MEng Program Policies and Procedures

  • Email

  • All official correspondence from Western will be sent to students' Western University email addresses (the "" email). A student may wish to forward mail from this account to a private email address for easy access.

    Email is the primary method of correspondence at Western, and so students are responsible for checking their Western University email accounts regularly. Any students who are unable to access their Western email address should contact Western Technology Services (WTS).

  • Personal Information and Immigration Status Updates

  • All personal information recorded in the Student Center must be up to date (phone number, address, emergency contacts, and Social Insurance Number).

  • International students who extend their study permit at any time during their studies at Western must provide SGPS with a copy of the new study permit (visit International & Graduate Affairs Building, Room 1N07, or email A scanned copy of the new study permit should also be emailed to

    Students who receive Permanent Residency status at any time during their graduate studies must provide proof of Permanent Residency to SGPS.

    Building Access

  • Building access is handled through the CEE Graduate Office. Access will not be issued to a student until all required health and safety training has been completed and proof is provided to the CEE Graduate Office.

  • Holiday/Vacation Leave

  • Full-time graduate students are expected to be active in the program for all three terms of the university year, as specified in the Senate Registration Policy. If a student will be spending time away from campus for any reason, they must complete and submit a Kuali Grad Student Off-Campus Request Form and receive approval from the Associate Chair (Graduate, Professional Programs).

  • Enrollment Letters

  • An MEng student wishing to obtain an enrollment letter must do so through the Office of the Registrar. Note that it typically takes about 4-5 business days for these letters to be issued (not including mailing time, if applicable).

Health and Safety

All students in the MEng program are required to complete the following health and safety trainings: 

  • Building Inclusivity through Anti-Racism
  • Cyber Safety Awareness
  • Safe Campus Community
  • Supporting Disclosures of Gender-Based and Sexual Violence
  • Worker Health and Safety Awareness
  • Laboratory Safety and Hazardous Waste Management (for students intending to register in the project-based MEng program only)

Students can access these trainings through the Graduate Student Health & Safety Training OWL site (OWL login required). All of the required trainings are listed in the Assignments tab of this OWL site.

After successfully completing a training, students will receive a certificate of completion. These completion certificates must be uploaded to the Graduate Student Health & Safety Training OWL site for training completion to be recorded.

All required trainings must be completed by the end of the second month of the first term of study.

Failure to complete the required health and safety trainings may result in student account deactivation. Students who have not completed their required trainings by the deadline will not be able to access any services at Western (the library, after-hours building access, the gym, etc.) until they have provided proof of training completion.

  • Academic Accommodation

  • If medical, compassionate, or other legitimate grounds prevent a student from fulfilling their academic responsibilities, they may request academic accommodation. To request academic accommodation, students must complete the Request for Academic Consideration form and submit this form, along with any supporting documentation, to the Office of the Associate Dean (Graduate).

  • For more information about the academic accommodation policy and to access the Request for Academic Consideration form, please visit the Request for Academic Consideration webpage.

  • Accessible Education

  • The academic accommodation process described above is meant for short-term, one-time situations which require accommodation. Students with disabilites who will require accommodation and support throughout their time in the MEng program must register for academic accommodation support with Accessible Education to receive ongoing accommodations.

  • Academic Records

  • Students should be aware it is their responsibility to regularly check their academic record and report any discrepancies to the CEE Graduate Office.  Every student has access to their academic record through the Student Center.

    Scholastic Offences

  • Members of the University community accept a commitment to maintain and uphold the purposes of the University, and in particular, its standards of scholarship. It follows, therefore, that acts of a nature that prejudice the academic standards of the University are offences subject to discipline. Any form of scholastic dishonesty, including plagiarism, that undermines the evaluation process, also undermines the integrity of the University's degrees. The University will take all appropriate measure to promote academic integrity and deal appropriately with scholastic offices.

  • Academic Appeals

  • A graduate student is entitled to appeal in any situation in which they feel that they were not treated fairly.  It is incumbent on the student to first attempt to resolve the matter informally, at the earliest opportunity, with the person in authority who is most immediately involved, e.g. the course instructor. In the event that a satisfactory resolution is not obtained, the student may then lodge a written appeal with the Associate Chair (Graduate), within four (4) weeks of the issuance of the mark or ruling.

  • More information about the Faculty of Engineering's graduate academic appeals procedure can be found on the Appeals Procedure webpage.

  • Senate Policy

    For more information and links to the complete scholastic offenses and academic appeals policies, please see the Senate Appeals and Discipline Policy.

  • Continuous Registration

  • A student enrolled in a graduate degree program must maintain continuous registration in the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies in each successive term from initial registration, until all requirements for the degree are completed.

  • All international graduate students must have a valid study permit.

  • MEng students are required to maintain a cumulative average of at least 70% to continue in the MEng program, with no individual course grades less than 60%.

  • Leaves of Absence

  • A student may apply for a leave of absence on medical, compassionate, or pregnancy/parental leave grounds, providing justification/medical certification to the CEE Graduate Office. Leave of absence requests are made through the Graduate Student Web Services Portal. The recommended deadline to apply for a leave of absence is one month prior to the start of term.

  • Pregnancy/Parental Leave

  • A graduate student may apply for up to 3 terms of leave, which must be started within 12 months of the date of birth or custody. Graduate students are eligible for a $1,500.00 pregnancy and parental bursary, provided they have been registered as a full-time graduate student for at least 1 term and are not receiving additional Tri-Council benefits.

  • Senate Policy

  • For more information, including details about categories of registration, taking a leave of absence, and program withdrawals, please see the Senate Registration Policy.

  • The Professional Masters of Engineering (MEng) program is a course-based degree comprising of 10 courses (for students enrolled in the course-based MEng program), or 8 courses plus a project (for students who enroll in the project-based MEng program). 2 of the courses taken will be professional courses, and the remaining courses will be technical courses.

  • MEng-Program.jpg
  • Proposed Program of Study Form

  • All MEng students must complete the Kuali Proposed Program of Study Form before the end of their first term of registration in consultation with the Associate Chair (Graduate, Professional Programs). A student must submit a revised form if any changes are made to the original Proposed Program of Study.

  • Students who do not submit a Proposed Program of Study by the end of their first term in the MEng program may be prevented from registering in further courses.

  • Civil Seminar

  • Civil Seminar lectures are held during the Fall and Winter terms. All MEng students are required to attend 70% of the Civil Seminar lectures (attendance average is calculated each term).

  • For more information, please visit our Civil Seminar webpage.

  • Students enrolled in the combined Masters of Engineering (MEng) Degree and Graduate Diploma (GDip) in Engineering Leadership and Innovation must complete the requirements for both the MEng and the GDip programs. For more information about the GDip program requirements, please visit the Thompson Centre Engineering Leadership and Innovation Graduate Diploma webpage.

  • MEng-GDip students complete 14 courses (for students enrolled in the course-based MEng program), or 12 courses plus a project (for students who enroll in the project-based MEng program). 6 of the courses taken will be professional courses (3 core and 3 elective), and the remaining courses will be technical courses.

  • Proposed Program of Study Form

  • All MEng-GDip students must complete the Kuali Proposed Program of Study Form before the end of their first term of registration in consultation with the Associate Chair (Graduate, Professional Programs). A student must submit a revised form if any changes are made to the original Proposed Program of Study.

  • Students who do not submit a Proposed Program of Study by the end of their first term in the MEng-GDip program may be prevented from registering in further courses.

  • Civil Seminar

  • Civil Seminar lectures are held during the Fall and Winter terms. All MEng-GDip students are required to attend 70% of the Civil Seminar lectures (attendance average is calculated each term).

  • For more information, please visit our Civil Seminar webpage.

  • Students enrolled in the MEng program may request to transfer into the combined MEng-GDip program by submitting the Kuali Change of Status Request Form. The deadline to request to transfer into the combined MEng-GDip program is the course enrollment deadline of the second term of study.

  • Students enrolled in the CEE MEng program may request to transfer into the CEE MESc program, provided that they meet the admission requirements for the MESc program, including securing a faculty supervisor. The transfer from the MEng to the MESc program must take place no later than the end of the second term of enrollment in the MEng program.

  • The funding eligibility period for the MESc program (6 terms) is counted from the date that a student starts a graduate program at Western.

  • Students transfering from the MEng program to the MESc program may request an exemption from up to 2.0 course credits (equivalent to 4 graduate courses) in consideration of graduate courses completed successfully as part of their MEng program. For more information about course exemption requests, please visit the Graduate Course Requirements and Exemption Policies webpage.

  • An MEng student who has secured a faculty supervisor and would like to transfer to the MESc program should email for more information and to begin the transfer process.

  • The Faculty of Engineering offers a Co-op option for the MEng program. MEng students who start the program in any of the three terms (Fall, Winter, or Summer) are eligible to apply to join the Co-op option.

  • The MEng Co-op program is managed by Western Engineering Career Services. For more information about the MEng Co-op program, including details about eligibility requirements and the application process, please visit the Western Engineering Career Services website.

  • Graduate course enrollment must follow a student's approved Kuali Proposed Program of Study Form (see the above sections on Program of Study for more information about completing this form). A student must submit a revised form if any changes are made to the original Proposed Program of Study.

  • Non-Engineering or Non-Civil and Environmental Engineering Degree

  • A student with a non-engineering or non-civil/environmental engineering background may be required to take additional courses to provide them with the fundamental knowledge necessary to complete graduate-level CEE coursework. These courses must be taken during the first term of registration in the MEng program.

    Course List and Schedule

  • The CEE course list and schedule will be available each term on the CEE website as well as the Graduate Course Schedules & Outlines OWL site (OWL login required). The course schedule may change, so it is advisable for students to check this site regularly.

  • Please visit our Course Drop webpage for more information about regulations related to dropping a course.

  • MEng students in the final term of their program must apply to graduate through the Student CenterSelect "Apply for Graduation" within the My Academics section and follow the instructions to complete the application process.

    There are three convocation dates each year: a convocation ceremony is held in the Spring (June) and the Fall (October), and there is an In Absentia convocation in February.

    Students who are not planning to attend their convocation ceremony in person should make their own arrangements with the Office of the Registrar to pick up their diploma or have their diploma held until they attend a future convocation ceremony. Graduating students can also order their diploma to be mailed to them through the Student Center.

  • For more information about convocation ceremonies and dates, please visit the Office of the Registrar's convocation webpage.