Western Engineering gets a makeover
Western Engineering is kicking off the 2005-06 academic year in style.
Over the summer months, Western Engineering renovated classrooms, offices and the cafeteria in
the Spencer Engineering Building.
The renovations don't stop there - this September, Western launched a new interactive, accessible, visual Web site - www.uwo.ca. Last updated in 2001, the Western homepage redeveloped by Robin Sutherland from Communications and Public Affairs incorporates new tools and technology from the ever changing Internet to improve the sharing of information and foster community discussion. Western Engineering decided to follow Western's lead and just a couple days ago launched its new Web site with a homepage and secondary pages that have the same look and feel of Western's - but with an engineering twist. Be sure to visit Western Engineering's new site at www.eng.uwo.ca. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Please send your comments to Allison Stevenson (Western Engineering's Communications Officer) or Jim Dobravec from Western Engineering's Information Technology Group.
Once you visit the new Western Engineering Web site you will notice the WE logo has had a bit of a makeover as well. For those of you new to Western Engineering, the Faculty launched a “WE” logo, designed by Derek Daniher, an undergraduate CBE student, three years ago.
[Click here to see the old logo].
The logo was well received by faculty, staff and students. It was incorporated into letterhead, envelopes and other stationary items. The WE became a very recognizable symbol within The University of Western Ontario and the outside community via professional journals, magazines, recruitment brochures and clothing. However, with the gradient fade and size of the WE sticks, the logo was hard for people to embroider and include in some publications. For this reason, the logo has been modified, slightly. After consulting with a number of faculty, staff and students the logo has been changed to solid purple, thicker sticks and solid white text in the Western Engineering text box.
[Click here to see the new logo].
Logo guidelines, templates and various versions of the WE logo will soon be available online. Please update your files with the new logo. It is extremely important that we be consistent in its use. If you would like to use the WE logo in upcoming publications, presentations, Web sites and/or on merchandise, please contact Allison Stevenson.
Also from this web page:
.: Allison Stevenson
Spencer Engineering Building, Room 2074
Telephone: (519) 850-2917 Fax: (519) 661-3808