Horia Hangan
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Amit Chakma Engineering Building,
Room 4400B
Western University
Tel: 519-661-2111 ext. 88136
Fax: 519-661-3339
Horia Hangan
My Research Group
Dr. Horia Hangan is a Professor in the Faculty of Engineering at Western University and the Founding Director of the Wind Engineering, Energy and Environment (WindEEE) Research Institute.
He received his Diplomat Engineering Degree in Aeronautics from the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania in 1985, continued his graduate studies at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland in 1991-1992 and obtained his Ph.D. in Wind Engineering at the Western’s Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory in 1996. After postdoctoral studies at Universite de Poitiers in France he rejoined Western in 1997 as a faculty member with the Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
In 2009, Professor Hangan received a 30 million dollar grant by federal (Canada Foundation for Innovation) and provincial (Ontario Research Fund) funding agencies to design and built the WindEEE Dome. WindEEE is a world novel facility meant to reproduce and study the impact of any type of wind systems on the man-made and natural habitat.
Professor Hangan’s research is in the simulation and impact of high intensity winds (downbursts and tornados), wind energy (sitting in complex terrain, wind turbine blade aerodynamics) and wind environmental impacts (atmospheric pollution-dispersion, particulate transport). He authored more than 200 journal and conference publications, acts as reviewer and is part of the Editorial Board of several international journals such as Journal of Fluid Mechanics, AIAA Journal, ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, ASME Journal of Solar (and Wind) Energy, Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics. Dr. Hangan is often invited as a guest speaker at international conferences in the Americas, Europe and Asia. He has received several awards among which the prestigious ASME Moody Award in 2010.