E & Novacco C, 2007. Proposed large-scale modelling of the transient
      features of a downburst outflow. Wind and Structures 10(4):315-346.
Shehata AY, El Damatty AA & Savory E, 2005.  Finite element modeling of transmission line under
       downburst wind loading. Journal of Finite Elements in Analysis and Design 42:71-89.
Kovar-Panskus A, Moulinneuf L, Savory E, Abdelquari A, Sini J-F, Rosant J-M, Robins A & Toy N,
       2002.  A wind tunnel investigation of the influence of solar-induced wall-heating on the flow
       regime within a simulated urban street canyon. Journal of Water, Air & Soil Pollution: Focus
Kolář V, Savory E & Toy N, 2000.  Centerline vorticity transport within a jet in crossflow. American
       Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal
Savory E, Sykes D M & Toy N, 2000.  Visualisation of transition on an axisymmetric body using
       shear sensitive liquid crystals. Optical Diagnostics in Engineering 4(1):16-25. 

Selected Conference Papers

Savory E, Hangan H, Damatty AE, Galsworthy J & Miller C, 2008. Modeling and prediction of
       failure of transmission lines due to high intensity winds. Invited paper, Special Session on
       Network Infrastructure Performance for Extreme Winds, Structures Congress 2008, Vancouver,
       Canada, April.
Savory E, Restorick M & Duan Z, 2007. Comparison of near-field behaviour of jets and plumes in
       a crosswind. PHYSMOD 2007, 29-31 August, Orléans, France.
Lin WE & Savory E, 2007. A slot jet approach to large-scale simulation of convective downdraft
       outflows. 12th International Conference on Wind Engineering, 1-6 July, Cairns, Australia. Vol. 2,
       Paper T4B2, pp. 1439-1446.
Dybenko J, Hering T & Savory E, 2006. Turbulent flow over circular cylindrical cavities with varying
       depth to diameter ratio. International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences Congress,
       3-8 September, Hamburg, Germany.

Complete publications list

© 2004 launch, afm/c.dybenko; 2004-2005 maintenance, j.dybenko; 2006-2010 maintenance, w.lin; 2010-2012 maintenance, k.elliott; 2012 - webmaster, s.ali; updated July 2014