Where Engineering meets Innovation

Great engineering careers are built on leadership and innovation. The most respected companies in the world rely upon critical thinking and analytical skills to achieve breakthrough engineering technologies. Leaders in these organizations seamlessly blend engineering and business perspectives to resolve important problems facing society.

Integrated Engineering

This undergraduate BESc program prepares you to lead multidisciplinary engineering teams in designing complex systems, to solve interdisciplinary problems, and to inform business decisions using engineering skills. 



Leadership and Innovation Certificate

Open to all BESc students, this certificate provides a broad foundation for leadership and innovation skills and develops an entrepreneurial mindset that is valuable in today’s leading organizations.

Combined Degree with Ivey HBA

Combined with a Bachelor of Engineering Science (BESc) degree, graduates go on to work in various industries, from engineering companies and strategy consulting to finance.



Design Thinking 101 with RBC

Register to participate in a design thinking workshop series led by industry experts from RBC, to strengthen your problem-solving skills and creativity.