RESTORE - Research for Subsurface Transport and Remediation
Welcome to RESTORE!
RESTORE conducts innovative research aimed at addressing the sustainable management of our water resources through the development of engineering technologies in addition to enhancing understanding of natural hydrogeologic systems. Key research areas include soil and groundwater contamination and remediation, surface-groundwater interactions and green roof technology. RESTORE combines state-of-the-art laboratories, field research, advanced computer modeling, and commercialization with national and international collaborations, and strong industrial partnerships to achieve research excellence. We strive to provide a unique world-class training experience through a fun and supportive group environment.
RESTORE Current and Completed Projects
Featured Project: Freshwater Salinization Syndrome
Increasing salinization of fresh surface waters due to excessive salt inputs is a growing threat to aquatic ecosystems. Streams with chloride concentrations above the chronic toxicity guideline are pervasive in areas across Canada. Elevated chloride concentrations in freshwaters can alter the function of aquatic organisms, drive stream acidification, mobilize toxic metals, and promote infrastructure corrosion....