Graduate Programs
Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Spencer Engineering Building,
Room 3002C
London, ON N6A 5B9
Tel: 519-850-2939
Fax: 519-661-3020
Current MEng Students

The icons shown below will provide information related to the MEng courses that you are required to take to complete your chosen MEng stream. Further information on courses that are available or are currently scheduled
New to Western?
New FAQ page for students starting their program in Fall 2021.
New students should access the Information for new students page to see what steps to take upon arrival. All students are to familiarize themselves of all policies, procedures, regulations and deadlines.
Additional information regarding our policies and procedures is available on our site.
Returning to Western?
Don't forget to access GradMap - your path to all things grad at Western. GradMap is available on SGPS' website or through your student center.
Student Center
Student Web Portal
Web Mail
Office of the Registrar