
Research Interests

My research interests are focused on problems where the thermal sciences and fluid mechanics strongly interact. I have developed an active research program aimed at improving the understanding and contribute to the scientific knowledge of the relevant key fundamental processes, and to use this knowledge to solve problems of practical interest. 

My research activities are mainly experimental in nature. Our research lab is equipped with state-of-the-art measurement systems that include,

  • Particle image velocimetry (PIV)
  • Laser induced fluorescence (LIF)
  • High speed imaging
  • Infrared (thermal) imagery

Some specific areas of interest are:

Interfacial Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer

The flow dynamics near or adjacent to fluid-fluid and fluid-solid interfaces play a vital role in regulating heat, mass and/or momentum transfer across the interface. The processes taking place in the interfacial regions are vital for a wide range applications. I am interested in the investigation of interfacial fluid dynamical and thermal processes in both engineering and environmental applications.

Alternative Energy Systems

Sustainable Energy Systems

Research Group