Computerized Tool for the Development of Intensity-Duration-Frequency-Curves under Climate Change


Evolving Opportunities for Knowledge Application Grant, the Canadian Water Network Project

Canadian Water Network: Knowledge Application Funding Announcement October 2013

Project Details
Canadian Water Network: Computerized Tool for the Development of IDF Curves Under Climate Change

Project time

2013 - 2015

Principal investigator

Slobodan P. Simonovic, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Western University

Project team

Slobodan P. Simonovic, Professor
Roshan Srivastav, Post-Doctoral Fellow, contact person, email
Andre Schardong, Post-Doctoral Fellow, contact person, email
Dan Sandink, Research Fellow, ICLR

Project description

Previous work was devoted to: (i) the development of an appropriate methodology for the assessment of climate change impacts; (ii) the implementation of the developed methodology to the process of development of intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) curves under changing climate; and (iii) verification of the developed methodology using a number of municipalities across Canada.

The development research and verification work have clearly identified an opportunity to be explored through the proposed project. The consultations with Halifax, London, Hamilton and Coquitlam, involved in the verification work have identified that:

The proposed project will respond to the needs identified above by achieving the following objectives:

However, the close collaboration with a number of municipalities assisted the development of the objectives for the proposed project.

Project Publications


Project Papers


Project Reports

Halifax Workshop Report Westin Nova Scotian, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Dec 5, 2014.

Toronto Workshop Report Holiday Inn, Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada, Oct 17, 2014.

Vancouver Workshop Report SFU Centre for Dialogue, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Oct 9, 2014.

Roshan K. Srivastav, Andre Schardong and Slobodan P. Simonovic (2014). Computerized Tool for the Development of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves under a Changing Climate: Technical Manual v.1 Water Resources Research Report no. 089, Facility for Intelligent Decision Support, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, London, Ontario, Canada, XX pages. ISBN: (print) 978-0-7714-3087-9; (online) 978-0-7714-3088-6.

Roshan K. Srivastav, Andre Schardong and Slobodan P. Simonovic (2014). Computerized Tool for the Development of Intensity-Duration-Frequency Curves under a Changing Climate: Users Manual v.1 Water Resources Research Report no. 088, Facility for Intelligent Decision Support, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, London, Ontario, Canada, XX pages. ISBN: (print) 978-0-7714-3085-5; (online) 978-0-7714-3086-2.

Project Presentations
