The Calling of an Engineer


67th Calling of an Engineer

Date: Saturday, March 22, 2025
Time: 11:00am and 3:00pm
Location: Alumni Hall, Western University - campus map


  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechatronics Engineering
  • Software Engineering



  • Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Integrated Engineering
  • Mechanical & Materials Engineering
  • Off-Campus/Mature Candidates


Selecting Your Ring Size, Fee and Invitations - Prior to Ceremony

Candidates on campus are asked to attend either of the two dates (March 4 and 6) to be sized and to select your ring. Please expedite the process by visiting a jewelry store to determine your ring size (the ring is worn on the pinky finger of one’s working hand).

The cost of the Iron Ring and Certificate is $30. Payment must be made online by February 28, 2025 via Estore -  chose "2025 Iron Ring" at the bottom of the page. Rings will be kept by Camp 11 until the morning of The Calling of an Engineering as they must not be worn until each Candidate has taken the Obligation.

You will have an opportunity on Tuesday, March 25th 4:30-5:30pm in CMLP Atrium, to exchange your ring for one of a different size. After that, ring exchanges must be done by appointment only – or by visiting the Iron Ring homepage.


Three (3) invitations have been reserved for each Candidate. Guest Ringers do not require an invitation. They will be approved an application. If you need additional Invitations, you will need to make arrangements with a fellow student (i.e. get him or her to give you one of his/her Invitations). Please return unneeded invitations to CMLP 2333 so that they may available to others on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Extra invitation pick up will be March 11 at 4:00-6:00pm in the CMLP Atrium, based on availability.

Please visit the Iron Ring homepage for additional important dates.

On the morning of Saturday, March 22, 2025

IMPORTANT PARKING INFO: Give yourself ample time to park as it will be quite busy on Campus with the Spring Open House at Western. Download a Western University campus map


11am Calling of an Engineer:

Arrive between 9:00 - 10:15am, proceed directly to the foyer in front of the SEB Annex (Spencer Engineering Building) to pick up your Ring and Obligation Card. The entrance to the SEB Annex is located directly adjacent to the Observatory. A final briefing for all Candidates will be held in Rooms SEB 1200 and 2200 starting at 10:40am. Please remember: Distribute any Guest Invitations prior to the final briefing as you will not see your guests before the Ceremony starting.

Candidates will then proceed formally together to Alumni Hall. You do not need to bring your Certificate with you to the ceremony. Please remember: Do not give your Ring to a Guest Ringer – keep it for the ceremony.


3pm Calling of an Engineer:

Arrive between 1:00 - 2:15pm, process directly to the foyer in front of the SEB Annex (Spencer Engineering Building) to pick up your Ring and Obligation Card. The entrance to the SEB Annex is located directly adjacent to the Observatory. A final briefing for all Candidates will be held in Rooms SEB 1200 and 2200 starting at 2:40pm. Please remember: Distribute any Guest Invitations prior to the final briefing as you will not see your guests before the Ceremony starting. 

Candidates will then proceed formally together to Alumni Hall. You do not need to bring your Certificate with you to the ceremony. Please remember: Do not give your Ring to a Guest Ringer – keep it for the ceremony.

Guest Ringers

Guest Ringers must:

  1. Have been obligated a minimum of five (5) years;
  2. Wear their Iron Ring;
  3. Apply by filling out a Guest Ringer Application by March 7, 2025 and have their eligibility verified. Once verified and approved, Guest Ringers will be notified via email by Friday, March 14.


11am Calling of an Engineer:

Arrive between 10:15 - 10:30am, enter through the Main (West) doors of Alumni Hall and once inside, proceed to the South Side doors of the auditorium and follow the "Guest Ringers" signs, to receive brief instructions and be seated in a separate area. Note: Guest Ringers must be Obligated Engineers, and must have filled out the online form by March 7. Everyone completing the form will be notified of their eligibility to ‘ring’ by end of business day March 14. Their name will be on a Guest Ringer list and do not require a printed invition. Fill out the online form here.


3pm Calling of an Engineer:

Arrive between 2:15 - 2:30pm, enter through the Main (West) doors of Alumni Hall and once inside, proceed to the South Side doors of the auditorium and follow the "Guest Ringers" signs, to receive brief instructions and be seated in a separate area. Note: Guest Ringers must be Obligated Engineers, and must have filled out the online form by March 7. Everyone completing the form will be notified of their eligibility to ‘ring’ by end of business day March 14. Their name will be on a Guest Ringer list and do not require a printed invition. Fill out the online form here.


11am Calling of an Engineer:

Arriving between 10:15 - 10:30am, enter the Main (west) doors of Alumni Hall and present your individual invitations. Guests will then be directed to the seating area. A ramp and an elevator are available to get to the public seating: enter through the main doors of Alumni Hall, turn right at the stairs to the seating area, take the ramp up and around a left turn to the elevator. Any children attending should be closely supervised to ensure silence is maintained throughout the hour-long ceremony.


3pm Calling of an Engineer:

Arriving between 2:15 - 2:30pm, enter the Main (west) doors of Alumni Hall and present your individual invitations. Guests will then be directed to the seating area. A ramp and an elevator are available to get to the public seating: enter through the main doors of Alumni Hall, turn right at the stairs to the seating area, take the ramp up and around a left turn to the elevator. Any children attending should be closely supervised to ensure silence is maintained throughout the hour-long ceremony. 

Dress Code

The Ritual of the Calling of the Engineer is a solemn ceremony. We ask Candidates and Guest Ringers to wear formal business attire, such as a suit, as would be worn for an employment interview.


The first ceremony starts at 11:00am sharp and after a brief post-ceremonial congratulations, should finish by 12:30pm. The second ceremony starts at 3:00pm and with a brief post-ceremonial congratulations should finish at approximately 4:30pm. NOTE: Once the Ceremonies have started, entrance to Alumni Hall will not be permitted, so be sure to arrive on time.


  • Computer Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechatronics Engineering
  • Software Engineering



  • Chemical & Biochemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Integrated Engineering
  • Mechanical & Materials Engineering
  • Off-Campus Candidates


Any special requests to change your ceremony time must be applied to by Saturday, March 1 by completing this form. If approved, you will be notified by Friday, March 1. Due to the volume of candidates, change of time requests are not guaranteed.


Out of respect, no photographs or videos should be taken during the Ceremony. Afterwards, ample time will be provided for photographs to be taken in the vicinity of the Anvil or Gonfalon (flag), on and around the stage. Candidates should advise their guests of this requirement.


IMPORTANT PARKING INFO: Give yourself ample time to park as it will be quite busy on Campus with the Spring Open House at Western.

Parking will be available at one of the lots below and can be found on Western's parking website:

  • Parking is highly recommended at Springett Parking Lot (west side of Western Road) and complimentary parking (no fee).
  • Huron Flats (located in front of TD Stadium) have complimentary parking (no fee)
  • Weldon Parking Lot - $1.50 per half hour, through Honk Mobile
  • South Valley Lot (beside the Western Sports and Rec Centre) which require stairs

Please visit the Western parking maps for accessbility parking.

Click here to view a Western University campus map.


Please contact the Wardens if you require information in an alternate format, or if any other arrangements can make this event accessible to you. Please email and provide us with the necessary information. A member of our team will then reach out to you.

Click here to view the Western Accessibility map.