Experience Western Engineering
Spencer Engineering Building, Room 2085
London, ON N6A 5B9
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 83764
Email: futurewe@uwo.ca
Common First Year

What is a Common First Year?
Completing a common first year means you and all your classmates will take the same courses allowing you to experience various disciplines of engineering before deciding on an area of specialization. After completing the common first year, you will enroll in one of our seven programs.
What are the benefits of a Common First Year?
During the common first year, you will solve real engineering problems. You will be provided with the fundamentals needed for success in upper years while exploring various engineering disciplines. This will enable you to make an educated choice for specialization in one of our seven engineering programs.
Although you may have an idea of which area of engineering you would like to specialize in before coming to Western Engineering, we have met students who have changed their career plans after exploring different areas of engineering in the common first year. Having the opportunity to study different disciplines before selecting a major will ensure that you are choosing an upper year program you truly love.
You will also have the opportunity to develop a close bond with your first-year classmates. These friendships will last throughout your engineering education, and beyond.
Do students have to register for First Year courses?
Western Engineering has done all the hard work for you: you do NOT have to select your courses and figure out a timetable. Your timetable with all your required courses will be completed for you and available through your Student Centre starting in early-August after the First Year tuition fee payment deadline has passed.