Undergraduate Studies
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Thompson Engineering Building
Room 279
London, ON N6A 5B9
Tel: 519-661-2111 (86264)
Undergraduate Studies

News & Events
ECE Student Receives Two Most Prestigious Awards
Congratulations to Jacqueline Le Feuvre, a fourth year ECE undergraduate student who has received two very significant awards from IEEE Power and Energy Society (PES).
Jacqueline has brought phenomenal recognition to ECE and the Faculty of Engineering at Western!
Global Undergraduate Awards
The 2021-22 ECE Capstone Project on “Efficient Charging System for Hyperloop Application” performed by four bright and dedicated students under the supervision of Professor Rajiv Varma has been selected as the Global Winner in the Engineering Category for the Global Undergraduate Awards.
These outstanding students have indeed made Western ECE very proud!
Baily Thompson
Bruce Gillespie
Adam Kidd
Parth Vachharajani