Our research group actively pursues research in the design, synthesize and modify (bulk or surface) materials for biomedical applications. A combination of natural, synthetic and tissue materials are used. Our goal is to engineer medical devices that would improve the well being of patients. The course we choose to accomplish this is by studying the physical, chemical, mechanical, biological and controlled release properties as well as biocompatibility issues of biomaterials. We also design and fabricate medical devices based on the biomaterials developed. One complementary aspect of our work is the use of computer modeling to predict and extrapolate behaviour of biomaterials and medical devices. The long term goal is to create replacement organs using cells harvested from patients via tissue engineering. Since the end result of our research is to be used in a medical environment, we work in close collaboration with clinicians in both the medical and dental fields. This ensures proper biomaterials are used and medical devices with the best clinical results are developed. Our current sources of funding include:
To support our research and technology development goals, we are constantly on the lookout for outstanding graduate, undergraduate (mainly from UWO) and high school (London area) students as well as postdoctoral fellows to participate in the various research projects in our laboratory. Please contact us if you are interested (wkwan@uwo.ca). |