Departments and Units
Communications Specialist
Faculty of Engineering
Spencer Engineering Building
Room 2072
Western University
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 87015
Marvin DeVries, MEng'83
President, Trojan Technologies
Mr. DeVries received the Lauchland Engineering Alumni Medal in 2016.
Q & A
What makes you proud to be Canadian?
I've lived and worked in 3 countries outside of Canada and travelled to more than 60 countries in total, and each time I return to Canada, I reflect on how incredibly fortunate my family and I are to live in the best country in the world.
Why do you value your Engineering degree?
Both Engineering degrees are related to water (hydrology and water & wastewater treatment), and both have been very relevant to my career with Trojan Technologies - a global provider of products and services in water and wastewater treatment.
Any advice you would offer an incoming Engineering student?
Look for an opportunity to live and work abroad in a culture very different from the one you were raised in and do so as early as possible in your engineering career.