Beer Production: 60- Minute India Pale Ale


The purpose of this project is to develop a brewery that operates in Quebec which is capable of producing about 1,000,000 kg of IPA craft beer annually. The brewery process extracts sugars from malt and turns them into ethanol and carbon dioxide through proper conversion and filtration process to produce beer. The process uses a combination of conventional brewing techniques utilized by commercial and craft breweries alike. Production efficiency of 96% can be achieved. The beer is brewed using standard mash tun and lauter tun equipment alongside the use of the no-sparge brewing method. When the brew is complete, beer is packaged into cans ready to be sold at any licensed alcohol vendor. Most of this process’ waste consists of wastewater, hops waste, spent yeast and carbon dioxide (CO2). To minimize safety hazards and reduce emissions, CO2 is collected separately to be reused for carbonation.


  • Kristoffer Mailloux
  • Phillip Uttley
  • Tae Kim
  • Zhenan Zhang
  • Ziyi Fan