L.Y. Jiang
Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering
Spencer Engineering Building,
Room SEB 3076
Western University
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 80422
Fax: 519-661-3020

Dr. Jiang's Research Group, Spring of 2010. From left to right: Mohammad H. Mahdavi (Ph.D, co-supervised with Dr. Sun), Jianmin (Brian) Ma (M.E.Sc, co-supervised with Dr. Asokanthan), Mostafa Zaman (M.E.Sc), Zhi Yan (Ph.D), Prof. Liying Jiang, Masoud Noroozi (Ph.D).
Research Interests
Dr. Jiang’s research interests and activities cover a wide range in solid and applied mechanics. Her expertise is in establishing mechanics and physics models for challenging problems related to materials behavior through theoretical modeling and numerical simulations. Some specific research topics are:
- Size-dependent properties of nanostrucutred materials, particularly piezoelectric nanomaterials.
- Electromechanical coupling behavior of dielectric elastomers for applications in transduction technology.
- Computational mechanics modeling of mechanical properties of fiber reinforced composites
- Multi-scale modeling on the mechanical and electrical properties of CNT-polymer nanocomposites
- Buckling and wrinkling behavior of thin film materials
- Mechanical properties of carbon nanotube and graphene
- Fracture and failure analysis of functionally graded piezoelectric materials
My Research Group
NEW! Position is available for a postdoctoral fellow to carry out an industry sponsored project on composite modeling in Prof. Liying Jiang’s lab at the Mechanical and Materials Engineering Department of the University of Western Ontario in Canada. The contract is initiated for one year, with possible extension if work progresses satisfactorily. The research will focus on investigating the microstructure effects upon the failure modes of injection molded composites.
The candidates must have a PhD degree in a field of study related to the research project. Ideal candidates should have a solid background and previous work experience in solid mechanics, composites, micromechanics modeling, failure and fracture, and numerical simulations with ABAQUS/ANSYS. Interested candidates are encouraged to send your CV with a list of three referees to Prof. Jiang directly.
Positions Available: Energetic and self-motivated graduate students interested in my research areas are encouraged to apply. Priority will be given to students with Solid Mechanics background. Please send your CV with your transcripts to me by email.