
Graduate Courses

  • MME 9640a/b BIOMED 9645a/b - Medical Device Design
    Medical devices have evolved rapidly in recent years due to advances in biocompatible materials, biosensors, integrated MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical System), nanotechnology, and innovative fabrication processes. This course examines the design and development of medical devices that can improve the quality of human life. Topics include: principles of medical device design; standards& government regulations; human factors engineering; biocompatibility of materials; bioelectronic interface; electro-mechanical prosthetics; micro and nano fabrication techniques; and medical device failures.

  • MME 9729a/b - Optomechatronic Systems
    This course examines how photo-responsive materials, photonic devices, optical sensors and light-driven actuators can be incorporated into a variety of engineered devices to improve performance and enable innovative product designs. Topics include: electromagnetic spectrum; laser material surface interaction; elements of optical design; optical wave guides & fibers; lightwave sensors; light-driven actuation; and laser microfabrication techniques.

Undergraduate Courses

  • MME 4470a/b - Medical and Assistive Devices
    Medical and assistive devices have evolved rapidly in recent years due to a better understanding of human physiology, availability of bio-compatible materials, advances in integrated electro-mechanical systems, and the introduction of innovative nano/micro technologies. Through the class lectures, assignments, in-class seminar, and term project, each student develops the knowledge and skills necessary to adopt an interdisciplinary and integrated approach to the design and development of medical and assistive devices. Topics include: design of assistive, corrective, and diagnostic devices; human factors engineering; biocompatibility of materials; bioelectronics; biosensors; and lab-on-a-chip systems.

  • MME 4487a/b - Mechatronic System Design
    Mechatronics, as an engineering discipline, strives to optimally integrate mechanical, electronic, optical, communication, and information technologies in order to create high quality products and processes. Students develop knowledge and skills that allow them to adopt an interdisciplinary and integrated approach to engineering design. Topics include: intelligent products and processes; systems engineering; microcontrollers; sensors and actuators; and electronic communication systems.