Academic Consideration for Absences

What is Academic Considerations?

Academic Consideration provides students with consistent, fair, and academically appropriate consideration, when they are unable to complete some component of a course due to extenuating circumstances.

If you have missed or will miss a course-related component (e.g. laboratory or tutorial) or a course-related assessment (e.g. quiz) you may be eligible to request an Academic Consideration to make arrangements to complete the missed course work at a later time.

Academic Consideration for course-related components and assessments may include:

  • Class Attendance
  • Tutorial Attendance
  • Laboratory Attendance
  • Midterm
  • Test
  • Presentation
  • Essay/Assignment
  • Quiz


Please note - If you have missed/will miss a make-up exam that takes place after the end of the examination period, please contact your faculty advising office directly. Considerations regarding make-up exams scheduled after the end of the examination period are not part of the Student Absence Portal. You will need to submit an appeal to retain the SPC in the course here - Appeal Submission Form


If, on medical grounds, you are unable to meet your academic responsibilities, i.e., unable to write term tests or final examinations or complete course work by the due date, you should follow the instructions listed below. You should understand that academic accommodation will not be granted automatically on request. You must demonstrate that there are compelling medical reasons that can be documented before academic accommodation will be considered.  Read the instructions carefully. In all cases, action must be taken at the earliest possible opportunity, preferably prior to the scheduled examination, test or assignment.

*Please note:

  • All the Academic Absence requests due to illness must be submitted with proper medical documentation. The medical document must contain Duration of the Illness, Severity of Illness and Ability to Complete Academic requirements.   
  • Students registered with Accessible Education should not use Student Absence Form/portal if their extenuating circumstance is related to their disability or plan of accommodation eligibilities. Student should contact their Accessible Education Facilitator.


1.) Read the Official Policy on Academic Absence due to Illness
2.) Check the course outline to see if the instructor has a policy for missed tests, examinations, late assignments or attendance.
3.) Fill out a Student Absence Form and submit it with documentation which supports your absence. If you are ill and visit a doctor, they will need to fill out the Student Medical Certificate. Documentation shall be submitted, as soon as possible and no later than 48 hours from the missed course component, together with a request for relief specifying the nature of the academic consideration being requested.  

Extended Absences: If you are absent more than approximately two weeks or if you get too far behind to catch up, you should consider reducing your workload by dropping one or more courses. This must be done by the appropriate deadlines. (Refer to the Registrar’s website for official dates.) The Academic Advisors can help you to consider the alternatives.


Compassionate reasons range from bereavement to weddings to high school commencements and more. We get that life happens outside of your academics and there may be a time when you can’t meet your responsibilities due to something we would consider a compassionate reason. Please realize though that these considerations are not granted automatically and documentation depending on the circumstance must be provided to support the reason for the absence. In all cases, the Student Absence Form still must be submitted and you must take action at the earliest possible opportunity to come and speak with us. 

Please do not book or commit to any event prior to speaking with Academic Counselling. We do not want you to book tickets before you find out if your absence will be supported.

Please connect with us to determine what documentation is suitable if it isn’t listed below:

  • Bereavement: including funerals, visitations – death certificate, obituary notice.
  • Wedding: invitation and relationship to the wedding party.
  • High School Commencement: invitation or notification from high school that shows the date, time, and location of the event.
  • Non-Varsity Sporting Events, Non-Western Academic Events: proof of date, time, and duration along with evidence that you are required at the event. 
  • Serious Illness of a Family member: Provide a student medical certificate to your family member's physician to complete and attach it to your Academic Consideraton Request form. 

Consideration for Final Exams

If you are unable to write a final examination, you should contact Undergraduate Services to request permission to write a Special Examination.  

In order to receive permission to write a Special Examination, you must fill out the Student Absence Form. Be sure to indicate the 'Final Exam' option from the drop down menu.  If approved, the Undergraduate Services Office will then notify the course instructor(s) and if it is an Engineering exam(s) you missed, reschedule the examination(s) on your behalf.  Students writing examinations for outside engineering courses (ie. Applied Math, Computer Science, Physics, etc) will need to check with that department to find out the date, time & location of their make-up exam(s).

Please note: It is the student's responsibility to check the date, time and location of the special examination.

You will need to provide supporting documentation explaining the reason for your absence.  If you are ill and visit a doctor, they will need to fill out the Student Medical Certificate.  You will upload this documentation in the Academic Consideration Request Form. 

The following circumstances are not considered grounds for missing a final examination or requesting special examinations: common cold, sleeping in, misreading timetable and travel arrangements. 

*If you write with Accommodated Exams you must also complete their late/makeup assessement form. Please see their website for details. 

Exam Conflicts & Multiple Exam Situations

You will be notified by the registrar’s office if you are in a direct conflict, or have a multiple exam situation for your final exams. If you do, you can complete the necessary paperwork in Academic Advising to move an exam. This would create a special exam which would usually be written in January (for December exams) or May (for April exams).

For more information on exam conflicts please visit the registrar website.


Engineering students can complete and submit an Student Absence Form to our office when reporting a conflict with a religious holiday. In rare cases, further documentation may be requested from a religious leader to verify the religious holiday or observance of time. Students are asked to submit their requests a minimum of two weeks in advance. 

See the University Policy for more information on religious holidays.


Students who will miss academic responsibilities due to varsity commitments should come in at least one week before the event to get approval. We realize at times this might not be possible due to the scheduling of events.


Class & Exam Conflicts

In-Class Assessment Conflicts

If you have a class conflict with an exam/test you will need Academic Consideration to move the exam/test. Please complete and submit an Student Absence Form with complete details on when all conflicts are. Please provide supporting documentation – course outline, email from the instructor to confirm the dates are accurate in the form you filled out.

The exception to this is when your class/lab conflicts with your exam on Western's Make-Up Dates - these are the first Thursday in January after the start of the term, and the second Thursday in May. On these dates exams take precedence over classes and labs (see Academic Calendar).

Midterm exam conflicts

If you have two exams at the same time please complete an Student Absence Form and attach documentation showing the conflict (OWL annoucements, course outlines - indicating the date & time of both exams). You will need to list only the exam which exam you plan on moving on your consideraton form. If only one exam has a make-up you will need to move that one. Please find out from your instructor when your make-up exams are scheduled. If no exam has a make-up you can decide. 

In-class midterms take precedence over other midterm conflicts. Do not select to move an in-class midterm. Regularly scheduled classes, labs, tutorials take precedence over midterms. Do not guess which one you should move - speak with our team. Submit conflicts at least one week in advance.

Midterm 3 in 23 hours

The Faculty of Engineering will extend the University Exam Conflict Policy of 3 exams in 23 hours to midterm exams at our own discretion. If approved, we will allow you consideration for one of your midterm exams if you have three falling within 23 hours.

Please note, not all exams offer make-up opportunities. Please review your course outlines carefully to ensure you understand your course policy for a missed mid-term exam. 

To request consideratoin please complete the Student Absence Form and attach documentation showing the conflict (OWL annoucements, course outlines - indicating the date & time of all exams).

Accessible Education

The University works collaboratively with the student, instructor, department, faculty, and Accessible Education (formerly Services for Students with Disabilities, SSD) in the Student Development Centre to provide accommodation when needed.

If you are a student that requires accommodation through Accessible Education you must connect with them as soon as possible.

If you write with Accessible Education, please make sure you indicate this on the Student Absence Form. If you missed an exam you will also need to fill out the Registrar's Accommodation Form.

Please also review Western’s Policy on Academic Accommodation for Students with Disabilities.

Clubs & Teams

Students who will miss academic responsibilities due to Club or Team commitments should come in at least one week before the event to get approval. We realize at times this might not be possible due to the scheduling of events.

  • Complete an Student Absence Form
  • Attach a copy of your detailed event attendance confirmation showing your name, the dates, times and location