Course Information and Lists

Unless otherwise noted, all graduate courses are half courses with a weight of 0.5 credit, that span one term (January to April, May to August, September to December).  Brief course description of MME graduate courses.

Graduate course enrolment must follow a student's Program of Study. It is mandatory that all courses be selected in consultation with the supervisor.  Appropriate approval MUST be in place prior to any modification in the Proposed  Program of Study.  Any course appearing in the academic record that is not listed in the Proposed Program of Study, will be automatically deleted from the academic record.

The graduate program in MME has developed a course map for graduate research students to enrich their learning experience and to ensure that the current learning outcomes are properly met. In the current course map, the graduate courses are divided into three categories as described below:

    • Category 1 (Methodology): Courses in this category are focused on research methodologies. For example, experimentation and data analysis, numerical modelling, and computational techniques. The courses offered in this category will provide foundational training on specific methodology (serving students with diverse research fields), on which, students can build upon to further advance their skills via research work.
    • Category 2 (Fundamentals): Courses in this category provide fundamental knowledge base in the specific research area. These courses are particularly helpful for students coming from different backgrounds, students who are coming back to the graduate program after considerable gap and students who want to further strengthen the fundamental concepts.
    • Category 3 (Advanced): Courses in this category provide advanced knowledgebase on the specific research area. These courses enhance the knowledge level of students to support their thesis research work.

Requirements for the course selection

    • Students starting from September 2019 and after must take at least one course from each category.
    • Courses that are taken outside MME (max. of two) can replace courses from any of these categories depending on the course.
    • Students who have already taken courses from Categories 1 and 2 as a part of previous degree in MME, are exempted from the course selection requirement for these categories, i.e., they can select courses from any of these categories.

Course map with the suggested course list is shown below. Note that the courses currently in the books will stay and may be offered in either of these categories, as needed.

Category 1: Methodology

MME 9613

Advanced Finite Element Modelling

Category 1: Methodology


MME 9614

Applied CFD and Heat Transfer

Category 1: Methodology


MME 9621

Computational Methods in Mechanical Engineering

Category 1: Methodology


MME 9648

Experimentation and Data Analysis

Category 1: Methodology


MME 9656

Dynamical Systems Modelling and Analysis

Category 1: Methodology


Category 2: Fundamentals

MME 9601

Design and Manufacturing

Category 2: Fundamentals


MME 9602

Engineering Materials

Category 2: Fundamentals

Materials/Solid Mechanics

MME 9603

Solid Mechanics

Category 2: Fundamentals

Materials/Solid Mechanics

MME 9604

Fluid Mechanics

Category 2: Fundamentals

Thermo-fluids (MESc only)

MME 9611

Continumm Mechanics

Category 2: Fundamentals


MME 9615

Biomechanics of Human Joint Motion

Category 2: Fundamentals


MME 9617

Energy Conversion

Category 2: Fundamentals


MME 9620

Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology

Category 2: Fundamentals

Micro and Nano Systems

MME 9622

Advanced Kinematics and Dynamics

Category 2: Fundamentals


MME 9640

Medical Device Design

Category 2: Fundamentals


MME 9641

Thermal Systems Engineering

Category 2: Fundamentals


MME 9651

Additive Manufacturing

Category 2: Fundamentals


MME 9654

Mechatronics System Engineering

Category 2: Fundamentals


Category 3: Advanced

MME 9650

Tribology & Biotribology

Category 3: Advanced


MME 9655

Impact Biomechanics

Category 3: Advanced


MME 9657

Advanced Kinematics for Biomechanics

Category 3: Advanced


MME 9750

Computational Biomechanics

Category 3: Advanced


MME 9616

Composite Materials

Category 3: Advanced

Materials/Solid Mechanics

MME 9618

Fracture of Materials

Category 3: Advanced

Materials/Solid Mechanics

MME 9623

Theory and Practice of Plasticity

Category 3: Advanced

Materials/Solid Mechanics

MME 9643

Composite Processing

Category 3: Advanced

Materials/Solid Mechanics

MME 9658

Micromechanics of Plasticity in Crystalline Solids

Category 3: Advanced

Materials/Solid Mechanics

MME 9610

Measurements and Sensing Systems

Category 3: Advanced


MME 9624

Actuator Principles, Integration, Control

Category 3: Advanced


MME 9729

Optomechatronic Systems

Category 3: Advanced


MME 9619

Fundamentals of MEMS and NEMS

Category 3: Advanced

Micro and Nano Systems

MME 9722

Energy Storage Systems

Category 3: Advanced

Micro and Nano Systems

MME 9724

Microfluidics and Lab on a Chip

Category 3: Advanced

Micro and Nano Systems

MME 9726

Advanced Nanomaterials

Category 3: Advanced

Micro and Nano Systems

MME 9639

Viscous and Boundary Layer Flows

Category 3: Advanced


MME 9710

Advanced CFD

Category 3: Advanced


MME 9711

Convection Heat Transfer

Category 3: Advanced


MME 9713

Hydrodynamic Stability

Category 3: Advanced


MME 9715

Mechanism and Theory of Turbulent Flows

Category 3: Advanced


Non-Engineering or Non-MME Engineering Degree

A student with a non-engineering or non-mechanical engineering background, may be required to take additional relevant courses, to provide fundamental understanding in order to complete his/her degree. These courses must be taken during the first term of registration

Course List and Schedule

The course list and schedule will be available each term, on the MME website as well as being posted on the graduate bulletin board outside MME office. This list may be subject to change so it is advisable for each student to check this site regularly.

Enrolment deadline for the Winter, Summer and Fall term are: January 15th, May 15th, September 15th, respectively. The system is automatically closed each term after these dates.

A graduate student outside the MME program wishing to take a graduate course (credit or audit) offered by the MME department, must obtain approval from both the instructor and the graduate office, and meet all other criteria assigned.  Please see our regulation regarding this on our course enrolment page.

For course information pertaining to a program other than MME, please see the individual department website.

Programs frequently accessed for courses oustide MME

Applied Math BME-Engineering CBE-Engineering
CEE-Engineering Chemistry ECE-Engineering
Physics ELI


Students must write their essays and assignments in their own words.  Whenever students take an idea, or a passage of text from another author, they must acknowledge their debt both by using quotation marks where appropriate and by proper referencing such as footnotes or citations.  Plagiarism is a major academic offence. Scholastic offences are taken seriously and is attended by academic penalties which may include expulsion from the program. If you are caught cheating, there will be no second warning. Students are directed to read the appropriate policy, specifically, the definition of what constitutes a Scholastic Offence, at the following Web site: