Departments and Units
Western Recruitment
Spencer Engineering Building
Room 2003
London, ON N6A 5B9
Tel: 519-661-2128
Western Engineering strives to provide as many resources as possible to our new and existing faculty members.
The Faculty of Engineering at Western University understands the important contirbution that new faculty members make in the University and the community in general. Our goal is to prepare our new faculty members for a successful and rewarding career at Western University and specifically Western Engineering.
Orientation is provided to all new hires by each individual Department. Furthermore, additional information is supplied by the Office of the Dean prior to the start of any appointment.
Information pertaining to Western University policies, and resources and our Western Engineering orientation checklist can be accessed through our Western Engineering - Human Resources Orientation website
Information on areas such as Family Support, Immigration, Relocation and Spousal Employment can be accessed through our Office of Faculty Relations Recruitment and Retention website.
Additionally, Below is a list of links to kep information that we hope will guide some of our newer faculty members on our policies/procedures at Western Engineering.