O.R. Tutunea-Fatan
Department of Mechanical & Materials Engineering
Chakma Engineering Building,
ACEB 3462
Western University
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 88289
Fax: 519-661-3020
Supervised/co-supervised student names are shown in boldface.
Refereed Journal Papers
- Gordon, W.B., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E., 2024, "Parametric Analysis of Drag Reduction Determined by Streamwise Triangular Riblet Microstructures: Effect of Included Angle Variation," Journal of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer, 11:248-254.
[ Full text available here ] - Hamilton, B.W., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2024, "Preliminary Analysis of Hydrodynamic Drag Reduction and Fouling Resistance of Surfaces Inspired by the Mollusk Shell, Dosinia Juvenilis," Biomimetics, 9, 363, 16 pages.
[ Full text available here ] - Gorski, A., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Ferreira, L.M., 2024, "Computationally Efficient Software Tool for Virtual Hand Repositioning," accepted for publication in Computer-Aided Design and Applications.
[ full citation details to follow ] - Wu, H., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2024, "Training Reinforcement Learning-Based Controller Using Performance Simulation of the Laser Remelting Process," Procedia Computer Science, 232:1849-1858.
[ Full text available here ] - Cvijanovic, S., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2024, "Melt Pool Instability in Surface Polishing by Laser Remelting: Preliminary Analysis and Online Monitoring with K-Means," Procedia Computer Science, 232:1953-1960.
[ Full text available here ] - Gorski, A., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Ferreira, L.M., 2024, "Software Tool for Interactive Design of Customized Hand Splints," Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 21:976-997.
[ Full text available here ] - Maia, T.O., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Gergely R., Okonski, D.A., 2024, "Consistent Generation of FEA Meshes for Warped Thin-Walled Components Characterized by Geometric and Topological Complexities", Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 21:998-1017.
[ Full text available here ] - Hamilton, B.W., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2023, "Drag Reduction by Fish-Scale Inspired Transverse Asymmetric Triangular Riblets: Modelling, Preliminary Experimental Analysis and Potential for Fouling Control," Biomimetics, 8, 324, 15 pages.
[ Full text available here ] - Beyfuss, D., Bordatchev, E., Linden, S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Willenborg, E., 2023, "Preliminary Thermographic and Statistical Analysis of Surface Topography Non-Uniformities Produced by Laser Remelting on Metallic Surfaces", Manufacturing Letters, 35:269-276.
[ Full text available here ] - Cvijanovic, S., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2023, "Applicability of Laser Polishing on Inconel 738 Surfaces Fabricated Through Direct Laser Deposition," Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, 18, pp. 1-7.
[ Full text available here ] - Hamilton, B.W., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2022, "Preliminary Assessment of Assymmetric Triangular Riblet Microstructures for Drag Deduction and Fouling Resistance: Numerical Modeling, Fabrication, and Performance Evaluation," Micromachines, 13:2208.
[ Full text available here ] - Wu, H., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2022, "Comparative Analysis of the Applicability of Feed-Forward and Recurrent Neural Networks for Prediction of Surface Quality of Laser Polished Surfaces," Journal of Laser Micro/Nanoengineering, 17:116-120.
[ Full text available here ] - Cvijanovic, S., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2022, "Modelling and Statistical Analysis of the Intermediate Laser Remelting Regime by Moving Average Filtering," Procedia CIRP, 111:667-672.
[ Full text available here ] - Meshreqy, S., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2022, "Automated Detection of Laser Track Contours for Analysis of Laser Polishing Process Stability," Procedia CIRP, 111:679-683.
[ Full text available here ] - Beyfuss, D., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2022, "Analysis and Classification of the Process-Induced Surface Topography Nonuniformities During Laser Remelting," Procedia CIRP, 111:673-678.
[ Full text available here ] - Joao, D., Rangel, O., Milliken, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E., 2022, "Single Flank Machining Strategy for Ultraprecise Single-Point Cutting (USPC) of V-Grooves," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 120:4505–4523.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Martin, E., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Gergely, R., Okonski, D.A., 2022, "Quantitative Characterization of Warpage for Composite Components," Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 19:1093-1108.
[ Full text available here ] - Churchill-Baird, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E., 2022, "CAD/CAM Framework for Parametric Design and Fabrication of V-Groove-Based Functional Surfaces," Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 19:1109-1116.
[ Full text available here ] - Knezevic, D., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Gergely, R., Okonski, D.A., Ivanov, S., Dörr, D., 2022, "Thermographic Analysis of a Long-Fiber Reinforced Thermoplastic Compression Molding Process," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 119:6119–6133.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Martin, E., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Gergely, R., Okonski, D.A., 2021, "Repeatability and Accuracy of Laser Scanning-Based Reverse Engineering for Warped Composite Components," Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 18:1018-1034.
[ Full text available here ] - Farrus, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2021, "Framework for Determination of Surface Topography Generated Through Elliptical Vibration Assisted Single Point Cutting," Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 18:669-681.
[ Full text available here ] - Bordatchev, E., Küpper, M., Cvijanovic, S., Willenborg, E., Milliken, N., Temmler, A., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2020, "Edge-lit Sine-shape Wedged Light Guides: Design, Optical Simulation, Laser-Remelting-Based Precision Fabrication, and Optical Performance Evaluation," Precision Engineering, 66:333-346.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Beyfuss, J., Bordatchev, E., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2020, "Preliminary Machine Learning Analysis and High-Speed Thermographic Visualization of the Laser Polishing Process," Procedia CIRP, 94:947-950.
[ Full text available here ] - Faieghi, M., Atashzar, F.S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Eagleson, R., 2020, "Parallel Haptic Rendering for Orthopedic Surgery Simulators," IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 5:6388-6395.
[Abstract or full text available here ] - Joao, D., Milliken, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2020, "Axial Strategies for Ultraprecise Single Point Cutting of V-Grooves," Precision Engineering, 66:10-20.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Mohajerani, S., Bordatchev, E.V, Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Miller, J.D., 2020, "Thermophysical Simulation and Experimental Verification of Remelting Lines During Laser Polishing of H13 Tool Steel," Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 7:317–337.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Bordatchev, E.V., Cvijanovic, S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2020, "Preliminary Experimental Analysis of the Surface Topography Formation During Laser Polishing H13 Tooling Steel by Using Statistical Characteristics of the Surface Amplitude Distribution," Procedia Manufacturing, 48:159-164.
[ Full text available here ] - Farrus, N., Joao, D., Milliken, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E., 2020, "Reduction of Cutting Forces by Elliptical Vibration in Multi-pass Ultraprecise Single Point Axial Cutting of V-grooves," Procedia Manufacturing, 48:570-578.
[ Full text available here ] - Faieghi, M., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Eagleson, R., 2020, "Parallelized Collision Detection with Applications in Virtual Bone Machining," Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 188(105263):1-10.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Kusins, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Athwal, G.S., Ferreira, L.M., 2019, "Analysis of the Process Parameters Affecting the Bone Burring Process: An In-Vitro Porcine Study," The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, 5(e2028):1-9.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Joao, D., Milliken, N., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2019, "Axial Strategy for Ultraprecise Single Point Cutting of V-grooves; Case 1: Constant Chip Thickness," Procedia Manufacturing, 34:440-445.
[ Full text available here ] - Faieghi, M., Knowles, N.K, Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Ferreira, L.M., 2019, "Fast Generation of Cartesian Meshes from Micro-Computed Tomography Data," Computer-Aided Design and Applications,
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Bordatchev, E.V., Cvijanovic, S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2019, "Effect of Initial Surface Topography During Laser Polishing Process: Statistical Analysis," Procedia Manufacturing, 34:269-274.
[ Full text available here ] - Adamovsky, M.F.A., Ryan, A.W., Kaptur, L., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Wood, J.T., 2019, "Instrumented Linear Cutting Device for the Analysis of Fiber Severing Process," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 233:875-888.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Milliken, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2019, "Analysis of Surface Quality during Fabrication of Automotive Retroreflectors," Measurement, 134:649-657.
[ Abstract or full text available here] - Mohajerani, S., Bordatchev, E.B., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2018, "Recent Developments in Modeling of Laser Polishing of Metallic Materials," Lasers in Manufacturing and Materials Processing, 5:395-429.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Freeman-Gibb, E., Johrendt, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2018, "The Effect of Backing Profile on Cutting Blade Wear during High Volume Production of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Composites," SAE International Journal of Materials and Manufacturing, 11:491-498.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Faieghi, M., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Eagleson, R., 2018, "Fast and Cross-vendor OpenCL-Based Implementation for Voxelization of Triangular Mesh Models," Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 15:852-862.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Milliken, N., Hamilton B., Hussein, S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E., 2018, "Enhanced Bidirectional Ultraprecise Single Point Inverted Cutting of Right Triangular Prismatic Retroreflectors," Precision Engineering, 52:158-169.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Kusins, J.R., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Ferreira, L.M., 2018, "Experimental Analysis of the Process Parameters Affecting Bone Burring Operations," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 232:33-44.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Miller, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2017, "Experimental Analysis of Laser and Scanner Control Parameters During Laser Polishing of H13 Steel," Procedia Manufacturing, 10:720–729.
[ Full text available here ] - Hamilton, B.W., Milliken, N., Hussein, S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2017, "Fabrication of Right Triangular Prism Retroreflectors Through 3½½-Axis Ultraprecise Single Point Inverted Cutting," Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 14:693-703.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Mohajerani, S., Miller, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2017, "Thermo‐Physical Modelling of Track Width During Laser Polishing of H13 Tool Steel," Procedia Manufacturing, 10:708–719.
[ Access full text here ] - Hussein, S., Hamilton, B.W., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2016, "Novel Retroreflective Micro-Optical Structure for Automotive Lighting Applications," SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars – Mechanical Systems, 9:2016-2025.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Bhuiya, M.S.H., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2016, "5D Cubic B-Spline Interpolated Compensation of Geometry-Based Errors in Five-Axis Surface Machining," Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 13:369-378.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Mostafavi, K., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., Johnson, J.A., 2014, "Automatic and Accurate Reconstruction of Distal Humerus Contours Through B-Spline Fitting Based on Control Polygon Deformation," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, 228:1227-1234.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Bordatchev, E.V., Hafiz, A.M.K., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2014, "Performance of Laser Polishing in Finishing of Metallic Surfaces," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 73:35-52.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Heroux, A.J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Salisbury, S.P., Barari, A. 2014, "Minimization of Bone Removal Through Optimal Humeral Implant Alignment in Total Elbow Arthroplasty," Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 11:478-492.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Hafiz, A.M.K., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2014, "Experimental Analysis of Applicability of a Picosecond Laser for Micro-Polishing of Micromilled Inconel 718 Superalloy," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 70:1963-1978.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Abolghasemi Fakhri, M., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2013, "Framework for Evaluation of the Relative Contribution of the Process on Porosity-Cutting Force Dependence in Micromilling of Titanium Foams," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 227:1635-1650.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Mostafavi, K., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Lalone, E., King, G.J.W, Johnson, J.A., 2013, "Determination of Elbow Flexion-Extension Axis Based on Planar and Closed B-Splines," Computer-Aided Design and Applications, 10:551-565.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Bhuiya, M.S.H., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2013, "Reduction of Geometry-Based Errors in Five-axis Machining through Enhanced 5D Interpolation," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 64:305-317.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bernick, J.H., Lalone, E., McDonald, C.P., King, G.J.W, Johnson, J.A., 2013, "Assessing the Performances of Collision Driven Numerically-Simulated Implantation in Elbow Replacement Surgery," International Journal of Computer Aided Engineering and Technology, 5:263-290.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Hafiz, A.M.K., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2012, "Influence of Overlap Between the Laser Beam Tracks on Surface Quality in Laser Polishing of AISI H13 Tool Steel," Journal of Manufacturing Processes, 14:425-434.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Abolghasemi Fakhri, M., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2012, "An Image-Based Methodology to Establish Correlations between Porosity and Cutting Force in Micromilling of Porous Titanium Foams," International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 60:841-851.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bhuiya, M.S.H., 2011, "Comparing the Kinematic Efficiency of Five-Axis Machine Tool Configurations through Nonlinearity Errors," Computer-Aided Design, 43:1163-1172.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Abolghasemi Fakhri, M., Bordatchev, E.V., 2010, "Porosity and Cutting Forces: From Macroscale to Microscale Machining Correlations," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 225:619-630.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Li, H., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Feng, H.Y., 2007, "An Improved Tool Path Discretization Method for Five-Axis Sculptured Surface Machining," International Journal of Advanced Machining Technology, 33:994-1000.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Feng, H.Y., 2006, "On the B-Spline Interpolated Tool Trajectories for Five-Axis Sculptured Surface Machining," International Journal of Manufacturing Research, 1:198-212.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Feng, H.Y., 2005, "Determination of Geometry-Based Errors for Interpolated Tool Paths in Five-Axis Surface Machining," ASME Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 127:60-67.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Feng, H.Y., 2004, "Configuration Analysis of Five-Axis Machine Tools Using a Generic Kinematic Model," International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 44:1235-1243.
[ Abstract or full text available here ]
Refereed Conference Papers and Abstracts
- Meyer, P., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2025, "The Effect of Acquisition Time on Thermographic Monitoring and Identification of LRM Process Dynamics," Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Manufacturing Technologies (ICMT 2025), Jan. 2025, Atlanta, USA, 10 pages.
[ Complete citation information to follow ] - Bordatchev, E.V., Gordon, W.B., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Song, N., Li, L, 2025, "Drag Reducing Functional Surface with 60degree Riblets: Modelling, Microfabrication,and Performance Evaluation," Proceedings of American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) SCITECH 2025 Forum, Jan. 2025, Orlando, USA, 10 pages.
[ Access abstract or paper here ] - Gordon, W.B., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E., 2024, "Preliminary Evaluation of Drag Reduction Performance for Functional Surfaces with 60-degree Riblets Subjected to Taylor-Couette Flows," Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Fluid Flow and Thermal Science (ICFFTS 2024), Nov. 2024, Lisbon, Portugal, paper 159, 8 pages.
[ Access paper here ] - Bordatchev, E.V., Cvijanovic, S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2024, "Preliminary Insights on Using Image Entropy to Analyze the Dynamics, Self-Organization, and Stability of Laser Remelting," Proceedings of the 2024 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC), Oct. 2024, Sarawak, Malaysia, pp. 4496-4497.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Alahakoon, Y., Asokanthan, S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2024, "Optimization of Hemispherical Resonators (HRS) for Hemispherical Resonator Gyroscope (HRG) Applications," presented at ASME 2024 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC/CIE 2024), Aug. 2024, Washington, USA.
[ Access abstract here ] - Gorski, A., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Ferreira, L.M., 2024, "Computationally Efficient Software Tool for Virtual Hand Repositioning," Proceedings of the CAD'24 Conference, Jul. 2024, Eger, Hungary, pp. 238-242.
[ Access full text here ] - Gordon, W.B., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E., 2024, "Drag Reduction Effects Associated with Streamwise Triangular Riblet (STR) Microstructures," presented at the 11th International Conference of Fluid Flow, Heat and Mass Transfer (FFHMT’24), June 2024, Niagara Falls, Canada, 8 pages.
[ Access abstract here ] - Gordon, W.B., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E., 2024, "Turbulent Kinetic Energy-Based Analysis of Drag Reductive Effects Produced by Streamwise Triangular Riblets with Varying Included Angles," presented at the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress, Computational Fluid Dynamics Canada International Congress CSME - CFD-SC2024, May 2024, Toronto, Canada.
[ Complete citation info to follow ] - Oliva, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E., 2024, "Digital Twin of the Aerodynamic Interface for a Surface Textured with Rectangular Microriblets," presented at the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress, Computational Fluid Dynamics Canada International Congress CSME - CFD-SC2024, May 2024, Toronto, Canada.
[ Complete citation info to follow ] - Meyer, P., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2024, "Preliminary Development of Thermographic Monitoring of the Laser Remelting Process," Proceedings of the Technical Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2024), Charlotte, USA, May 2024, paper AM1C.3 (2 pages).
[ Abstract or full text available here] - Wu, H., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2023, "Training Reinforcement Learning-Based Controller Using Performance Simulation of the Laser Remelting Process," presented at the International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM 2023), Nov. 2023, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Cvijanovic, S., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2024, "Melt Pool Instability in Surface Polishing by Laser Remelting: Preliminary Analysis and Online Monitoring with K-Means," presented at the International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing (ISM 2023), Nov. 2023, Lisbon, Portugal.
- Wu, H., Cvijanovic, S., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2023, "Application of Machine Learning for Prediction of Roughness in Surface Polishing by Laser Remelting," presented at the International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing (ICAM 2023), Oct. 2023, Washington, USA.
- Bordatchev, E., Cvijanovic, S., Wu, H., Gorski, A., Beyfuss, D., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2023, "Conceptualization and Preliminary Development of Statistical Digital Twin and Cyber-Thermophysical System for Advanced Analysis, Monitoring, and Control of the Laser Remelting Process," Proceedings of 2023 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2023), Oct. 2023, Oahu, Hawaii, USA, pp. 3033-3039.
- Wu, H., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2023, "Performance Simulation of the Laser Remelting Process for Reinforcement Learning-Based Control," Proceedings of the 24th International Congress on Laser Precision Microfabrication, June 2023, Hirosaki, Japan, abstract R4-S36-1, 1 pp.
- Gordon, W.B., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E., 2023, "Parametric Analysis of Hydrodynamic Drag Reduction Effects Determined by Streamwise Triangular Riblets," Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME) International Congress, Computational Fluid Dynamics Canada International Congress CSME - CFD-SC2023, May 2023, Sherbrooke, Canada.
[ Access full text here ] - Gorski, A., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Ferreira, L.M., 2023, "Software Tool for Interactive Design of Customized Hand Splints," Proceedings of the CAD'23 Conference, Jul. 2023, Mexico City, Mexico, pp. 265-270.
[ Access full text here ] - Maia, T.O., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Gergely R., Okonski, D.A., 2023, "Consistent Generation of FEA Meshes for Warped Thin-Walled Components Characterized by Geometric and Topological Complexities", Proceedings of the CAD'23 Conference, Jul. 2023, Mexico City, Mexico, pp. 271-275.
[ Access full text here ] - Wu, H., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2022, "Comparative Analysis of the Applicability of Feed-Forward and Recurrent Neural Networks for Prediction of Surface Quality of Laser Polished Surfaces," Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LMP 2022), June 2022, Dresden, Germany, pp. 1-5.
[ Access full text here ] - Cvijanovic, S., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2022, "Applicability of Laser Polishing on Inconel 738 Surfaces Fabricated Through Direct Laser Deposition," Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LMP 2022), June 2022, Dresden, Germany, pp. 1-6.
[ Access full text here ] - Churchill-Baird, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2021, "Integrated Approach For Parametric Design and Fabrication of V-Groove-Based Functional Structures," Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Precision Engineering (ASPE), Nov. 2021, Minneapolis, USA, pp. 57-62.
[ Full text available here ] - Hamilton, B., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2021, "Microfabrication and Experimental Investigation of Drag Reduction and Fouling Resistance Potential of Asymmetric Triangular Riblets," Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Precision Engineering (ASPE), Nov. 2021, Minneapolis, USA, pp. 302-307.
[ Full text available here ] - Rangel, O.F., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2021, "Single Point Diamond Cutting of High-Aspect Ration V-Grooves: Alternative Flank Cutting Strategy and Preliminary Burr Formation Analysis," Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Precision Engineering (ASPE), Nov. 2021, Minneapolis, USA, pp. 183-188.
[ Full text available here ] - Cvijanovic, S., Bordatchev, E., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2021, "Recognition and Classification of Shallow- and Deep-Remelting Regime During Laser Polishing Through a Novel Statistical and Cross-Sectional Analysis Approach," Proceedings of Laser Applications Conference, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2021), Oct. 2021, virtual event, paper JM3A.49.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Cvijanovic, S., Bordatchev, E., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2021, "Applicability of Convolutional Neural Network to Classification of Laser Polishing Process Conditions," Proceedings of 2021 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC 2021), Oct. 2021, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 1-2.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Martin, E., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Gergely R., Okonski, D.A., 2021, "Quantitative Characterization of Warpage for Composite Components," Proceedings of the CAD'21 Conference, Jul. 2021, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 192-197.
[ Abstract available here ] - Churchill-Baird, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2021, "CAD/CAM Framework for Parametric Design and Fabrication of V-Groove-Based Functional Surfaces," Proceedings of the CAD'21 Conference, Jul. 2021, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 213-217.
[ Abstract available here ] - Hamilton, B., Churchill-Baird, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E., 2021, "Parametric Simulation and Analysis of Self-Cleaning and Antifouling Functional Surfaces with Trilateral Geometry," presented at ASPE 2021 Spring Topical Meeting on Freeform and Structured Surfaces, Apr. 2021, virtual event, pp. 3.
[ Full text available here ] - Churchill-Baird, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E., 2021, "Integrated Approach for Parametric Design and Fabrication of Functional Surfaces with Trilateral Geometric," Proceedings of the ASPE 2021 Spring Topical Meeting on Freeform and Structured Surfaces, Apr. 2021, virtual event, pp. 24.
[ Full text available here ] - Beyfuss, J., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2020, "Feasibility Study of the Laser Remelting Process Stability with respect to Initial Surface Topography and Thermographic Monitoring," Proceedings of the Laser Congress 2020 (ASSL, LAC), Oct. 2020, virtual event, paper JTu5A.23.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Cvijanovic, S., Meshreqy, S., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2020, "Formation of Shape and Surface Quality of Laser Material Remelted Lines Obtained Through Defocusing," Proceedings of the Laser Congress 2020 (ASSL, LAC), Oct. 2020, virtual event, paper JTu5A.21.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Faieghi, M., Atashzar, S.F., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Eagleson, R., 2020, "Parallel Haptic Rendering for Orthopedic Surgery Simulators," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2020), Oct. 2020, Las Vegas, USA.
- Faieghi, M., Atashzar, S.F., Sharma, M., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Eagleson, R., Ferreira, L.M., 2020, "Vibration Analysis in Robot-Driven Glenoid Reaming Procedure," Proceedings of IEEE/ASME International Conference on
Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2020), Jul. 2020, Boston, USA, pp. 741-746.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Farrus, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2020, "Framework for Determination of Surface Topography Generated Through Elliptical Vibration Assisted Single Point Cutting," Proceedings of the CAD'20 Conference, Jul. 2020, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 209-213.
[ Abstract available here ] - Martin, E., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Gergely, R., Okonski, D.A., 2020, "Repeatability and Accuracy of Laser Scanning-Based Reverse Engineering for Warped Composite Components," Proceedings of the CAD'20 Conference, Jul. 2020, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 278-285.
[ Abstract available here ] - Beyfuss, J., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2020, "Preliminary Analysis of the Laser Polishing Process by High-Speed Thermographic Visualization," Proceedings of the Technical Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2020), San Jose, USA, Jun. 2020, paper JTu2B.7.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Joao, D., Milliken, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2019, "One-Side Cutting Strategy for Ultraprecise Single Point Cutting of V-Grooves; Case 2: Constant Cutting Area," Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Precision Engineering (ASPE), Pittsburgh, USA, Oct. 2019, pp. 325-330.
- Bordatchev, E.V.,, Küpper, M., Cvijanovic, S.J., Willenborg, E., Milliken, N., Temmler, A., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2019, "Fabrication of Edge-Lit Light Guide Tooling by Surface Structuring by Laser Remelting," Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Precision Engineering (ASPE), Pittsburgh, USA, Oct. 2019, pp. 88-89.
- Bordatchev, E., Kupper, M., Cvijanovic, S., Wilenborg, E., Milliken, N., Temmler, A., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2019, "Preliminary Characterization of Light Guide Tooling Fabricated by Surface Structuring by Laser Remelting," Proceedings of The Annual Conference of the IEEE Photonics Society (IPC 2019), Oct. 2019, San Antonio, USA, pp. 314-315.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Joao, D., Milliken, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2019, "Axial Strategy for Ultraprecise Single Point Cutting of V-grooves; Case 2: Constant Cutting Area," USB Proceedings of the 3rd World Congress on Micro and Nano Manufacturing (WCMNM 2019), Sep. 2019, Raleigh, USA, pp. 330-334.
- Joao, D., Milliken, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2019, "One-Side Cutting Strategy for Ultraprecise Single Point Cutting of V-Grooves Case 1: Constant Chip Thickness," USB Proceedings of the 13th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS 2019), Aug. 2019, Oshawa, Canada, pp. 312-316.
[ Full text available here ] - Bordatchev, E.V., Cvijanovic, S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2019, "Use of Statistical Amplitude Distributions in Experimental Analysis of Surface Topography Formation During Laser Polishing Process," Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference on Surface Modification Technologies (SMT33), Jun. 2019, Naples, Italy.
- Cvijanovic, S., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2019, "Analysis of Remelted Line Formation During Laser Polishing of H13 Steel," USB Proceedings of the 2019 International Congress of Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME 2019), Jun. 2019, London, Canada, pp. 150.
- Farrus, N., Milliken, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2019, "Implementations and Applications of Elliptical Vibration Micro/Nano-Cutting," USB Proceedings of the 2019 International Congress of Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME 2019), Jun. 2019, London, Canada, pp. 149.
- Joao, D., Milliken, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2019, "Axial Strategy for Ultraprecise Single Point Cutting of V-grooves with Constant Cross-Sectional Cutting Area," USB Proceedings of the 2019 International Congress of Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering (CSME 2019), Jun. 2019, London, Canada, pp. 152.
- Milliken, N., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2019, "Ultraprecise Micromachining of Retroreflective Structures," Proceedings of the 6th European Seminar on Precision Optics Manufacturing (POM 2019), Apr. 2019, Teisnach, Germany.
[ Citation info available here ] - Sharma, M., Ferreira, L.M., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2018, "Experimental Measurement of the Cutting Forces Generated During A Robot-Driven Glenoid Reaming Procedure," Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics (ASB 2018), Aug. 2018, Rochester, USA, pp. 508-509.
[ Abstract available here ] - Milliken, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2018, "Interdependence Between Tool Misalignment and Cutting Forces in Ultraprecise Single Point Inverted Cutting," CIRP Procedia/ Proceedings of the 8th CIRP Conference of High Performance Cutting (HPC'18), Jun. 2018, Budapest, Hungary, 77:332-335.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Faieghi, M., Knowles, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Ferreira, L., 2018, "'An Efficient Hexahedral Mesh Generation Algorithm for Micro-Level Trabecular Bone Modeling," Proceedings of the 8th World Congress of Biomechanics (WCB 2018), Jul. 2018, Dublin, Ireland.
[ Abstract available here ] - Faieghi, M., Knowles, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Ferreira, L., 2018, "Efficient Voxelization-Based Construction of Finite Element Meshes Originated from Micro-Computed Tomography Data," Proceedings of the CAD'18 Conference, Jul. 2018, Paris, France, pp. 21-25.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Kusins, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Ferreira, L., 2018, "Analysis of the Process Parameters Affecting Bone Burring: An In-Vitro Porcine Study," Transactions of the 2018 Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS 2018), Mar. 2018, New Orleans, USA, 43:1023.
[ Abstract available here ] - Kusins, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Ferreira, L., 2018, "Experimental Analysis of the Process Parameters Affecting Bone Burring Operations," Transactions of the 2018 Annual Meeting of Orthopaedic Research Society (ORS 2018), Mar. 2018, New Orleans, USA, 43:1024.
[ Abstract available here ] - Freeman-Gibb, E., Johrendt, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2018, "The Effect of Backing Profile on Cutting Blade Wear during High Volume Production of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Composites," Proceedings of the SAE 2018 World Congress and Exhibition, Apr. 2018, Detroit, USA, paper 2018-01-0158, 8 pages.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Tauhiduzzaman, M., Bordatchev, E.V., Milliken, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2017, "Inverted Diamond Cutting of Right Triangular Retroreflectors: Surface Quality and Cutting Forces," Proceedings of the 32st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE 2017 Annual Meeting), Oct. 2017, Charlotte, USA, 67:647-650.
- Faieghi, M., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Eagleson, R., 2017, "Fast and Cross-vendor OpenCL-Based Implementation for Voxelization of Triangular Mesh Models," Proceedings of the CAD'17 Conference, Aug. 2017, Okayama, Canada, pp. 410-414.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Heer, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Wood, J.T., 2017, "Optical Detection of Defects in High Quality Surface Composites," Proceedings of the 19th Photonics North Conference (PN 2017), Jun. 2017, Ottawa, Canada.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Serles, P., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2017, "Effect of Build Orientation on Surface Quality of Selective Laser Melted Ti-6Al-4V," Proceedings of the 19th Photonics North Conference (PN 2017), Jun. 2017, Ottawa, Canada.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Mohajerani, S., Miller, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2017, "Analysis of Laser Polished Line Formation, Part 2: Simulation," Proceedings of the 19th Photonics North Conference (PN 2017), Jun. 2017, Ottawa, Canada.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Miller, J., Mohajerani, S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2017, "Analysis of Laser Polished Line Formation, Part 1: Experimental Analysis," Proceedings of the 19th Photonics North Conference (PN 2017), Jun. 2017, Ottawa, Canada.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Hamilton, B.W., Milliken, N., Hussein, S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2016, "Enhanced Bidirectional Fabrication of Right Triangular Prismatic Retroreflectors," Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Precision Engineering (ASPE 2016 Annual Meeting), Oct. 2016, Portland, USA, 65:36-41.
- Hamilton, B.W., Hussein, S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2016, "Fabrication of Right Triangular Prism Retroreflectors Through Ultraprecise Single Point Inverted Cutting, Proceedings of the ASME 2016 11th International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC 2016), Jun. 2016, Blacksburg, USA, Vol. 2, paper MSEC2016-8715, pp. V002T04A046, 11 pages.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Hamilton, B.W., Hussein, S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2016, "Fabrication of Right Triangular Prism Retroreflectors Through 3½½-Axis Ultraprecise Single Point Inverted Cutting," Proceedings of the CAD'16 Conference, Jun. 2016, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 246-250.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Hussein, S., Hamilton, B.W., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2016, "Optical Performance of Right Triangular Prism," Proceedings of the 18th Photonics North 2016 Conference (PN 2016), May 2016, Quebec City, Canada.
[ Abstract available here ] - Hussein, S., Hamilton, B.W., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2016, "Novel Retroreflective Micro-Optical Structure for Automotive Lighting Applications," Proceedings of the SAE 2016 World Congress and Exhibition, Apr. 2016, Detroit, USA, paper 2016-01-1407, 10 pages.
- Bhuiya, M.S.H., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2015, "5D Cubic B-Spline Interpolated Compensation of Geometry-Based Errors in Five-Axis Surface Machining," Proceedings of the CAD'15 Conference, Jun. 2015, London, United Kingdom, pp. 419-424.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Mohajerani, S., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2015, "Current State-of-the-Art in Modeling and Simulation of Laser Polishing Process," USB Proceedings of the 25th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM 2015), Jun. 2015, London, Canada, pp. 84-87.
- Hussein, S., Hamilton, B., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2015, "Parameter-Driven Geometric Modeling of Retroreflective Features," USB Proceedings of the 25th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM 2015), Jun. 2015, London, Canada, pp. 96-99.
- Hamilton, B., Hussein, S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., 2015, "Strategies in Single Point Inverted Cutting for Fabrication of Structured Surfaces," USB Proceedings of the 25th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM 2015), Jun. 2015, London, Canada, pp. 108-111.
- Kusins, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Ferreira, L., 2015, "Experimental Apparatus for Analysis of Bone Removal During Surgical Resurfacing Procedures," USB Proceedings of the 25th Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM 2015), Jun. 2015, London, Canada, pp. 230-233.
- Mostafavi, K., Tutunea‐Fatan, O.R., Johnson, J.A., King, G.J.W., 2013, "Prediction of Interference Free Positions of the Humeral Implant in Preparation of Joint Replacement Procedures," CD-ROM Proceedings of the 2013 ASME Summer Bioengineering Conference (SBC 2013), Jun. 2013, Sunriver, USA, paper SBC2013-14606.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Hafiz, A.M.K., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2013, "Application of Picosecond Laser for Polishing of AISI H13 Tool Steel Sample Prepared by Micro Milling," CD-ROM Proceedings of NAMRI/SME, 41st North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC41), Jun. 2013, Madison, USA, Vol. 41, paper 1618, 10 pages.
- Heroux, A.J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Salisbury, S.P., Barari, A. 2013, "Minimization of Bone Removal Through Optimal Humeral Implant Alignment in Total Elbow Arthroplasty," Proceedings of the CAD'13 Conference, Jun. 2013, Bergamo, Italy, paper 72, pp. 162-163.
- Hafiz, A.M.K., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2013, "Micro-polishing of Inconel 718 by Picosecond Laser," Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Micromanufacturing (ICOMM 2013), Mar. 2013, Victoria, Canada, pp. 219-225.
- Mostafavi, K., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Lalone, E., King, G.J.W, Johnson, J.A., 2012, "Determination of Elbow Flexion-Extension Axis Based on Planar and Closed B-Splines," Proceedings of the CAD'12 Conference, Jun. 2012, Niagara Falls, Canada, paper 79, pp. 87.
- Hafiz, A.M.K., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2012, "The Effect of Overlap Percentage on Surface Quality in Laser Polishing of AISI H13 Tool Steel," CD-ROM Proceedings of NAMRI/SME, 40th North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC40), Jun. 2012, Notre Dame, USA, vol. 40, paper 7766, 10 pages.
- Bhuiya, M.S.H., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2011, "An Interpolation Technique For Compensation of Geometry-Based Errors," CD-ROM Proceedings of the 23rd Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM 2011), Jun. 2011, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 743-746.
- Hafiz, A.M.K., Chow, M., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Knopf, G.K., 2011, "Integrated Process Planning For Multi-axis Laser Polishing," CD-ROM Proceedings of the 23rd Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics (CANCAM 2011), Jun. 2011, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 747-750.
- Chow, M., Hafiz, A.M.K., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bordatchev, E.V., Knopf, G.K., 2010, "Experimental Statistical Analysis of Laser Micropolishing Process," CD-ROM Proceedings of the International Symposium on Optomechatronic Technologies (ISOT 2010) , Oct. 2010, Toronto, Canada, paper LPTI-1, 6 pages.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Bernick, J.H., Lalone, E., King, G.J.W., Johnson, J.A., 2010, "Application of Collision Detection to Assess Implant Insertion in Elbow Replacement Surgery," Proceedings of SPIE Conference on Medical Imaging, Vol. 7625, 76251K-762512K, Feb. 2010, San Diego, USA, 12 pages.
[ Abstract or full text available here ] - Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Feng, H.Y., 2006, "Geometry-Based Errors along B-Spline Interpolated Tool Trajectories in Five-Axis Sculptured Surface Machining," CD-ROM Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on High Performance Cutting (CIRP-HPC), Jun. 2006, Vancouver, Canada, paper 57, 10 pages.
- Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Feng, H.Y., 2004, "A Generic Kinematic Model of Five-Axis CNC Machine Tools," Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2004), Jul. 2004, Toronto, Canada, Vol. 1, pp. 603-610.
Participations to Professional Meetings
- Beyfuss, J., Wu, H., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2022, "Thermodynamic Instabilities During Laser Polishing and Their Online Thermal Emission Monitoring," presented at the 5th Conference on Laser Polishing (LaP 2022), Oct. 2022, Aachen, Germany.
- Bordatchev, E.V., Wu, H., Cvijanovic, S., Beyfuss, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Linden, S., Willenborg, E., Kreinest, L, 2022, "Recent Developments of Feed-Forward, Recurrent, and Convolutional Neural Networks for Modelling, Evaluation, and Prediction of the Surface Quality of the Laser Polished Parts, presented at the 5th Conference on Laser Polishing (LaP 2022), Oct. 2022, Aachen, Germany.
- Bordatchev, E., Küpper, M., Cvijanovic, S., Willenborg, E., Milliken, N., Temmler, A., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2020, "Surface Structuring of Optical Inserts by Laser Remelting," presented at the 4th Conference on Laser Polishing (LaP 2020), Sep. 2020, Aachen, Germany.
- Beyfuss, J., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2020, "On-line High-Speed Thermographic Monitoring and Preliminary Machine Learning Analysis of the Laser Polishing Process," presented at the 4th Conference on Laser Polishing (LaP 2020), Sep. 2020, Aachen, Germany.
- Chang, K., Buzelli, D., Meirson, G., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2020, "Production of Kevlar Panels Using High Pressure Resin Transfer Molding (HP-RTM) and Liquid Compression Molding (LCM) Process and Their Performance," presented at 20th Annual SPE Automotive Composites Conference and Exhibition (ACCE 2020), Sep. 2020, Detroit, USA.
- Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2019, "Laser Polishing and Structuring of Tooling and Functional Surfaces," presented at the 2019 International Congress of CSME (CSME 2019), Jun. 2019, London, Canada.
- Bordatchev, E.V., Miller, J., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2018, "Infrared Camera Based Monitoring and Analysis of the Laser Polishing Process," presented at the 3rd Conference on Laser Polishing (LaP 2018), Sep. 2018, Aachen, Germany.
- Bordatchev, E.V., Mohajerani, S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2018, "Thermophysical Simulation of Rapid Melting-Solidification of H13 Tool Steel Induced by Continuous Wave Laser Irradiation," presented at the 3rd Conference on Laser Polishing (LaP 2018), Sep. 2018, Aachen, Germany.
- Pfefferkorn, F.E., Vadali, M., Duffie, N.A., Klingbeil, K., Vockrodt, J., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Willenborg, E., Nüsser, C., Morrow, J.D., Richter, B., 2018, "A Review of Laser Remelting Processes and Applications for Surface Functionalization," presented at the 3rd Conference on Laser Polishing (LaP 2018), Sep. 2018, Aachen, Germany.
- Heer, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Wood, J.T., 2017, "Detection and Evaluation of Defects in Class-A Surface SMC Panels," poster presented at the 18th Annual Society of Plastic Engineers Automotive Composites Conference & Exhibition (SPE ACCE 2017), Sep. 2017, Detroit, USA.
- Heer, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Wood, J.T., 2017, "Assessment of Surface Defects in Class-A Surface SMC Panels," poster presented at the 2nd Annual ICRC/IRTG Summer Workshop and Symposium on Composite Materials, Jul. 2017, London, Canada.
- Heer, N., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Wood, J.T., 2016, "Evaluation of Class-A Surface in SMC Composite Panels," poster presented at the 1st Annual ICRC/IRTG Summer Workshop and Symposium on Composite Materials, Jul. 2016, Karlsruhe, Germany.
- Faieghi, M., Eagleson, R., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2016, "Efficient Voxelization Algorithms for Tessellated Objects: Applications to Virtual Reality Surgery Simulator Design for Shoulder Arthroplasty," poster presented at London Health Research Day 2016 (LHRD 2016), Mar. 2016, London, Canada.
- Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Villafuerte, J., 2016, "Applicability of Laser Polishing on Cold Spray Al Alloy SST A050," presented at the 2nd Conference on Laser Polishing (LaP 2016), Apr. 2016, Aachen, Germany.
- Bordatchev, E.V., Hafiz, A.M.K., Tutunea‐Fatan, O.R., 2014, "Comparative Analysis of Laser Polishing Technology Implementations," presented at the 1st Conference on Laser Polishing (LaP 2014), May 2014, Aachen, Germany.
- Bordatchev, E.V., Hafiz, A.M.K., Tutunea‐Fatan, O.R., 2014, "Laser Polishing: Technological Developments at the National Research Council of Canada," presented at the 1st Conference on Laser Polishing (LaP 2014), May 2014, Aachen, Germany.
- Hafiz, A.M.K., Bordatchev, E.V., Tutunea‐Fatan, O.R., 2012, "Analysis of Microhardness and Surface Integrity in Laser Polishing of AISI H13 Tool Steel," presented at the 24th Canadian Materials Science Conference (24th CMSC), Jun. 2012, London, Canada.
- Heroux, A., Salisbury, S., Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., 2012 "Minimization of the Interference Between Implant and Distal Humerus for Total Elbow Arthroplasty," poster presented at London Health Research Day 2012 (LHRD 2012), Mar. 2012, London, Canada.
- Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Feng, H.Y., 2003, "Accurate Multi-Axis Machining of Freeform Surfaces," poster presented at Materials and Manufacturing Ontario Partnerships, Jun. 2003, Toronto, Canada.
- Tutunea-Fatan, O.R., Feng, H.Y., 2003, "Computer-Aided Precision Machining Based on Geometric Errors Evaluation," poster presented at Western Engineering 2nd Annual Research Day, Feb. 2003, London, Canada.