Engineering Now .: Volume 3 - Edition 2 .: September 2006
Western engineers really ‘jumped’ into the 2006-07 academic year

Jumping for a Cure :: The UES arranged to have four skydivers jump 10,000 feet in support of Shinerama and Terry Fox initiatives on Wednesday, September 6.
Western’s Undergraduate Engineering Society kicked-off the 2006-07 academic year in style. Goutom Data, UES President and the rest of his team, executed a well-planned and very exciting Orientation Week for first-year students.
The week included an official welcome from Dean Franco Berruti, a Women in Engineering Luncheon, a truck pull fundraiser at White Oaks Mall to raise money for Shinerama, and even skydivers jumping onto UC Hill.
The skydiving stunt, known as Jumping for a Cure, involved four skydivers from the Grand Bend Sports Parachuting Center diving out of an airplane, to raise money for Shinerama and Terry Fox. Here’s how it worked – UES members collected money from spectators on the ground. As more money was raised, more skydivers jumped. Close to $1,000 was raised, resulting in four skydivers diving from approximately 10,000 feet off the ground. All jumpers had a safe and successful landing on UC Hill.
Orientation Week Photos
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.: Allison Stevenson
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