Chris Power
Research Director
Geotechnical Research Centre
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Spencer Engineering Building
Room 3039A
TeL: 519-661-2111 x86048
Ongoing Research
- Freshwater salinization in urban environments
- Road salt impacts and performance of alternative de-icing salts
- Assessment and optimization of mine water treatment approaches
- Geochemical monitoring of remedial performance at former mine sites
- Comparative analysis of mine waste rock pile cover systems lined with geosynthetics
- Non-invasive imaging of geomembrane liner integrity
- Hydrogeophysical characterization and monitoring of environmental processess
- Detection and time-lapse monitoring of organic industrial compounds and remedial fluids
Key External Collaborators
- James Roy (Environment Canada and Climate Change, Canada)
- Panos Tsourlos (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece)
- Yolanda Hedberg (Western University, Canada)
- Cris Monjardin (Mapua University, Philippines)
- Cole Van De Ven (Carleton University, Canada)
- Xueyuan Kang (Nanjing University, China)
- Lee Slater (Rutgers University, USA)
- Antonis Giannopoulos (The University of Edinburgh, UK)
- Beth Mason (Verschuren Centre, Nova Scotia, Canada)
- Joseph MacPhee (Public Services and Procurement Canada)