Undergraduate Studies
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering
Thompson Engineering Building,
Room 477
Western University
Tel: 519-661-2131
Fax: 519-661-3498
Undergraduate Studies

Watch a video to learn more about undergraduate studies in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering.
Our program educates engineers to design, develop and operate chemical processes to make useful products such as plastics, polymers, medicines, food, fuels, fertilizers, detergents, cosmetics, and consumer goods at minimum costs in a safe and environmentally sustainable way. Chemical Engineers also translate and scale-up processes developed by basic scientists into practical applications that benefit society and lead to economic development. In third year, students have the option to emphasize their course of study in a Chemical Engineering option or Biochemical and Environmental Engineering option.
News & Events
Engineering students will have a double-double learning experience when professor Lauren Briens guides them through the chemistry and business of a perfect cup of coffee. See more
Two Western researchers have received funding for partnership research projects that will help understand and prevent the spread of COVID-19. See more