176. Y. Li, H. Yadegari, X. Li, M. Banis, R. Li, X. Sun, Superior Catalytic Activity of Nitrogen-doped Graphene Cathode for High Performance Sodium-Air Batteries. Chem. Commun. 49 (2013) 11731-11733.(Inside Front Cover Page, highlighted by "Material stoday"; This paper was in the top 20 articles in this domain since 2013.)
175. X. Li, Y. Hu, J. Liu, A. Lushington, R. Li, X. Sun. Structurally Tailored Graphene Nanosheets as Lithium Ion Battery Anodes: an Insight to Yield Exceptionally High Lithium Storage Performance. Nanoscale 5(2013) 12607-12615.
174. D. Wang, J. Yang, X. Li, D. Geng, R. Li, M. Cai, T.-K. Sham, X. Sun, Layer by Layer Assembly of Sandwiched Graphene/SnO2 Nanowire/Carbon Nanostructures with Ultrahigh Lithium Ion Storage Properties.Energy Environ. Sci. 6 (2013) 2900-2906. (Back Cover Page)
173. J. Wang, Y. Li, X. Sun, Challenges and Opportunities of Nanostructured Materials for Aprotic Rechargeable Lithium-oxygen Batteries. Nano Energy 2 (2013) 443-467. (Top 25 most downloaded articles from Mar. to Jun. in 2013)
172. S. Sun , G. Zhang, N. Gauquelin, N. Chen, J. Zhou, S. Yang, W. Chen, X. Meng, D. Geng, M. Banis, R. Li, S. Ye, S. Knights, G. Botton, T.-K. Sham, X. Sun, Single-atom Catalysis Using Pt/Graphene Achieved through Atomic Layer Deposition. Scientific Reports 3 (2013) 1775.
171. G. Zhang, S. Sun, M. Cai, Y. Zhang, R. Li, X. Sun, Porous Dendritic Platinum Nanotubes with Extremely High Activity and Stability for Oxygen Reduction Reaction. Scientific Reports 3 (2013) 1526.
170. J. Wang, J. Yang, Y. Zhang, Y. Li, M. N. Banis, X. Li, R. Li, X. Sun, G. Liang, Interaction of Carbon Coating on LiFePO4: Local Visualization Study of the Influence of Impurity Phases. Adv. Funct. Mater. 23 (2013) 806-814.
169. K. Chang, D. Geng, X. Li, J. Yang, Y. Tang, M. Cai, R. Li, X. Sun, Ultrathin MoS2/Nitrogen-doped Graphene Nanosheets with Highly Reversible Lithium Storage. Adv. Energy Mater. 3 (2013) 839-844.
168. J. Yang, J. Wang, Y. Tang, D. Wang, X. Li, Y. Hu, R. Li, G. Liang, T.-K. Sham, X. Sun, LiFePO4/graphene as a Superior Cathode Material for Rechargeable Lithium Batteries: Impact of Stacked Graphene and Unfolded Graphene. Energy Environ. Sci. 6 (2013) 1521-1528. (Back Cover Page, highlighted by "Green Car Congress")
167. K. Prathish, M. Barsan, D. Geng, X. Sun, C. Brett, Chemically Modified Graphene and Nitrogen-doped Graphene: Electrochemical Characterisation and Sensing Applications. Electrochim. Acta 114 (2013) 533-542.
166. J. Liu, M. Banis, X. Li, A. Lushington, M. Cai, R. Li, T.-K. Sham, X. Sun, Atomic Layer Deposition of Lithium Tantalate Solid-State Electrolytes. J. Phys. Chem. C 117 (2013) 20260-20267
165. J. Wang, J. Yang, Y. Tang, R. Li, G. Liang, T.-K. Sham, X. Sun, Surface Aging at Olivine LiFePO4: a Direct Visual Observation of Iron Dissolution and the Protection Role of Nano-carbon Coating. J. Mater. Chem. A 1 (2013) 1579-1586. (Highlighted by "Scienceindex" and "Materialsviews"; Selected as a Hot Article for 2013 by Journal of Materials Chemistry A in the "Hot Article 2013 web collection")
164. M. Guo, D. Li, M. Zhao, Y. Zhang, D. Geng, A. Lushington, X. Sun, Nitrogen Ion Implanted Graphene as Thrombo-protective Safer and Cytoprotective Alternative for Biomedical Applications. Carbon 61 (2013) 321-328.
163. J. Liu, X. Meng, Y. Hu, M. Banis, D. Geng, M. Cai, R. Li, X. Sun, Controlled Synthesis of Zirconium Oxide on Graphene Nanosheets by Atomic Layer Deposition and its Growth Mechanism. Carbon 52 (2013) 74-82.
162. J. Liu, X. Li, M. Cai, R. Li, X. Sun, Ultrathin Atomic Layer Deposited ZrO2 Coating to Enhance the Electrochemical Performance of Li4Ti5O12 as An Anode Material. Electrochim. Acta 93 (2013) 195-201.
161. J. Wang, Y. Tang, J. Yang, R. Li, G. Liang, X. Sun, Nature at LiFePO4 Aging Process: Roles of Impurity Phases. J. Power Sources 238 (2013) 454-463.
160. M. Zhao, D. Li, M. Guo, Y. Zhang, H. Gu, X. Deng, R. Wan, X. Sun, The Different N Concentrations Induced Cytocompatibility and Hemocompatibility of MWCNTs with CNx Coatings. Surf. Coat. Tech. 229 (2013) 90-96.
159. J. Yan, Y. Sun, D. Li, M. Liu, L. Dong, M. Cao, C. Gao, N. Wang, X. Deng, H. Gu, R. Wan, X. Sun, High-temperature Stability of TiAlN/TiB2 Multilayers Grown on Al2O3 Substrates using IBAD. Surf. Coat. Tech. 229 (2013) 105-108.
158. M. Guo, D. Li, M. Zhao, Y. Zhang, X. Deng, D. Geng, R. Li, X. Sun, H. Gu, R. Wan, NH2+ Implantations Induced Superior Hemocompatibility of Carbon Nanotubes. Nanoscale Res. Lett. 8 (2013) 205.
157. Y. Li, X. Li, D. Geng, Y. Tang, R. Li, J.-P. Dodelet, M. Lefèvre, X. Sun, Carbon Black Cathodes for Lithium Oxygen Batteries: Influence of Porosity and Heteroatom-doping. Carbon 64 (2013) 170-177.
156. R. Li, Y. Zhang, X. Sun, Self-assembly Synthesis and Mechanism Investigation of Branched Core Shell Hybrids of Tin nanowires and Carbon Nanotubes. J. Mater. Res. 28 (2013) 969-975.
155. M. Mahdavi, L. Jiang, X. Sun, Nonlinear Free Vibration Analysis of An Embedded Double Layer Graphene Sheet in Polymer Medium. Inter. J. Appl. Mech. 4 (2013) 1250039.
154. Y. Zhong, Y. Zhang, R. Li, M. Cai, X. Sun, Facile Synthesis of Crystalline SnO2 Nanowires on Various Current Collector Substrates. J. Chin. Chem. Soc. 59 (2013) 1288-1293.
153. Y. Chen, J. Wang, X. Meng, Y. Zhong, R. Li, X. Sun, S. Ye, S. Knights, Pt/SnO2/Nitrogen-doped CNT Hybrid Catalysts for PEMFC: Effects of Crystalline and Amorphous SnO2. J. Power Sources 238 (2013) 144-149.
152. J. Zhou, H. Liu, F. Wang, T. Simpson, T.-K. Sham, X. Sun, Z. Ding, An Electrochemical Approach to Fabricating Honeycomb Assemblies from Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes. Carbon 59 (2013) 130-139.
151. X. Li, J. Liu, X. Meng, Y. Tang, R. Li, M. Cai, X. Sun, Significant Impact on Cathode Performance of Lithium-ion Batteries by Precisely Controlled Metal Oxide Coatings via Atomic Layer Deposition. J Power Sources 247 (2013) 57-69.
150. Y. Hu, X. Li, A. Lushington, M. Cai, D. Geng, M. Banis, R. Li, X. Sun, Fabrication of MoS2-Graphene Nanocomposites by Layer-by-Layer Manipulation for High-Performance Lithium Ion Battery Anodes. ECS J. Solid State Sci. Technol. 2 (2013) M3034-M3039.
149. Y. Hu, X. Li, J. Wang, R. Li, X. Sun, Free Standing Graphene-carbon Nanotube Hybrid Papers Used as Current Collector and Binder Free Anodes for Lithium Ion Batteries. J Power Sources 237 (2013) 41-46.
148. X. Meng, M. N. Banis, D. Geng, X. Li, Y. Zhang, R. Li, H. Abou-Rachid, X. Sun, Controllable Atomic Layer Deposition of One-dimensional Nanotubular TiO2. Appl. Surf. Sci. 266 (2013) 132-140.
147. Y. Hu, X. Li, D. Geng, M. Cai, R. Li, X. Sun, Influence of Paper Thickness on the Electrochemical Performances of Graphene Papers as An Anode for Lithium Ion Batteries. Electrochim. Acta 91 (2013) 227-233.
146. S. Sun, G. Zhang, X. Sun, M. Cai, M. Ruthkosky, Highly Stable and Active PtNb-TiO2 Carbon-Free Electrocatalyst for Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. J. Nanotechnology (2013) 389505.
145. J. Yang, J. Wang, Y. Tang, D. Wang, B. Xiao, X. Li, R. Li, G. Liang,T.-K. Sham, X. Sun, In-situ Self-catalyzed Formation of Core-shell LiFePO4@CNTs Nanowire for Ultra-high Rate Performance Lithium-ion Batteries. J. Mater. Chem. A 1 (2013) 7306-7311.
144. X. Meng, J. Liu, X. Li, M. Banis, J. Yang, R. Li, X. Sun, Atomic Layer Deposited Li4Ti5O12 on Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanotubes. RSC Adv. 3 (2013) 7285-7288.
143. J. Liu, Y. Tang, B. Xiao, T.-K. Sham, R. Li, X. Sun, Atomic Layer Deposited Aluminium Phosphate Thin Films on N-doped CNTs, RSC Adv. 3 (2013) 4492-4495.
142. X. Li, Y. Zhong, M. Cai, M. P. Balogh, D. Wang, Y. Zhang, R. Li, X. Sun, Tin-Alloy Heterostructures Encapsulated in Amorphous Carbon Nanotubes as Hybrid Anodes in Rechargeable Lithium Ion Batteries.Electrochim. Acta 89 (2013) 387-393.
141. M. Banis, S. Sun, X. Meng, Y. Zhang, Z. Wang, R. Li, M. Cai, T.-K. Sham, X. Sun, TiSi2Ox Coated N-doped Carbon Nanotubes for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells. J. Phys. Chem. C 117 (2013) 15457-15467.
140. M. Banis, X. Meng, Y. Zhang, Q. Xiao, M. Cai, R. Li, X. Sun, Tailoring Growth of Single Crystalline Complex Ta5Si3 Nanostructures: From Networked Nanowires to Nanosheets. Cyst. Growth Des. (2013) Accepted.
139. M. Banis, X. Meng, Y. Zhang, M. Cai, R. Li, X. Sun, Spatial Sequential Growth of Various WSi2Networked Nanostructures and Mechanism. (2013) J. Phys. Chem. C 117 (2013) 19189-19194.
138. Y. Zhong, Y. Zhang, M. Cai, M. P. Balogh, R. Li, X. Sun, Core-Shell Heterostructures of SnM (M=(Fe, Ni, and Cr) or Cu) Alloy Nanowires @ CNTs on Metallic Substrates. Appl. Surf. Sci. 270 (2013) 722-727.
137. Y. Zhang, D. Li, M. Zhao, M. Guo, X. Deng, X. Sun, D. Geng, H. Gu, Comparison in Cell and Blood Behaviors of Pristine, Carboxyl and Hydroxyl Functionalized Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes. Sci. Adv. Mater., 5 (2013) 1436-1443.
136. M. Guo, M. Li, X. Liu, M. Zhao, D. Li, D. Geng, X. Sun, N-containing Functional Groups Induced Superior Cytocompatible and Hemocompatible Graphene byy NH2 Ion Implantation. J. Mater. Sci.: Materials in Medicine 24 (2013) 2741-2748.
135. S. Zhang, D. Li, N. Wang, L. Dong, H. Gu, R. Wan, X. Sun, The Synthesis of Zr-Nb-N Hard Coating Using Multi-target Magnetron Co-sputtering, . Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 307 (2013) 119-122.
134. J. Yan, D. Li, L. Dong, C. Gao, N. Wang, X. Deng, H. Gu, R. Wan, X. Sun, The Modulation Structure Induced the Changes in Mechanical Properties of TiAlN/Al2O3 Multilayer. Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B 307 (2013) 123-126.