Executive Members

T.A. Newson, PhD
Research Director, GRCResearch Interests / Specializations: Civil infrastructure/energy and natural resources, Cyclic and static laboratory stress-strain testing and constitutive modeling, Finite element modelling of complex boundary value problems, Geotechnical for offshore infrastructure and wind farms

M.H. El Naggar, PhD, P.Eng., FEIC, FASCE
Distinguished University ProfessorResearch Interests / Specializations: Civil infrastructure, Design of machine foundations, Static and dynamic analysis of piles, Soil dynamics and geotechnical earthquake engineering

J.I. Gerhard, PhD, P.Eng.
ProfessorResearch Interests / Specializations: Contaminant Hydrogeology and Site Remediation: Soil and groundwater contamination; Innovative techniques for contaminant remediation; Multiphase flow in porous media

H.P. Hong, PhD, P.Eng.
ProfessorResearch Interests / Specializations: Reliability assessment of existing structure & infrastructure systems, Optimum strengthening criteria for existing structures, Probablistic assessment of slope stability under spatial uncertain variability, Reliability of deteriorating reinforced concrete columns under stochastic excitation; Earthquake occurrence modelling

Bing Li
Assistant ProfessorResearch Interests / Specializations: Applications of rock mechanics to energy systems, specifically at the intersection of rock mechanics; engineering seismology; big-data analytics to understand the phenomena behind induced seismicity and hydraulic fracturing in the geothermal, carbon sequestration, and oil and gas industries

C. Power, PhD
Assistant ProfessorResearch Interests / Specializations: Contaminant Hydrogeology and Site Remediation: Site characterization and monitoring; Non-invasive geophysical imaging; Contamination by industrial chemicals and acid mine drainage

C. Robinson, PhD
Associate Professor, Canada Research Chair in Water QualityResearch Interests / Specializations: Contaminant Hydrogeology and Site Remediation: Fate and transport of contaminants; reactive transport modelling; Groundwater-surface water interactions; Urban stormwater management

A. Sadrekarimi, PhD, P.Eng.
Associate ProfessorResearch Interests / Specializations: Geotechnical, Soil dynamics and geotechnical earthquake engineering, Static and cyclic behavior of soils, Advanced laboratory and field soil testing, Geotechnical physical model testing