Hydrothermal Batch Flow for the Green Synthesis of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles via Hibiscus Petal Extract for Wastewater Treatment


The purpose of this project is to develop an innovative industrial process for the green synthesis of titanium dioxide nanoparticles using Hibiscus rosa sinensis flower petal extracts and the metal precursor salt titanium oxy-sulfate. An innovative solution such as this can provide economic and efficient wastewater treatment to rural areas, specifically small communities situated in rural Mexico. The plant design is configured to produce an annual titanium dioxide nanoparticle production of 85,000 kg, more than enough to meet local demand. Important factors such as needs analyses, nanoparticle property comparisons, process selection justifications, plant design, location selection, safety considerations, hazard identifications, and detailed unit designs are all taken into account to ensure a successful and sustainable industrial venture.


Sara Teasdale, Laura Ridge, Shaden Masaud, Riley Little, Darby Little