

Postdoctoral fellow(s):

  • Hasara Samaraweera – Ice-melting performance and environmental effects of new non-toxic road de-icing salts. Nov 2023 - Present.

PhD student(s):

  • Dharma Raj Dhakal. Non-invasive imaging of methane emissions through landfill cover systems. Sept 2024 - Present.
  • Junwei Zhu. Geophysical mapping of road salt impacted groundwater discharging to the Great Lakes. May 2024 - Present (co-supervised with Dr. Clare Robinson).
  • Hamed Mohamadian. Performance assessment of exfiltration pipe systems for stormwater management. Sept 2023 – Present (co-supervised with Dr. Clare Robinson).

MESc student(s):

  • Melanie Blackburn. Performance evaluation of a new stormwater pre-treatment device during cold climates. Starts in Sept 2024.
  • Aiden Haskell - Performance evaluation of a new pre-treatment stormwater management device (co-supervised by Clare Robinson) 


PhD student(s):

  • Jiahao Wang – Smouldering performance and characteristics of porous media and fuel (co-supervised by Drs. Tarek Rashwan, Marco Zanoni, Jason Gerhard) [Apr 2024]
  • Seyed Ziaedin Miry – Multidimensional analysis of smouldering combustion: advancing understanding of smouldering characteristics in the context of STAR remediation of soil (co-supervised by Drs. Tarek Rashwan, Marco Zanoni, Jason Gerhard) [Dec 2023]
  • Angelos Almpanis – Characterization of organic compounds with DC resistivity and spectral induced polarization [completed Aug 2023]
  • Cris Edward Monjardin - Developing a tool for the prediction of manganese concentration in soil induced by water overflow from an abandoned open mine pit (Mapua University, Philippines; co-supervised by Dr. Delia Senoro) [May 2023]

MESc student(s):

  • Emily Verkuil - Ice-melting performance and environmental impacts of alternative road de-icing salts (co-supervised by Dr. Yolanda Hedberg) [Sept 2024]
  • Difan Su - Geochemical and geoelectrical monitoring of acid-generating waste rock [May 2023]
  • Darren Alvarenga - Hydrogeophysical monitoring of bioretention cell performance (co-supervised by Dr. Clare Robinson) [Sept 2022]
  • Maxwell Servos - Time-lapse monitoring of organic compounds with 3D surface-to-horizontal borehole ERT [Aug 2022]
  • Kyle Robinson - Understanding the physical properties influencing hyporehic exhange processes in groundwater-stream interactions (co-supervised by Dr. Clare Robinson) [Sept 2021]
  • Deanna Hersey - Comparative analysis of engineering cover systems for mine waste rock piles [Sept 2021]
  • Patrick Merritt – Evaluation and optimization of mine water treatment systems [May 2021]

MEng student(s):

  • Zhu Junwei - Monitoring the flushing of metals from mine waste rock with spectral induced polarization [Aug 2023]
  • Seyed Mohammad Hajiseyedjavadi - Pre- and post-remediation monitoring of acid mine drainage from a mine waste rock pile [Aug 2023]
  • Lubna Badri - Spatiotemporal evolution of heavy metals in environmental receptors impacted by acid mine drainage (co-supervised by Dr. Sabina Rakhimbekova) [Aug 2023]
  • Iman Shafieisarvestani - Geodetic mapping of water dynamics in underground mine workings (co-supervised by Dr. Bing Li) [Dec 2022]
  • Majid Zeydi - Sulfate plume modeling at acid mine drainage (AMD) impacted sites [Dec 2022]
  • Caitlin Corcoran - Electrical signatures of commonly applied de-icing compounds [Dec 2022]
  • Wenting Shu - Examining the homogeneity of DNAPL distribution in Pc-S experiments [Aug 2022]
  • Muneem Shahabuddin - The applicability of aquifer storage and recovery in Dhaka, Bangladesh [Apr 2022]
  • Xiaochun Liu - Recovery potential of rare earth elements from acid mine drainage water [Dec 2021]
  • Hasan Tavana - Assessing remedial performance at a waste rock pile site remediated with an engineered cover system [Aug 2019]

 Undergraduate student(s):

  • Nora Aitken - Assessment of stormwater management systems [Aug 2024]
  • Alexa Swales - Identification of road salt-impacted groundwater discharge zones to Lake Ontario [Aug 2024]
  • Melanie Blackburn - Ice-melting performance of alternative road de-icing salts [Apr 2024]
  • Tristan Paventi - Electromagnetic mapping of high salinity zones [Aug 2022]
  • Lauren Ing - Investigating surface-to-tunnel geophysics for improved imaging of bioretention cells [Apr 2022]
  • Sophie Chasse - Electrical signatures of PFAS compounds [Apr 2022]
  • Ethan Kamps – Streambed characterization with combined DC resistivity and induced polarization [Aug 2020]