Christopher Power
Research Director
Geotechnical Research Centre
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Spencer Engineering Building
Room 3039A
TeL: 519-661-2111 x86048
Christopher Power
Assistant Professor
Ph.D., Western University, Canada (2014)
M.Eng., The University of Edinburgh (2007)
National Diploma, Waterford Institute of Technology (2004)
My Research Group
Research Interests
- Groundwater pollutant discharge to surface water
- Soil and groundwater contamination
- Fate and transport of contaminants in the environment
- Mine site closure and reclamation
- Environmental site characterization and monitoring
- Geophysical techniques (e.g., electrical resistivity, radar, electromagnetics)
- Coupling of multiphase flow, reactive transport and geophysical models
- Non-invasive detection of geomembrane-lined cover systems
- Urban stormwater management
Professional Highlights
- Assistant Professor - Western University, Canada (2019-Present)
- Research Geoscientist - Verschuren Centre, Cape Breton University, Canada (2014-2018)
- Research Assistant - Western University, Canada (2008-2014)
- Civil Engineer – Brocksan Limited, Ireland (2007-2008)
Professional Activities
- Lead Advisor, MEng in Environmental/Water Program
- Chair, Outreach Committee, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Member, CEE Appointments Committee
- Member, Faculty of Engineering Awards Committee
- Member, Engineering Culture Steering Committee
- Member of various professional associations (e.g., European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, American Geophysical Union, International Association of Hydrogeologists)
- Frequent reviewer of manuscripts for leading international journals (e.g., Water Resources Research, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, Near Surface Geophysics, Hydrogeology Journal)