Student Clubs

The Western Engineering experience is not just about studying; it is also about developing leadership skills, building a network of friends, having fun, and making a difference in the community.

Western Engineering students are some of the most active students on campus when it comes to extracurricular activities. Our students participate in Faculty-based groups, clubs and teams, University-wide programs and volunteer programs across the City of London.

Student Clubs, Groups and Teams

Aero Design

Western Aero Design Team specializes in designing, testing and flying heavy lift, advanced-class aircraft and fully autonomous gliders. We are a completely student-run mega project with the goal of simulating a Mars colonization using aircraft. We participate in the international SAE Aero Design competition, which is annually held in either Fort Worth, Texas or Lakeland, Florida. The competition requires us to remotely drop payloads on targets and release gliders that must safely and independently maneuver to the landing zone using only their onboard telemetry. In order for us to push the boundaries in glider manufacturing, aerodynamic design, and development of custom mission-control software we need students from all engineering disciplines.

Baja SAE

Western Baja SAE is comprised of a team of hard-working students dedicated to designing, fabricating, and assembling an SAE class Baja vehicle. Every year, Western Baja participates in multiple competitions across North America where the built vehicles are judged based on Engineering Design, Maneuverability, Acceleration, and Endurance.

Chemical Engineering Club

Chem Club is a resource open to students currently enrolled in, or considering Chemical, Biochemical, or Green Process Engineering who looking for information regarding Chemical Engineering. We run information sessions, industry tours, and socials all with the aim of informing students and improving their university experience.

Chem-E-Car Team (WEChEC)

The Chem-E-Car team is the first of its kind in Western University. Our goal is to build a small-scale car from scratch, from the car body all the way to the renewable chemical power source. We aim to compete in Chem-E-Car competitions across North America and bring glory to Western Engineering. Our current members ranging from Civil Engineering to Chemical Engineering, all disciplines, and years welcome! Members will gain practical, hands-on experience ranging from reaction engineering to engineering design processes. Visit the website.

CSME Western

CSME Western is the student chapter associated with the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME). Our goal is to create a community within mechanical engineering at Western. We work to provide events that will help elevate your experience as a mechanical engineering student, this includes social as well as academic events! Some of the events we host include an internship panel, a student-faculty mixer, industry tours, and various help sessions for your courses! We encourage students in all years MME to attend as well as any first years considering MME.

Engineers Without Borders

EWB Canada invests in people. We identify, encourage and equip talented leaders to have a positive impact on local, regional and global communities. We offer immersive experiences at Western, across Canada and sub-Saharan Africa to launch future leaders equipped to understand and engineer systems change. EWB Western is a highly active chapter within the organization, with portfolios that focus on a range of global and local issues such as: Climate Change, Fair-Trade, Food Systems, Youth Engagement, Gender Equity, Political Advocacy and more!


Are you interested in Electrical or Computer Engineering? If you are a member of Western Student IEEE Branch you will gain a network, access to the club’s lab equipment plus a discount on IEEE sponsored events. Being part of the IEEE- Western Student Branch will give you a direct membership with the global IEEE organization, which is the largest professional association for advancing innovation and technological excellence for the benefit of humanity and free beneficial software!

Integrated Engineering Club

North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NAYGN)

NAYGN Western is the student run chapter of North American Young Generation in Nuclear (NAYGN), and provides opportunities for a young generation of nuclear enthusiasts to develop professional skills and relationships pertinent to the field of nuclear energy. The club’s aim is to help create life-long connections, engage and inform the public, and inspire the next generation of nuclear technology professionals to meet the challenges of the 21st century.


Sunstang is a solar car project that involves students of all disciplines and faculties. Sunstang challenges students to incorporate the typical mechanical aspects of a car with customized electrical systems and solar panels to create a futuristic, eco-friendly, and competitive vehicle that can be raced at world-wide solar challenges. Every component of the Sunstang car is designed, prototyped, and assembled by our members. Students will gain hands-on experience through creating composite aerobodies, performing solar cell encapsulation, building high-power Lithium battery protection systems, and many more!

Undergraduate Engineering Society

The UES works to enhance the undergraduate engineering experience at Western. We do this by supporting our clubs and teams, hosting social and professional events, providing academic and career support, and representing our students on a provincial and national level. We're proud to act as the voice of engineering students at Western. When we make any decision, we have our student's best interests in mind because we are dedicated to helping them enjoy their time at Western Engineering.


We are the Western Engineering Robotics club, WEBots. Our goal is to provide an accessible learning environment where students of any discipline and skill level are welcome to learn about and construct robots. We are currently working on Project TITAN, a humanoid autonomous walking robot.  


The WE MARS Robotics Club takes part in 2 projects annually. FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) and a Mars Rover Challenge. Through the FRC mentorship program the club helps high school students build robots, raise funds and gain technical experience. Through the Mars Rover Challenge the team designs and builds a mars rover to compete in several university rover competitions including the Canadian International Rover Challenge.

Western Engiqueers

The Western EngiQueers is a social connection and advocacy group for the LGBTQ+ and ally communities within Western Engineering. Our main goals are to provide education surrounding relevant topics to the faculty, provide professional development opportunities, help local LGBTQ+ charities, and ultimately create a safe space within Western Engineering where the students feel comfortable being themselves. We are connected to similar clubs that exist across Canada which are currently being united under the banner of 'EngiQueers Canada'. Locally, we are affiliated with Pride Western as well as other faculty specific LGBTQ+ groups throughout the Western campus. @WesternEngiQueers

Western Engineering Biomedical Club (WEBMC)

WEBMC brings together students in various disciplines and allows them to pursue their interest in biomedical applications. This club will collaborate with graduate students, professors and industry leaders to show undergraduate students' various possibilities within biomedical engineering. During the year possible events will include guest speakers, company tours, industry spotlights, general meetings and skill labs. In addition, professors and graduate students will share their experiences and their paths on how they decided on a career in biomedical engineering.

Western Engineering Concrete Canoe Association (WECCA)

The Western Engineering Concrete Canoe Association (WECCA), founded in 2007, is a multi-disciplinary club focused on pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Each year members work to design a mould, formulate and test concrete mixes, and cast a canoe. This culminates in the Canadian National Concrete Canoe Competition where canoes from across the country are showcased and raced. Check us out on Instagram!.

Western Engineering Green Technology Club (WEGTC)

WEGTC is a student run club focused on the research and creation of technologies that will help fight climate change. We are passionate about reducing emissions and creating a healthy and sustainable future. Website / Instagram / LinkedIn.

Western Engineering Toboggan Team (WETT)

Looking for hands on experience, a tight-knit team culture, and the opportunity to make meaningful contributions to a big project? Look no further than the Western Engineering Toboggan Team! Every year WETT takes on the challenge of designing and fabricating a steel-framed toboggan on concrete skis, complete with steering, suspension and braking systems. There are many opportunities to get involved with our team, regardless of your academic year and previous hands on experience; welding, machining, painting, concrete mixing, woodworking and the like. Come out and see for yourself why WETT has the best culture in Western Engineering, and join us as we head to Calgary in February for the Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race 2021!

Western Engineering Musical

The Western Engineering Musical is a club that oversees the production of the annual engineering musical held at Western University. The club itself consists of the executive members, the production team, the backstage crew, the band, and the cast. Every member of the musical must be currently or previously enrolled in the engineering program. The plots of the musicals are inspired from popular stories and are performed in a comedic fashion, as a parody to the original piece with Western Engineering themes. One very important part of the musical is the rehearsals which will occur throughout the school year and are attended by the cast, the band, and some of the production team and executive members. Please follow our social media accounts to stay up to date with the news and applications of the musical on facebook or Instagram.

Western Engineering Trillium Hyperloop

Western’s first ever Hyperloop design team geared towards making the concept of Hyperloop, introduced by Elon Musk, a reality. We are a team of 40 students comprised of various engineering disciplines, designing and building a functional pod prototype which we will be using to compete at the annual SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition held in Hawthorne, California. We hope to put Western on the map and raise awareness of the sustainable and efficient innovation that Hyperloop is. Facebook & Instagram.

Western Formula Racing

A team of passionate students with the common goal of building a world-class electric race car. Over the next 12 months, we will design, build and race our 3rd electric vehicle; representing Canada and Western Engineering at international Formula SAE competitions. WFR operates on three fundamental principles to deliver the best learning experience to every team member:

  • Excellence – To develop highly skilled and effective professionals
  • Endurance – To ensure the long-term success of the team
  • Enthusiasm – To have fun

Western Engineering Rocketry Club

Do you like rockets, and want to learn how to make something go supersonic? The Western Rocketry team works on designing an experimental sounding rocket to compete in the Spaceport America Cup and Launch Canada competitions. From propulsion and aerodynamics, to avionics and payload design, the rocketry team’s goal is to design, build, and compete against universities worldwide. This isn’t brain surgery, but it is rocket science.

Western Society for Civil Engineering (WSCE)

The Western Society for Civil Engineering (WSCE) is a society that represents all students enrolled or interested in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Western University. We are dedicated to providing valuable programming and resources for our members to encourage professional development and extra-curricular involvement in the field of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Among our resources and programming are our social, academic, community outreach and professional development events for all members to participate in, including graduate and first year engineering students. The WSCE is affiliated with the Western Engineering Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and the London District Section of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE).

Women in Engineering

Women in Engineering at Western University is a student group working to provide social and academic support for future and current female students. Since the club’s inception in 1989, female enrolment in engineering has increased from 9% to over 20%. WiE organizes activities and events to encourage female engineering students to get to know each other, to provide mentorship to new female students, to encourage female high school students to enter engineering, and to create a support network for career development. Visit our website at .

Also check out all the clubs and groups Western University offers from the University Students' Council.