Dr. S. Micic - Publications
- Qu, Q., Lo, K.Y., Janes, M., Micic, S. and Lardner, T.
“Numerical Analyses on the Wall Deflections of the Bow Excavation”
The 64th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Calgary, Alberta, 2010.
- Lo, K.Y., and Micic, S. “Evaluation of Swelling Properties of
Shales for the Design of Underground Structures” ITA-AITES 2010
World Tunnel Congress, Vancouver, 2010.
- Lo, K.Y., Micic, S., Lardner, T. and Janes. M. “ Geotechnical
Properties of a Weak Mudstone in Downtown Calgary” The 63rd Canadian
Geotechnical Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2009.
- Micic, S., and Lo, K.Y., “Increasing Pullout Resistance of
Offshore Foundations in Soft Clays”, The 16th International
Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Osaka,
Japan, 2005.
- Micic, S., and Shang, J.Q., “Electrokinetic Stabilization of
Soft Clay for Offshore Foundations”, The K.Y. Lo Symposium,
Geotechnical Research Centre, The University of Western Ontario,
London, Canada, 2005.
- Micic, S., Shang, J.Q., and Lo, K.Y. (2003). “Improvement of
Load Carrying Capacity of Offshore Skirted Foundations by
Electrokinetics”. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Vol.40, pp 949-963.
- Micic, S., Shang, J.Q., and Lo, K.Y. (2003).
“Electro-Cementation of a Marine Clay Induced by Electrokinetics”.
International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol. 13,
No. 4, pp 308-315.
- Micic, S., Shang, J.Q., and Lo, K.Y. (2003). “Load-carrying
Capacity Enhancement of Skirted Foundation Element by
Electrokinetics”. International Journal of Offshore and Polar
Engineering, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp 182-189.
- Micic, S., Shang, J.Q., and Lo, K.Y., “Electrokinetic
Strengthening of Soil Surrounding Offshore Skirted Foundations”, The
13th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference,
Honolulu, USA, 2003.
- Micic, S., Lo, K.Y., and Shang, J.Q., “A New Technology for
Increasing the Load-Carrying Capacities of Offshore Foundations in
Soft Clays”, Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, USA, 2003.
- Micic, S., Shang, J.Q., and Lo, K.Y., “Electrokinetic
Strengthening of Marine Sediment Using Intermittent Current”, The
55th Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Niagara Falls, Ontario, 2002.
- Micic, S., Shang, J.Q. and Lo, K.Y., “Electro-Cementation of a
Marine Clay Induced by Electrokinetics”, The 12th International
Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Kitakyushu, Japan, 2002.
- Micic, S., Shang, J.Q., and Lo, K.Y., “Bearing Capacity
Enhancement of Skirted Foundation Element by Electrokinetics”, The
12th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference,
Kitakyushu, Japan, 2002.
- Micic, S., “Electrokinetic Enhancement of Skirted Foundation
Elements Embedded in a Soft Marine Clay” presented to Federal
Industry Minister Mr. Allen Rock at The University of Western
Ontario, March 1, 2002.
- Lo, K.Y., Micic, S. and Shang, J.Q., “Increasing the Bearing
Capacity of Foundations in Marine Clays by Electrokinetics”, The 2nd
Canadian Specialty Conference on Computer Application in
Geotechnique, Winnipeg, Canada, 2002.
- Micic, S., Shang, J.Q., and Lo, K.Y. (2001). “Electrokinetic
Strengthening of Marine Clay Adjacent to offshore Foundations”.
International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering, Vol. 12,
No. 1, pp 64-73.
- Micic, S., Shang, J.Q., Lo, K.Y., Lee, Y.N. and Lee, S.W.
(2001). “Electrokinetic Strengthening of Marine Sediment Using
Intermittent Current”. Canadian Geotechnical Journal Vol. 38, pp
- Micic, S., Shang, J.Q. and Lo, Y.K., “Electrokinetic
Strengthening of Marine Clay Adjacent to Offshore Foundations”, The
11th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference,
Stavanger, Norway, 2001.
- Micic, S., Shang, J.Q., Lo, Y.K., Lee, Y.N. and Lee, S.W., “Electrokinetic
Strengthening of Marine Sediment Using Intermittent Current”, The
52nd Canadian Geotechnical Conference, Regina, Canada, 1999.
- Lo, K.Y., Micic, S., Shang, J.Q., Lee, Y.N. and Lee, S.W., “Electrokinetic
Strengthening of Soft Marine Clays”, The 9th International Offshore
and Polar Engineering Conference, Brest, France, 1999.
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Civil and Environmental Engineering
Geotechnical Research Centre
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Rm. 3010D
Tel: (519) 661-2111
Ext. 88290
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