November 2012
The Fraunhofer Project Centre for Composites Research @ Western is "officially open for business"
Western Engineering News | November 5, 2012
Officially opened Monday, Nov. 5, the Fraunhofer Project Centre for
Composites Research @ Western is North America’s latest
industry-scale production environment for developing, testing,
validating and characterizing new lightweight materials and advanced
manufacturing processes.
[See photos]
Driving the future: Western, Fraunhofer partnership answers 'The Why'
Western News | November 1, 2012
What brought Tobias Potyra, Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical
Technology manager of operations, and his company to Western, and
its Advanced Manufacturing Park (AMP), will not only be celebrated
next week, but hopefully resonate at the university for years to
[Read more]
Engineers Without Borders help smash poverty during annual Pumpkin Drop
Western Engineering News | November 1, 2012
Western University's Engineers Without Borders (EWB) student club
hosted its 8th annual Pumpkin Drop on Thursday, Nov. 1 on UC Hill.
[See photos] [Watch video]
October 2012
Charpentier among Ontario’s 2012 Green Chemistry and Engineering Award winners
Ministry of the Environment | October 30, 2012
Paul Charpentier, Chemical and Biochemical Engineering professor, is a
recipient of Ontario’s Green Chemistry and Engineering Awards for
his nanotechnology research in developing ways to generate
electricity from sunlight more cost-effectively and efficiently.
[Read more]
Adawi receives CPCI Ontario Chapter scholarship for research in precast concrete
Western Engineering News | October 18, 2012
Aiham Adawi, PhD candidate in Civil and Environmental Engineering,
has been awarded a 2012 Canadian Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute
(CPCI) Scholarship for his research in precast concrete.
[Read more]
Young women explore the exciting world of engineering at Go ENG Girl
Western Engineering News | October 15, 2012
Western Engineering hosted Go ENG Girl on Saturday, Oct. 13. The program
is an exciting opportunity for young women in Grades 7 to 10 to learn
about the wonderful world of Engineering - a Caring Profession!
[Read more]
Western University racers: We’re Mustangs, too
Metro London | October 14, 2012
The Western Mustangs are known as football, basketball, and hockey
teams. But for 25 years, Western has had a formula racing team of
engineering students who design, build, and race a new car each year.
[Read more]
Girma Bitsuamlak named Tier Two Canada Research Chair in Wind Engineering
Western Engineering News | October 12, 2012
Girma Bitsuamlak, associate director, WindEEE Research Institute, has
been named a Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Wind Engineering. His
research combines the use of experiments and computer simulations to
uncover the impact of hurricanes, tornadoes and downbursts on buildings
and energy infrastructure.
[Read more]
Western Engineering welcomes international first-year students
Western Engineering News | October 11, 2012
Western Engineering held an event Oct. 11 to welcome international
first-year students to the faculty. The students hail from seven
different countries, including Barbados, China, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi
Arabia, Syria and Tanzania.
[See photos]
Western Engineering student team wins big at Big Beam Competition
Western Engineering News | October 1, 2012
A team of Western Engineering students has taken a top prize in
the PCI Engineering Student Design Award “Big Beam Competition.” The
student team received first place in the international zone and won
best video.
[Read more]
[Watch a video]
Novus aligns with the Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory
Western Engineering News | October 1, 2012
The Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory at Western
University has partnered with Novus Environmental Inc. to offer a
full range of building design services to clients, including
wind-tunnel modeling.
[Read more]
September 2012
Western Engineering students committed to revitalizing undergraduate labs and facilities
Western Engineering News | September 28, 2012
The Undergraduate Engineering Society recently created a new fund called
the Western Engineering Student Endowment Laboratory (WESEL) Fund, in
response to a need to revitalize and update our undergraduate labs and
[Read more]
Western Engineering ranks second on Corporate Knights survey
Western Engineering News | September 25, 2012
Western Engineering ranked second place in the 2012 Corporate
Knights Magazine survey, claiming the spot for the second year in a row.
[Read more]
The Gazette | September 19, 2012
This is no go-kart. It’s a Formula racecar. It goes from zero to 100
kilometres an hour in just 3.4 seconds, and it was designed and built by
the students of Western’s Formula racing team to compete against other
cars designed, built and driven by students from universities around the
[Read more]
Year-long project of the arts and engineering faculties at Western University
London Free Press | September 19, 2012
Arts and engineering students aren’t typically known for collaborating.
But a Western University bike racks initiative brought the two faculties
— one known for right-brain thinkers, the other for left-brain thinkers
— together to give a boost to eco-friendly transportation and public art
at the same time.
[Read more]
[See photos]
James Douglas (J.D.) Hole, BESc’67, to receive 2012 L.S. Lauchland Engineering Alumni Medal
Western Engineering News | September 17, 2012
An active member of the community and a supporter of educational
institutions and the arts, James Douglas (J.D.) Hole, BESc ‘ 67, has
been selected the recipient of the 2012 L.S. Lauchland Engineering
Alumni Medal from Western Engineering.
[Read more]
Unique skills give Moran edge in oil sands industry
Western Engineering News | September 17, 2012
Kevin Moran, BESc’96, has worked in the Canadian oil sands for the past
15 years and is committed to mitigating the environmental impact of one
of the world’s largest reservoirs of hydrocarbons.
[Read more]
Sparking changes across Western's campus
Western Engineering News | September 17, 2012
You can see the handiwork of Bob Gordon, BESc’86 (Electrical), all
across his alma mater. The president and senior electrical engineer of
Chorley + Bisset Ltd., a mechanical and electrical consulting
engineering firm based in London, Ont., Gordon has overseen the
electrical designs of several Western University buildings.
[Read more]
London, Ontario dome built to explore wind
Daily Commercial News | September 4, 2012
Local storms, like the tornado that devastated Goderich, Ontario last
year, are responsible for more than 65 per cent of wind-related damage
in North America’s interior, says a Western University engineering
[Read more]
August 2012
Western Engineering students receive startup seed money for mobile app
Western Engineering | August 30, 2012
Three of Western’s engineering students have been recognized by a
startup company incubator for their company, Coachd Inc., a mobile app
that uses professional athletes to coach users through their workouts.
[Read more]
New surgeons use robots to train
London Free Press | August 29, 2012
Practice makes perfect, even with a robotic arm. Western
Engineering professors Dr. Louis Ferreira and Dr. James
Johnson, co-directors of St. Joseph's Hand and Upper Limb
Centre, expect surgeons-in-training to soon be going at
cadavers using surgical simulators and computer-guided tracking
systems and robotic arms.
[Read more]
Sanitation: Flushed with pride
The Economist | August 15, 2012
Jason Gerhard, Canada Research Chair in Geoenvironmental Restoration
Engineering at Western Engineering, is part of a team of researchers
from the University of Toronto who were the third-place recipients
of the Reinvent The Toilet Challenge posed by the Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation. The team designed a toilet that treats urine and
feces separately using sand.
[Read more]
[The Guardian article]
[The Impatient Optimists]
July 2012
Langohr named recipient of Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship
Western News | July 23, 2012
Daniel Langohr, biomedical engineering PhD candidate, is a recipient of
the Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship, the country’s most prestigious
scholarship for doctoral students. His research focuses on the
biomechanics of reverse shoulder implants with special interest in
impingement and wear.
[Read more]
Former Mustangs keep their oars in the water
Western News | July 18, 2012
Glen Burston, BESc’93, MEng’02, along with fellow former Mustang
Craig McAllister, have since hung up their rowing oars in the
competitive sense, but continue to test the business waters at Hudson
Boats Works, a London, Ont.-based manufacturer of Olympic-class rowing
shells and world leader in the development of racing hull shapes.
[Read more]
Meet the monster press
London Community News | July 11, 2012
It looks like a support tower for a bridge and if dropped, the resulting
shockwave could damage nearby buildings. The monstrous Compress Plus
2500T press is the centerpiece of the Fraunhofer Project Centre for
Composite Research (FPC), a collaborative research project between the
Fraunhofer Institute of Chemical Technology (ICT), a German research and
development firm, and Western University.
[Read more]
June 2012
Explore engineering with the Western Engineering Summer Academy Western
Engineering News | June 29, 2012
Sarah DeDecker and Mackenzie Atkinson know what it is like to be on
the other side of the coin. They both participated in Western
Engineering’s Summer Academy and now are helping mentor high school
youth as counselors of the program.
[Read more]
Jiang to be named International Society of Automation fellow
Western Engineering News | June 25, 2012
Jin Jiang, professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, has been elected fellow of the International Society of
Automation (ISA) in recognition of his superior performance and
contribution to engineering and science in the field of automation.
[Read more]
Western projects get internal boost
Western News | June 21, 2012
Four Western Engineering researchers are one step closer towards
moving their work toward commercialization with awards from the Western
Innovation Fund. Electrical and Computer Engineering professors Jin
Jiang and Jayshri Sabarinathan, and Mechanical and Materials Engineering
professors Kamran Siddiqui and Jun Yang are among the award recipients.
[Read more]
Thompson ends term by looking ahead
Western News | June 21, 2012
John Thompson, BESc'66, LLD'94, retired executive vice-chairman of
the board of IBM – where he had oversight responsibility for
worldwide technology, manufacturing and business strategy – wraps up
his four-year term as Western Chancellor this month.
[Read more]
Rockex appoints new chief executive officer
Market Watch, The Wall Street Journal | June 19, 2012
Rockex Mining Corporation has appointed Edward (Ted) Yew, BESc’04, as
president and chief executive officer. The public company is focused on
the development of the Lake St. Joseph iron ore deposit in northwestern
[Read more]
Toronto’s Karakatsanis elected president of Engineers Canada
Daily Commercial News | June 15, 2012
Professional engineer Catherine Karakatsanis, the Toronto-based
executive vice-president of the building, technology and energy global
business unit of Morrison Hershfield, has been elected president of
Engineers Canada.
[Read more]
Western Engineering students take three top prizes at CSCE conference
Western Engineering News | June 15, 2012
Western Engineering students took home three awards at the 2012
Canadian Society for Civil Engineering (CSCE) Conference held in
Edmonton June 6-9.
[Read more]
Material Gain
Business London | June 2012
When science fiction comes true, the process often lean more toward
evolution than big bang. Tobias Potyra, manager of operations at the
Fraunhofer Project Centre for Composites Research @ Western and Jeff
Wood, associate professor in Mechanical and Materials Engineering,
discuss how the research facility will make London an international hub
for composites research and development.
[Read more]
Shuhui Sun awarded 2012 Governor General’s Gold Medal
Western Engineering News | June 13, 2012
Western Engineering alumnus Shuhui Sun, PhD'11, has been honoured with the
2012 Governor General’s Gold Medal for graduate study at Western
University. These medals recognize students who have completed their
graduate studies at the highest level of academic standing.
[Read more]
Engineering researchers win IEEE Best Paper Award
Western Engineering News | June 13, 2012
Western Engineering postdoctoral fellow Weikun Hou and his
supervisor, Electrical and Computer Engineering professor Xianbin Wang,
have won a Best Paper Award at IEEE International Conference on
Communications (ICC) Signal Processing for Communications Symposium,
together with their collaborator, professor Jean-Yves Chouinard, from
Laval University.
[Read more]
[Watch a video demonstration]
Building research success
Western Engineering News | June 6, 2012
Western University's Advanced Manufacturing Park is starting to
take shape with the ongoing construction of the WindEEE Dome and the
Fraunhofer Project Centre for Composites Research @ Western. Watch the
progress unfold through photos of the construction.
[See photos]
24th Canadian Materials Science Conference
Western Engineering News | June 5, 2012
Western Engineering is hosting the 24th Canadian Materials Science
Conference on Western’s campus from June 5 – 8, 2012. The theme of the
conference is: Materials: Atoms to Applications. For more information,
please visit the
4th Annual LANXESS-SSW Symposium on Flexible Organic Materials and Devices
Western Engineering News | June 6, 2012
The 4th Annual LANXESS-SSW Symposium will take place Fri. June 8 at
the Western Research Park. Researchers from Canada and the U.S.
will present at this event, including one of the pioneers in the field,
Professor Yonggang Huang from Northwestern University. For more
information, please contact Jun Yang.
Berruti awarded 2012 Bantrel Award in Design and Industrial Practice Western
Engineering News | June 5, 2012
Franco Berruti, Western Engineering of Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering professor and director of the Institute of Chemicals and
Fuels from Alternative Resources (ICFAR), has been awarded the 2012
Bantrel Award in Design and Industrial Practice.
[Read more]
University Machine Services launches new website
Western Engineering News | June 5, 2012
University Machine Services (UMS) has launched a new website to
offer further support and information about services to clients at
Western University and in the community. UMS is an ancillary service
located in the Thompson Engineering Building at Western University.
Their goal is to provide assistance to the institution and industry
through the design and manufacture of specialized components and
[Check out the
Charles Xu awarded CSChE 2011 Syncrude Canada Innovation Award
Engineering Dimensions | May/June 2012
Charles Xu, associate professor of Chemical Engineering and NSERC/FPInnovations
Industrial Research Chair in Forest Biorefinery, has been awarded the
Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering’s (CSChE) 2011 Syncrude Canada
Innovation Award. The award is given to an individual under 40-years-old
for a distinguished contribution to the field of chemical engineering
while working in Canada.
[Read more]
[See announcement on CSChE website]
Western Engineering’s Chem Club awarded CSChE Student Chapter Merit
Engineering Dimensions | May/June 2012
Western Engineering’s Chem Club was awarded the 2011 Student
Chapter Merit Award for initiative and originality in student chapter
programming in chemical engineering by the Canadian Society for Chemical
Engineering (CSChE). Also, Western Engineering student Sara Makaremi
came in third place in the CSChE Graduate Student Poster Competition.
[Read more]
Researchers Demonstrate New Groundwater Clean-Up Technology Using Iron Nanoparticles | June 4, 2012
According to Denis O’Carroll, a visiting scholar at the University
of New South Wales Water Research Lab, iron nanoparticles coated
with a rust-preventing polymer show promise in cleaning up toxic
chemicals from groundwater.
[Read more]
Nanoparticles seek, destroy groundwater toxins
R & D Magazine | June 4, 2012
Iron nanoparticles encapsulated in a rust-preventing polymer coating
could hold potential for cleaning up groundwater contaminated with
toxic chemicals, says Denis O'Carroll, a leading water expert who is
currently a visiting academic at the University of New South Wales
[Read more]
The Wind Whisperer
Canadian Underwriter | June 2, 2012
Who has seen the wind? Dr. Gregory Kopp has. Kopp is a professor in
civil engineering at Western University in London, Ontario. His
observations regarding the effects of wind forces on houses is a key
factor in helping the Canadian property and casualty insurance industry
advocate for building safer homes.
[Read more]
Karakatsanis Appointed as Engineers Canada President
Canadian Newswire | June 1, 2012
Engineers Canada has appointed Catherine Karakatsanis, BESc'83,
MESc'91, as its president for 2012-2013. Karakatsanis will lead the
Engineers Canada Board as it works with the engineering profession's
constituent associations across Canada, representing the over
250,000 members of the engineering profession.
[Read more]
May 2012
Automotive research gets direct injection
Western News | May 31, 2012
Research led by Western Engineering professors Jeffrey Wood, Xianbin
Wang and Weiming Shen is among three Western-led projects targeting
smarter systems, better materials and safer roadways benefiting from a
$22 million investment by Canada’s automotive research program, the
AUTO21 Network of Centres of Excellence.
[Read more]
[Metro News article]
Hydro One announces new research chair at Western University
Western Engineering News | May 29, 2012
Building on a decade-long relationship, Hydro One Networks Inc.
continues to invest in teaching and research at Western University with
the appointment of Rajiv K. Varma, associate professor of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, as the Hydro One Chair in Power Systems
Engineering, effective January 1, 2012.
[Read more]
Badges from boats, bridges
London Community News | May 27, 2012
Western University's Faculty of Engineering welcomed 65 eager, young
Girl Guides to the campus on Saturday, May 26, to better experience the
world of engineering and to help them earn their Girl Guide engineering
[Read more]
Perfect summer running down perfect storms
Western News | May 24, 2012
This won’t be a summer at the beach for Maryam Refan. Three weeks into a
summer-long stay in ‘Tornado Alley’, the Mechanical Engineering PhD
student plans to spend her holiday chasing tornadoes – all in the name
of research.
[Read more]
Western Engineering Faculty and Staff Awards
Western Engineering News | May 18, 2012
Western Engineering held its annual Faculty and Staff Awards banquet
Thursday, May 17 to recognize the accomplishments and successes within
the faculty throughout the year.
[See video]
[See photos]
A funny thing happened on the way to the lab
Western Alumni Gazette | Spring 2012
Under the Western Engineering jacket of Jeff Burney beats the heart of a
filmmaker, T-shirt designer and newspaper cartoonist.
[Read more]
Making 'scents' of an engineering degree
Western Alumni Gazette | Spring 2012
Becoming a fragrance industry entrepreneur wasn’t even in the realm
of possibility for Ashlee Firsten, BESc'06, when she arrived at Western.
[Read more]
Opportunity to attend conference in Russia “will stay with me forever”
Western Engineering News | May 16, 2012
Second-year Electrical Engineering student Nikita Babailov and
first-year students Nicole Wight and Ogo Velikonja, travelled
to Russia to participate in the “Topical Issues of Rational Use
of Natural Resources" forum, which was held on April 25-27 at
St. Petersburg State Mining Institute-Technical University.
[Read more]
Building the WindEEE Dome
Western Engineering News | May 16, 2012
Construction on the Wind Engineering, Energy and Environment (WindEEE)
Dome is well underway at the Western University's Advanced Manufacturing
Park. This video, filmed by Facilities Management project manager Mike
DeJager, is captured from inside and outside the upper fan chamber of
the inner dome.
[Watch video]
[See photos]
Western Engineering students trade textbooks for plane tickets this summer
Western Engineering News | May 8, 2012
From the United States, Russia and India to China, Tanzania and
Madagascar, several Western Engineering students will be traveling
abroad this summer to conduct research and gain hands-on experience.
Some of the students will be blogging about their activities.
[Read more]
Robinson named one of Ontario’s most promising researchers
Western News | May 4, 2012
Clare Robinson, assistant professor in the Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering and research director of the Geotechnical
Research Centre, is a recipient of Ontario’s Early Researcher Awards for
her work studying how groundwater contributes to pollution in the Great
Lakes. The awards program supports world-leading researchers, such as
Robinson, make new discoveries while helping to build their research
[Read more]
$1.125-million donation to Western key to environmental stewardship
Western News | May 3, 2012
A new donation of $1.125 million by
Newalta Corporation will support
research and development efforts at Western to discover technologies to
protect the environment and create value from perceived wastes generated
by industrial sectors such as oil and gas, refining, pulp and paper,
mining and manufacturing.
[Read more]
[See photos]
[London Free Press]
[London Community News]
Porter presented the Western Award of Excellence
Western Engineering News | May 1, 2012
Western Engineering technical specialist Eugen Porter was among the 2012
recipients of the Western Award of Excellence. He was honoured during a
special ceremony on Feb. 16. Watch a video of the presentation of the
internal award designed to recognize the tremendous work staff performs
in support of providing an outstanding Western experience.
[See video]
[Read Western News article]
April 2012
Western grad’s Sky Eye turns aerial photography into moneymaker
Metro News | April 26, 2012
Chris Bacik didn’t set out to become a business mogul. Truth be told,
the 22-year-old Western University grad was more interested in earning a
few extra bucks than making it big when Sky Eye Media started two years
ago. Now, with a new bachelor’s degree in engineering and an honours in
business administration under his belt, Bacik is toying with the idea of
making the company his full-time gig.
[Read more]
CPSX Spotlight: PhD candidate Raymond Francis
Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration | April 25, 2012
Electrical and Computer Engineering PhD candidate Raymond
Francis steps into the spotlight at the Centre for Planetary Science
and Exploration for a interview on his research; what inspired him
to study planetary science and study at Western; and offers advice
to students interested in pursuing the field.
[Read about his work with the Thames Valley District School Board]
Civil engineering graduate students recognized for commitment to the environment
Western Engineering News | April 4, 2012
Two graduate students from Western University’s department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering have been awarded Ross and Jean Clark
[Read more]
Getting the fastest education on four wheels
Western News | April 19, 2012
Tyler Ouellet and Jordan Dil have put hundreds of hours into one
particular extracurricular activity on campus this past year. There’s no
pay, they get greasy and, at times, don’t get home until after midnight.
And they wouldn’t change a thing. The fourth-year Engineering students
are part of the
Western Engineering Formula Racing Team.
[Read more]
Top students provide academic mentorship to first-year students
Western Engineering News | April 17, 2012
Anish Naidu may not have been the one to write the tests, but
because of him fellow Western Engineering students are making the
grade. Naidu is
one of the faculty’s four Super Tutors, a program started in
September 2011 to provide support and academic mentorship to
first-year students.
[Read more]
Chislett named to Ontario’s Clean Energy Task Force
Ministry of Energy | April 12, 2012
Michelle Chislett, BESc'03, (MBA York), has been named to
Ontario’s Clean Energy Task Force, which has been established to
help broaden the province’s energy focus. Chislett is chair of the Board of Directors of the
Canadian Solar Industries Association, vice-president of Solar
Development for International Power Canada, Inc., and a member of
the Advisory Council of Western Engineering.
[Read more]
Western project eyes lead in municipal drinking water
Western News | April 10, 2012
Western Engineering professors José Herrera and Clare Robinson will lead one of two
new municipal research projects that will forecast lead levels
in municipal drinking water, and develop sustainable wastewater
treatment systems in First Nations communities in Ontario’s
[Read more]
Students work to reduce barriers to accessibility
Western Engineering News | April 5, 2012
Western Engineering students demonstrated their inventiveness and
creativity at the First-Year Engineering Design Showcase on Thursday,
April 5 in the Great Hall. The 96 teams designed projects based on the
theme, “Reducing Barriers to Accessibility.”
[See photos]
[Read Londoner article]
Eldyasti recognized for commitment to environmental engineering research
Western Engineering News | April 4, 2012
Working with chemical engineering professors Jesse Zhu and George Nakhla,
PhD candidate Ahmed Eldyasti is researching ways to improve biological
nutrient removal (BNR) from municipal and industrial wastewater. He is
the most recent recipient of the Julie Lassonde Scholarship, awarded to
a full-time graduate student who demonstrates making a difference in
Ontario, Canada and the world.
[Read more]
Curnoe, Chambers proof great things can start here
London Free Press | April 2, 2012
If London had a poster boy, it could be Joel Adams, BESc/HBA’00.
Born and raised in London, a downtown resident and Western
University graduate, Adams now helms the research park, the
university's economic development arm and an incubator for the who's
who of London start-ups.
[Read more]
March 2012
Zhu named a Distinguished University Professor
Western News | March 29, 2012
Jesse Zhu, professor and Canada Research Chair in Powder Technology
Applications in Western’s Department of Chemical and Biochemical
Engineering, is a recipient of the Distinguished University
Professorship (DUP) award. The DUP recognizes excellence in the areas of
teaching, research and service over a substantial career at Western. As
well, Western Engineering’s Ajay Ray and Jun Yang were named Faculty
[Read more]
Western Engineering showcases its research to university, industry
Western Engineering News | March 28, 2012
The Faculties of Engineering, Science and the Schulich School of
Medicine & Dentistry at Western University presented the Western
Research Showcase March 21 in the Great Hall. The event is an
opportunity for partnerships and networking between industry and
university researchers.
[See photos]
Capstone Design Competition winners announced
Western Engineering News | March 27, 2012
The 2012 Capstone Design Competition was held on March 23 at
the Research Park in Sarnia. Fourteen groups from Western
Engineering's Chemical and
Biochemical Engineering and Green Process Engineering
participated in three categories. The event was sponsored by 14
southern Ontario companies, which donated $14,500 for the event
and prizes for the winners of the competition.
[View photos]
Mavriplis encourages young women to be leaders
Western Engineering News | March 22, 2012
Catherine Mavriplis delivered the 2012 Lynda Shaw Memorial
Distinguished Lecture on “Advancing Women in Science and
Engineering: What Can Be Done?” at Western Engineering on March 22.
Mavriplis is an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering at the
University of Ottawa and NSERC / Pratt & Whitney Canada Chair for
Women in Science and Engineering for the Ontario Region. She
encourages women to act as leaders, even at a young age, and sees
room for engineers to improve their image in society.
[See photos]
Oil Sands give Canada its world energy advantage, says Thompson
Western Engineering News | March 22, 2012
Don Thompson, Executive Advisor, Sustainability and Oil Sands
Outreach, Canadian Oil Sands Limited, delivered a lecture at Western
Engineering on March 21 on "Canadian Oil Sands - Canada's Energy
Advantage." As Canada develops this resource, it must continue to
work to achieve the balance between economic contribution,
environmental sustainability and energy security, he says.
[Read more]
[See photos]
Relationships are key, new Ontario Road Builders’ Association president says
Daily Commercial News | March 22, 2012
Newly elected Ontario Road
Builders’ Association (ORBA) president Jim Hurst, BESc’87, Civil
and Environmental Engineering, got his feet wet in the industry as a
field engineer on the $1 billion Highway 407 project north of
Toronto while employed at Armbro Construction Ltd.
[Read more]
Funding boost for research into new crop option for Sand Plains farmers
Western Engineering News | March 21, 2012
Research by the Institute for Chemicals and Fuels from Alternative
Resources (ICFAR) at Western Engineering into the economic potential of
the Jerusalem Artichoke received an investment of up to $133,500 from
the federal government. Lambton-Kent-Middlesex MP Bev Shipley announced
the support for project to determine the plant's economic potential as
an industrial crop and as feedstock to produce biofuels and biochemicals.
[See photos]
Bridging the gap between city, university
Western News | March 8, 2012
A group of fourth-year civil engineering students could very well have their names on a Canadian first should the City of London run with their innovative bridge design.
[Read more]
'Scary' experience twists research
Western News | March 8, 2012
Research met reality for Western Engineering professor Horia Hangan on a recent trip to the western United States. And that gave the WindEEE Dome principal investigator some new ideas.
[Read more]
Western Engineering launches international web portal
Western Engineering News | March 6, 2012
Western Engineering has launched a web portal for international
experiences and opportunities in Western Engineering. This site provides
information about Western Engineering’s international activity at the
university and globally for interested current students, faculty, staff
and alumni, as well as prospective international students and faculty
and staff members.
[Read more]
Engineering students offer designs for new city developments
Western Engineering News | March 6, 2012
Fourth- year Civil and Environmental Engineering students could
see their designs for a footbridge over the Thames River at Harrison
Park and a chemical treatment system at Greenway Pollution Control
Centre put into action. Student teams Sigma Innovations, RDA
Consulting and McENN Inc. topped the 2012 City of London Design
Competition, held Friday, March 2 at Western Engineering. The
winning designs will be shared with city representatives and
consultants working on the designs of these projects.
[See photos]
Options wide open for engineering grads
Edmonton Journal | March 2, 2012
Engineering graduates are in high demand, says Western
Engineering alumna Kirsten Petersen, an engineer-in-training at a
major oil company, and Jessica Barker, a master's student in
environmental engineering. The pair discusses how corporations are
rapidly investing in young engineering talent to replace retiring
baby boomers.
[Read more]
Painting a bigger picture with microalgae
Western News | March 1, 2012
Wankei Wan, Biochemical Engineering professor, has found an unusual
application for his research on the production of microalgae. Pigment
produced from microalgae in his lab has inspired Western Visual Arts
student Jesse Robertson to paint vibrant works of art.
[Read more]
February 2012
Isyumov to receive Jack Cermak Medal for lifetime achievement
Western Engineering News | February 21, 2012
Nick Isyumov, consulting director for the Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel
Laboratory, has been named the 2012 recipient of the “Jack Cermak Medal”
from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). The award is for
lifetime achievement in the field of Wind Engineering and Industrial
Aerodynamics. ASCE will award the medal at the upcoming 2012 ASCE
Structures Congress held in Chicago, Illinois March 29-31.
[Read more]
Winning CEC 2014 bid was just the beginning
Western Engineering News | February 21, 2012
Making the case to host the Canadian Engineering Competition (CEC)
at Western University put a lot of pressure on Gail Hayhoe and
Michael Zawalsky. But the pair faced the challenge and won the bid
for Western Engineering in 2014 during the Canadian Federation of
Engineering Students Congress held in Whitehorse, Yukon, Jan. 4-10.
[Read more]
PalmPass gets your ticket to ride
Western News | February 16, 2012
Software Engineering student Sajjad Haiderali and Kinesiology
master’s student Bryn Jones have developed PalmPass – a mobile,
e-commerce ticketing application allowing transit users to purchase and
display bus passes and tickets on their smartphone. The app is gearing
up for its September test run with the London Transit Commission (LTC).
[Read more]
Western Engineering's Dean’s Office goes green
Western Engineering News | February 14, 2012
Western Engineering’s Dean’s Office, along with the
Undergraduate Engineering Society, is part icipating in a Green
Office Pilot Program launched by Facilities Management. The program
is designed to raise environmental awareness among faculty and staff
and to help the university reduce its environmental footprint. The
will be expanded campus-wide in the fall.
[Read more]
Five awards for the Western Engineering Toboggan Team
Western Engineering News | February 13, 2012
The Western Engineering Toboggan Team took home five awards at the
2012 Great Northern Concrete Toboggan Race held in Calgary Feb.
8-12. The team was awarded Best Concrete Mix Design, Best Concrete
Reinforcement Design, Best Toboggan Design, Best Technical Exhibit
and Best Technical Report. The team blogged about their experiences
on Western Engineering’s “What WE have to say” blog.
[Read more]
WETT’s concrete toboggan hits the slopes in Calgary Feb. 8-12
Western Engineering News | February 6, 2012
Racing down the side of a ski hill on a concrete toboggan isn’t
easy, but the design challenge has the
Engineering Toboggan Team (WETT) excited to put their ideas to
the test. WETT unveiled its design last month for the
Great Northern
Concrete Toboggan Race (GNCTR) 2012, held in Calgary, Alta. Feb.
[Read more]
Porter named 2012 Western Award of Excellence recipient
Western News | February 2, 2012
Western Engineering technical specialist Eugen Porter is among
the 2012 recipients of the Western Award of Excellence. Porter will
be honoured during a special ceremony on Feb. 16. The internal award
is designed to recognize the tremendous work staff performs in
support of providing an outstanding Western experience.
[Read more]
January 2012
Western Engineering students take tobogganing to a new level
London Community News | January 31, 2012
A team of about 50 engineering students at Western
University have taken the concept of the simple toboggan and
turned into a complex, downhill five-man sled.
[Read more]
[See photos]
El Damatty weighs in on roof collapsing video
Western Engineering News | January 30, 2012
Ashraf El Damatty, professor in Civil and Environmental Engineering,
weighed in on the cause behind a collapsed roof in a minor hockey rink
in Slovakia, caught on video. El Damatty, whose research focus is in the
area of structural engineering, was contacted by Discovery Channel
“Planet You” to offer an explanation for the unusual video footage and
his comments were featured during the “Trending Video” segment.
[Watch video].
Johnson appointed Graham King Research Chair at Schulich
Western Engineering News | January 25, 2012
Jim Johnson, director of Biomedical Engineering and professor
in Mechanical and Materials Engineering, has been appointed the Graham
King Research Chair in the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry for a
five-year term.
Five WEC teams move on to the Ontario Engineering Competition
Western Engineering News | January 25, 2012
The Western Engineering Competition was held at The University of
Western Ontario Jan. 13-15. The top teams in five categories will
attend the Ontario
Engineering Competition held Feb. 3-5 at the University of
Toronto. See the list of winners and photos from the event.
[See photos]
Research led by Sun and Zhou receives CFI funding boost
Western Engineering News| January 24, 2012
Two projects led by Western Engineering researchers Xueliang (Andy) Sun and
Wenxing Zhou were among five at The University of Western Ontario
and Lawson Health Research Institute to receive $1.2 million from
the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI).
[Read more]
Here comes the sun: Novel solar technology helps track sun’s movement
Western Engineering News | January 18, 2012
Solar farms are sprouting up across the country at an exponential
pace and this push for harvesting greener energy has prompted a Western
Engineering researcher to figure out a way capitalize on daylight hours.
Kamran Siddiqui, associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and
Materials Engineering, along with his graduate student Hassan Hassan,
has developed a smart solar tracker and a load compensator for solar
[Read more]
[See London Free Press article and video]
Mandel Scientific Company Inc. supports Western Engineering
Western Engineering News | January 12, 2012
Western Engineering welcomed representatives from Mandel Scientific
Company Inc. to campus on Oct. 27, 2011 to formally dedicate the Mandel
Scientific Company Inc. Laboratory in the Claudette MacKay-Lassonde
[Read more]
El Naggar elected fellow of Engineering Institute of Canada
Western Engineering News | January 6, 2012
Hesham El Naggar, Western Engineering’s professor and associate
dean - research and graduate studies, has been elected a fellow of
Engineering Institute of Canada (EIC). He will be awarded the honour
on June 7 at the Shaw Centre in Edmonton during the Canadian Society for
Civil Engineering/EIC awards gala to celebrate the 125th anniversary of
both organizations.
UES students to blog from the Yukon
Western Engineering News | January 3, 2012
Undergraduate Engineering Society president Issi George and
vice-president, external, Taylor Standring will be blogging about their
experiences at the Canadian Federation of Engineering Students (CFES)
Congress, held Jan. 4-10 in Whitehorse, Yukon. The week-long conference
serves as both the AGM for CFES and an open forum for engineering
students across Canada. Follow their blog posts on the ‘What
WE have to say' blog.
[Read blog posts]
May 2012

- Hitting the right note with engineering
- New opportunities for Engineering
- Options wide open for engineering grads
- Western Engineering around the world
- Here comes the sun
- GNCTR to hit London slopes in 2014
- PalmPass gets your ticket to ride
- Winning CEC 2014 bid was just the beginning
- Bridging the gap between city, university
- Top students become academic superheroes
- Watch a time-lapse video of the 2012 Western Formula SAE car
- Recent gifts to Western Engineering
January 2012

- Engineering a new visual identity
- Engineering Society President aims to help students 'dream big'
- Building on success in the new year
- Western and Fraunhofer partner for new composites research centre
- 100 years later, IBM still placing big bets
- DuPont's evolution focused on sustainability
- Robots build bridges to next generation of engineers
- International graduate students receive Alan G. Davenport Award
- PhD candidate Ahmed El Ansary named Trillium scholar
- Conor Trainor takes on the world
- The wonders of Wind Engineering
- 2011 Homecoming & L.S. Lauchland Engineering Alumni Medal Presentation
- Go ENG Girl
- Western Engineering Diversity Outreach Award
- Ion I. Inculet Electrical Engineering PhD Scholarship fund and the William Hubert (Hugh) Peacock Award in Engineering
- TD Friends of the Environment Foundation support development of the BioDynamic Garden
Also from this web page:
Making Headlines 2009
.: Allison Stevenson
Spencer Engineering Building, Room 2074
T: 519-850-2917
F: 519-661-3808