James Douglas Hole, BESc'67

Chair, Former President and CEO of Lockerbie & Hole Inc.


Mr. Hole received the Lauchland Engineering Alumni Medal in 2012.

Q & A

What makes you proud to be Canadian?

Throughout my career I've been involved in construction projects the length and breadth of this land, including the Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. I have had the chance to see and experience the variety and expanse of this great country. As Canadians we should be so proud of the vastness and beauty of our nation. 

How did your Engineering degree launch your success?

They say that timing is everything. But I would suggest that timing and skills are everything. I graduated in 1967, the 100th anniversary of Canada, and I retired 50 years later. There could not have been a better time to start a career with a quality Engineering degree. Canada was faced with the challenge of building huge infrastructure projects, highways, water and wastewater treatment plants, airports as well as the development of the massive oil sands in Alberta.  I was lucky enough to work on many of these mega projects. It was a great time to build one's career as an engineer.

Any advice you would offer an incoming engineering student?

Engineering has never been such a  wide and diverse field, and is becoming even more diverse. Try to experience that diversity, especially through your university years. Look at different types of summer engineering jobs and try to explore those options in other parts of Canada and the world. There is no better chance to work abroad and in the field than in your university years.
