Fraunhofer Innovation Platform for Composites Research

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This Q&A series offers an opportunity for the Western Engineering community to learn more about the incredible staff across the faculty and the outstanding work they do. 

Meet the Fraunhofer Innovation Platform (FIP) for Composites Research team located at 2520 Advanced Avenue, London, Ontario.


The FIP Composites Western team conducts research on lightweight composite material at industrial scale. We help develop new formulations and processing technologies to manufacture lightweight components for automotive, infrastructure, sporting goods and aerospace industries at high volume rates. Industrial scale equipment allows for an seamless transition of the applied research to an industrial/commercial application.

-- Vanja Ugresic, Manager of Operations

Team Members

Research Technician

  • Steve Jones
  • Rob Cosh
  • Keith Ruck

Research Engineer

  • Eric Martin
  • Haoyang Liu

Senior Business Development Officer

  • Louis Kaptur

Manager of Operations

  • Vanja Ugresic


  • Andrew Hrymak
  • Frank Henning

Engineering Communications: What do you enjoy most about your work at Western Engineering?

Andrew Hrymak: I enjoy the interactions with engineering students in industry driven projects, case studies and guest speakers. FIP Composites Research at Western provides a great experiential learning opportunity for students to work with technical staff on research and development projects that will be used by industrial clients.  

What's your go-to way to unwind or relax after a busy day?

Keith Ruck: I love working outside in my vegetable garden or building/working on projects in my garage.

Do you have a favourite team-building activity or memory with your colleagues?

Rob Cosh: A BBQ day the FIP team organized internally. We moved the tables and chairs outside so that we could enjoy the nice summer weather. Each team member brought something to share and we made a lovely lunch.

Can you share a fun or interesting fact about your hometown or where you grew up?

Haoyang Liu: I grew up in Dalian, a city in the northeast of China. It is home to Xinghai Square, the largest city square in the world.

Can you share a fun or interesting fact about yourself that your colleagues might not know?

Louis Kaptur: I know how to juggle and I'm happy to demonstrate. Additionally, I've taken up a hobby of repairing motors with a mentor. Recently, I had a Ford race motor that got damaged in a race and I got to repair it. A couple of months ago, I successfully got the motor running for the first time after the repair.

What's the most memorable travel experience you've had and why?

Eric Martin: Climbing up “Ha Ling Peak” in Canmore, Alberta. The climb was about 1,500 ft and took roughly roughly 3.5 hours, making it the largest climb I've ever done. I felt like a tiny dot on a great wall of endless rock. The weather was perfect, with a clear sky showcasing one of the most beautiful places in the world. The experience was definitely unforgettable.

If you could visit any place in the world, where would it be, and what would you do there?

Steve Jones: If I could visit anywhere in the world, it would be Hawaii to enjoy the beautiful, sunny beaches. Another tourist spot I would like to visit is Pearl Harbour, particularly the Arizona ship sunk in the harbour, which is a very interesting part of world history. I've wanted to visit this location ever since I was a child, watching shows live Hawaii Five-O and Magnum P.I.

What's your favourite type of cuisine or comfort food?

Vanja Ugresic: After visiting Thailand and experiencing its vibrant and flavourful cuisine, Thai food became my favourite. I enjoy the perfect balance of sweet, sour, spicy and salty flavours in every Thai dish.