We have a campus population of over 35,000 students, and the prevalence of mental health issues is likely higher than we know. Wellness in mind, body, and spirit is essential to academic success. The most important things you can do to maintain good mental health are to pay attention to sleep, exercise and nutrition. Supportive and caring relationships can be a great help, and so it is important to make it a priority to make and nurture these relationships.
The Mental Health and Wellness Resource Guide is filled with many different mental health resources for undergraduate and graduate students at Main Campus and the Affiliated University Colleges; it provides contact information for resources related to students' academics, health, and well-being. More specifically, the guide includes on- and off-campus resources, online resources, counselling resources, 24-hour crisis services, and services for students living in residence. It will be available online here on studentexperience.uwo.ca and on OWL for first-year students. Printed copies are available on a limited basis from the new Wellness Education Centre in the UCC.
The Wellness Education Centre is the friendly drop-in desk of student wellness at Western. If you don’t know where to go, start here!
No appointment needed! The Wellness Education Centre takes a personalized approach to recommending professional health & wellness services, strategies to improve your wellness and manage stress, or wellness events that match your needs.
Located in the UCC, room 76
Open Monday - Friday 10:00am-6:00pm
Psychological services provides professional and confidential services, free of charge, to students needing assistance to meet their personal, social and academic goals. Services include consultation, referral, groups and workshops, as well as brief, change-oriented psychotherapy.
Book an appointment in-person or by telephone:
(519) 661-3030
Room 11, UCC
Hours September-April
Monday-Thursday 9:00a.m.-7:00 p.m.
Friday 9:00a.m.-4:30 p.m.
Summer Hours
Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m.- 4:00p.m.
Student Health Services is an appointment based medical clinic for all registered part-time and full-time students at Western and affiliated colleges. Urgent problems such as infections or injuries can often be seen the same day. Appointments can also be booked for non-urgent medical issues. Patients may see a physician of a specific gender and may also ask to see the same doctor for each visit.
Room 11, UCC
Medical and Counselling
(519) 661-3030
Fax: (519) 661-3380
The challenges of academic life at university can be stressful for every student, but international students can experience additional unique stressors. International students have to adapt not only to the academic demands of university but also have to learn about Canadian culture, such as differences in:
- Education systems and procedures
- Food and climate
- Language and colloquial terminology
- Establishing friendships and more
Experiencing the challenges of university life and cultural transitions can put a lot of pressure on one’s mental well-being, especially being a long way from family and friends back home and not having their immediate support.
The International and Exchange Student Centre (IESC) offers a full range of programs and services to support international students during their stay at Western. Individual assistance (advising and counselling) is available for international students through the IESC.
International and Exchange Student Centre (IESC) Appointment Office (general advising, counselling, and immigration advising appointment booking):
Location: IESC, Room 2N70, 2 nd floor, International and Graduate Affairs Building
Phone: (519) 661-2111 ext. 85908
Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 11:30 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Other Resources:
International Peer Connection Program
IESC's Global Cafe
International Student Advising Services
Campus Community Police Service
Emergency: Call 911
Non-emergency or inquiries: (519) 661-3300
Reach Out 24/7
(519) 433-2023
24-hour phone crisis assistance
(519) 642-3000 (24/7 crisis line)
Anova provides safe places, shelter, support, counselling, and resources for abused women, their children, and all oppressed individuals to find a new start.
Good2Talk - Post Secondary Student Helpline
Good2Talk is a free, confidential helpline providing professional counselling and information and referrals for mental health, addictions and well-being to post-secondary students in Ontario, 24/7/365.
Living Well @ Western is a cross-campus initiative designed to encourage and promote a wide variety of physical, cultural, and intellectual activities to improve health and wellness at Western.
Want to be well and live well at Western? We have some ideas for you. All are free opportunities to build fun, exercise or relaxation into your Western workday and to ease the stress we all feel at times. Living Well @ Western opportunities include:
Check out the Living Well at Western page for the Lunch Hour Activity Class list and schedule