Craig Miller
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel,
Room BLWTL 110
Western University
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 88529
Fax: 519-661-3339
Although trained as an engineer Dr Miller's main research interests fall primarily within the field of meteorology. His research interests include:
- atmospheric boundary layer structure in both tropical and extra-tropical cyclones,
- the response of atmospheric boundary layers to changes in surface roughness,
- atmospheric boundary layer flow over topography,
- the climatology of extreme wind events such as tropical and extra-tropical cyclones, downbursts, and microbursts,
- the characterization of anemometer sites for local terrain conditions,
- the determination and mapping of extreme wind climates for engineering design purposes, and
- the statistical modelling of extreme wind events for risk evaluation purposes.
Dr Miller is also involved with the Three Little Pigs full-scale testing facility currently being built at the University of Western Ontario, and in particular the combination of test results from the facility with wind tunnel data to develop damage functions for residential structures.
Research Group Opportunities
Funding is currently available for a number of graduate student positions at both the Masters and Ph.D. level. Potential students should have a strong background in either Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Meteorology or a related subject, and an interest in fluid mechanics. Potential research topics and anticipated level include:
- Modelling and simulation of upper level tropical cyclone wind fields for risk models (Masters)
- Development of a downburst climatology for Manitoba using Doppler weather radar data - this project forms part of a larger study for Manitoba Hydro looking at the effect of downbursts on transmission lines (Ph.D.)
Interested students should contact Dr. Miller directly.