Departments and Units
Communications Specialist
Faculty of Engineering
Spencer Engineering Building
Room 2072
Western University
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 87015
Keith Zerebecki, BESc'72, MEng,73
Former Director, Business Planning & Alliances, General Dynamics Land Systems – Canada
Mr. Zerebecki received the Lauchland Engineering Alumni Medal in 2005.
Q & A
How did your Engineering degree launch your success?
The Engineering program trains students in problem solving processes. Students apply those rigorous, disciplined steps many hundreds of times, regardless of the branch of engineering they have selected. Those same analytical processes become second nature and are applied far beyond the technical fields. That basic skill is what makes engineering the best, broad based education, that can be leveraged in any career. And that is not obvious when starting out.
Any advice you would offer an incoming Engineering student?
Many of our graduates made their biggest contributions in fields only somewhat related to engineering. So be open to the possibilities beyond pure engineering careers and take that approach when designing your undergraduate program. At Western you are offered the opportunity of joint degree programs. Well worth serious consideration.
What makes you proud to be Canadian?
Spending so much time in the US we are struck by the contrast in the national value systems. We appreciate the team values of Canada. Peace, Order and Good Government, vs the US individual values of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. This came to light recently in Canada's approach to accepting the Syrian refugees.