Electronics Shop
Engineering Electronics Shop
ACEB 3440
London, ON N6A 5B9
Tel: 519-661-2111 (83332)
Hours of operation:
M - F: 8:30am - 5:00pm
(closed noon - 1:00 for lunch)
Resources for ECE 4416/ECE 4415/MSE 4499 Students
Registration is required for ECE and MSE capstone students to take advantage of the Electronics Shop services.
To register and inquire about parts or technical assistance please email for an appointment.
- ECE 4416: Ron Struke (rstruke@eng.uwo.ca)
- ECE 4415/MSE 4499: Eugen Porter (eporter@eng.uwo.ca)
Rules for using the ECE/MSE Capstone Project Room (CMLP 53):
- Access is by card reader - students must register and request room access.
- The last student to leave the room must turn off the lights and make sure all equipment (except computers) is turned off.
- Do not remove any equipment from the Project Room.
ECE/MSE Parts Request Form - If you are making a Digi-Key order please use digikey.ca, save your order to a cart and email the link to the cart to Eugen