News and Events


Recent conference award winners
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Jim Johnson, Director of Biomedical Engineering and professor in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, has been appointed the Graham King Research Chair in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry for a five-year term.
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Cristian A. Linte, PhD - Biomedical Engineering, UWO, receives IEEE MGA Gold Achievement Award for continuous efforts in educating the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBS) GOLD and student members through professional and career development sessions, workshops, and editorials. read more

Feet, joints tied to shoe checks - Dr. Tom Jenkyn is helping Londoners to put their best foot forward. The University of Western Ontario researcher is looking at how the joints in our feet move when we walk. His work is being used by footwear giants, such as Nike, to study their own shoes. Jenkyn also is looking at whether people who wear orthotics can benefit from his research. Read more

Engineers to the rescue when body fails - Dr. Kibret Mequanint, Assistant Professor, BME, knows there is just no substitute for having a strong system of veins and arteries that move blood around the human body. Read more

Dr. Grace Parraga and her collaborators are providing new insight into lung disease. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a respiratory disease commonly known as chronic bronchitis or emphysema, is the fourth leading cause of death worldwide Read more in the Western News and view the utube video


Dr. Leo Millon receives OCE Martin Walmsley Fellowship. He is the first recipient to win from Western! Dr. Millon graduated from BME in 2007. Congratulations Leo!
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"Dr. Terry Peters' new book entitled "Image-Guided-Interventions-Technology and Applications"
hit bookshelves!Check it out on Amazon!

Hellmuth Prize for Achievement in Research was awarded to Dr. Aaron Fenster!

Faculty Scolars Award 2008recognizes significan was awarded to Dr. James Johnson!
The Faculty Scholars Award t recent scholarly achievements in teaching or research.

Robarts leads cancer research.
One of our own faculty members, Dr. Aaron Fenster and our PhD student, Jeff Bax are developing new ways to diagnose and treat prostate cancer....London's top imaging scientist, Dr. Aaron Fenster has been named to head a project -- the only of its kind in Canada -- that will improve the way doctors fight prostate cancer. For more info visit: OR

Congratulations to our 2009 scholarship winners!

Our graduates