Undergraduate Studies
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Thompson Engineering Building
Room 279
London, ON N6A 5B9
Tel: 519-661-2111 (86264)
Undergraduate Studies

News & Events
ECE Student Receives Two Most Prestigious Awards
Congratulations to Jessica Ayers, an ECE undergraduate student who has received the two most prestigious IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) awards, the "2023 IEEE Power & Energy Society Scholarhsip", as well as the "2023 John W. Estey Outstanding PES Scholar Award". This is the second time in 12 years that a Western ECE undergraduate student in power systems has received any IEEE PES award.
Jessica has brought phenomenal recognition to ECE and the Faculty of Engineering at Western!
Anne-Marie Sahazizian Recipients
The Anne Marie Sahazizian Scholarship Fund was established in 2020 through the generous support of her children. This fund celebrates Anne-Marie’s outstanding contributions to the electrical engineering field and passion for supporting the next generation by increasing the number of well-qualified, entry-level engineers in the power and energy industry.
The 2023 scholarship recipient, Jessica Ayers, has indeed made Western ECE very proud!